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  1. 65513828 - landfordjohnmartin
  2. 65671434 - k.h.pot
  3. WINNER - 65683282 - SREM
  4. 65738471 - srasg56
  5. 65747735 - mar15ted
  6. 65766317 - kecharaan

65513828 - landfordjohnmartin


Dearest Sylvia:

I enclose press cuttings about my lecture. The Advertiser is the one of the girl you saw and waved the Derdin at - like a matador. Neither is entirely satisfactory as a report but I imagine this third person view of my activities will amuse you as it does me.

I am going to give the same lecture again tonight to the Redbourn characters that Harpendon has heard already. I am finishing this in the bus to St Albans where I am having dinner before the lecture. I am nearly there so must stop after saying I love you. Lawrence

65671434 - k.h.pot

Dearest Sylvia:
I enclose press cuttings about my lecture.
The Advertises is the one & the girl you
saw and moved the Derain at - like a
matador. Neither is entirely satis-
factory as a report but I imagine this
third / person view of my activities
will amuse you as it does me.

I am going to give the same lec-
ture again tonight in the Red-
bourn characters that Harperden has
heard already. I am finishing
this in the bus to St. Albans where
I am having dinner before the
lecture. I am nearly
there so must stop after saying
I love you

WINNER - 65683282 - SREM


Dearest Sylvia:

I enclose press cuttings about my lecture. The advertiser is the one of the girl you saw and waved the Derain at - like a matador. Neither is entirely satisfactory as a report but I imagine this third / person view of my activities will amuse you as it does me.

I am going to give the same lecture again tonight to the Redbourn characters that Harpenden has heard already. I am finishing this in the bus to St. Albans where I am having dinner before the lecture. I am nearly there so must stop after saying I love you


65738471 - srasg56

Dearest Sylvia
I enclose press cuttings about my lecture.
The Advertiser is the one of the girl you
saw and waved the Derain at - like
a matador. Neither is entirely satis-
factory as a report but I imagine this
third/person view of my activities
will amuse you as it does me.
I am going to give the same lec-
ture again tonight to the Red-
bourn characters that Harpenden has
heard already. I am finishing
this in the bus to St. Albans where
I am having dinner before the
lecture. I am nearly
there so must stop after saying
I love you

65747735 - mar15ted

[29-3-49] Dearest Sylvia: I enclose press cuttings about by lecture. the Advertiser is the one & the girl you saw and waved the Derain at - like a matador. Neither is entirely satisfactory as a report but I imagine this third/person view of my activities will amuse you as it does me. I am going to give the same lecture again tonight to the Redbourn characters that Nerperden has heard already. I am finishing this in the bus to St. Albans where I am having dinner before the lecture. I am nearly there so must stop after I love you Lawrence

65766317 - kecharaan

Dearest Sylvia:
I enclose press cuttings about my lecture.
The Advertiser is the one by the girl you saw and waved the Derain at- like a
matador. Neither is entirely satis-
factory as a report but I imagine this
third/person view of my activities
will amuse you as it does me.
I am going to give the same lec-
ture again tonight to the Red-
bourn daraders that Harpenden has
heard already. I am finishing
this in the bus to St. Albans where
I am having dinner before I'll
lecture. I am nearly
there so must stop after saying
I love you

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