- Max. dissimilarity: 0.115
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.077
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65460020 - KeriStephenson
- 65465049 - Pastor_Ruth
- 65531001 - JeremyX
- 65657461 - ChrisMM76
- 65662292 - k.h.pot
- WINNER - 65668343 - not-logged-in-6045b2d0d2984711cf08
- 65858193 - southsidesunny

65460020 - KeriStephenson
2me as a lover as you are with me as a Muse, beguiling, enchanting, dazzling me:
How can the fountains of my poems dry,
The glittering effusive jets
Quiver, subside and bend -
When I have Sylvia for Muse?
My muse inventing subjects with each smile,
Writing my sonnets with your tongue
while you do breathe and love I can command
An endless vocabulary of roses.
This is your gift, your argument for love,
So even when you hesitate, or fear,
I show my Muse in attitudes of love
For you have taught me the belief in love.
Now may my poems in their order be
An inspiration to my muse, my Love.
It is not very fine here today: the birds sing but the light is greyish. Is it bright enough at Pett for you to paint? Oh, how I did adore your new paintings, my marvellous creator. I want to write poems fit to stand with them - they are so fine, so living.
I love you, I love you
65465049 - Pastor_Ruth
2me as a loner as you are with me as a Muse, beguiling, enchanting, dazzling me:
How can the fountains of my poems dry,
The glittering effusive jets
Quiver, subside, and bend -
When I have Sylvia for Muse?
My muse inventing subjects with each smile,
Writing my sonnets with your tongue,
while you do breathe and love I can command
An endless vocabulary of roses.
This is your gift, your argument for love,
So even when you hesitate, or fear,
I show my Muse in attitudes of love
For you have taught me the belief in love.
Now may my poems in their ardor be
An inspiration to my muse, my love.
It is not very fine here today: the birds sing but the light is grayish. Is it bright enough at Pett for you to paint? Oh, how I did adore your new paintings, my marvelous creator. I want to write poems fit to stand with them - they are so fine, so living.
I love you, I love you
65531001 - JeremyX
2me as a lover as you are with me as a Muse, beguiling, enchanting, dazzling me:
How can the fountains of my palms dry,
The glittering effusive jets
Quiver, subside, and bend -
When I have Sylvia for Muse?
My muse inventing subjects with each smile,
Writing my sonnets with your Tongue,
While you do breathe and love I can command
An endless vocabulary of roses.
This is your gift, your argument for love,
So even when you hesitate, or fear,
I show my Muse in altitudes of love
For you have taught me the belief in love.
Now may my poems in their ardor be
An inspiration to my muse, my Love.
It is not very fine here today: the birds sing but the light is greyish. Is it bright enough at Pelt for you to paint? Oh, how I did adore your new paintings, my marvellous creator. I want to write poems fit to stand with them - they are so fine, so living.
I love you, I love you
65657461 - ChrisMM76
2me as a lover as you are with me as a Muse,
beguiling, enchanting, dazzling me:
How can the fountains of my poems dry,
The glittering effusing jets
Quiver, subside, and land -
When I have Sylvia for Muse?
My muse inventing subject with each smile,
Writing my sonnets with your tongue,
While you do breathe and love I can commend
An endless vocabulary of roses.
This is your gift, your argument for love,
So even when you hesitate, or fear,
I show my Muse in attitudes of love
For you have taught me the belief in love.
Now may my poems in their order be
An inspiration to my muse, my Love.
It is not very fine here today: the birds sing
but the light is greyish. Is it light enough
at Pett for you to paint? Oh, how I did
adore your new paintings, my marvellous
creator. I want to write poems fit to stand
with them - they are so fine, so living.
I love you, I love you Lawrence
65662292 - k.h.pot
2me as a lover as you are with me as a Muse,
beguiling, enchanting, dazzling me:
How can the fountains of my poems dry,
The glittering effusive jets
Quiver, subside, and bend -
when I have Sylvia for Muse?
My Muse inventing subjects with each smile,
Writing my sonnets with your tongue,
while you do breathe and love I can command
In endless vocabulary of roses.
This is your gift, your argument for love,
So even when you hesitate, or fear,
I show my Muse in attitudes of love
For you have taught me the belief in love.
Now may my poems in their order be
An inspiration to my Muse, my Love.
It is not very fine here today: the birds sing
but the light is greyish. Is it bright enough
at Pell for you to paint? Oh, how I did
adore your new paintings, my marvelous
creator. I want to write poems fit to stand
with them - they are so find, so lining.
I love you, I love you
WINNER - 65668343 - not-logged-in-6045b2d0d2984711cf08
me as a lover as you are with me as a Muse, beguiling, enchanting, dazzling me:How can the fountains of my poems dry,
The glittering effusive jets
Quiver, subside, and bend-
When I have Sylvia for Muse?
My muse inventing subjects with each smile
Writing my sonnets with your tongue,
while you do breathe and love I can command
An endless vocabulary of roses.
This is your gift, your argument for love,
So even when you hesitate, or fear,
I show my Muse in attitudes of love
For you have taught me the belief in love.
Now may my poems in their ardor be
An inspiration to my muse, my Love.
It is not very fine here today: the birds sing but the light is greyish. Is it bright enough at Pelt for you to paint? Oh, how I did adore your new paintings, my marvellous creator. I want to write poems fit to stand with them - they are so fine, so living.
I love you, I love you Lawrence
65858193 - southsidesunny
2me as a lover as you are with me as a Muse'
beguiling, enchanting, dazzling me:
How can the fountains of my poems dry,
The glittering effusive jets
Quiver, subside, and bend -
When I have Sylvia for Muse?
My muse inventing subjects with each smile,
Writing my sonnets with your tongue,
while you do breathe and love I can command
An endless vocabulary of roses.
This is your gift, your argument for love,
So even when you hesitate, or fear,
I glow my Muse in attitudes of love
For you have taught me belief in love.
Now may my poems in their order be
An inspiration to my muse, my love.
It is not very fine here today: the birds sing
but the light is greyish. Is it bright enough
at Pett for you to paint? Oh, how I did
adore your new paintings, my marvellous
creator. I want to write poems fit to stand
with them - they are so fine, so living.
I love you, I love you