- Max. dissimilarity: 0.149
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.114
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65557430 - Preacher357
- 65587875 - JennyLWren
- 65587901 - Batfan
- 65591936 - nosnibor3
- 65623831 - not-logged-in-09bf29c16f143e8449db
- 65656501 - not-logged-in-837786371debacfb5803
- WINNER - 65657334 - jaksen

65557430 - Preacher357
9th May 1949 LondonDearest Sylvia
Saturday night I missed the last train so
Paul and I had to stay the night in London. I
met a medley of Paul's friends, he seems
to be sure of meeting people after mid-
night, all homosexual and was
them amusing. The News of the World
was on sale outside Lyons' Carver House
at 2 o'clock. I sought the Observer at
4 o'clock and was pleased to find my re-
view of Mary Woodall in already. The
printer's ink was just dry.
So your lion spent quite a lot of
Sunday sleeping, but in the afternoon and evening, he
read Worringer's important book Form In
Gothic right through, making notes on it.
I feel perfectly well today, no headache,
no hangover, and I intendto work all after
65587875 - JennyLWren
9th May 1949Dearest Sylvia
Saturday night I missed the last train so Paul and I had to stay the night in London. I met a medley of Paul's friends - he seems to be sure of meeting people after mid-night - all homosexual and most of them amusing. The News of the World was on sale outside Lyons Corner House at 2 o'clock. I bought The Observer at 4 o'clock and was pleased to find my review of Harry Woodall in already. The printer's ink was just dry.
So your lion spent quite a lot of Sunday sleeping but in the afternoon and evening he read Warringers important book form Im gather right through, making notes on it. I feel perfectly well today - no headache, no hangover and I intend to work all after-
65587901 - Batfan
9th May 1949 LondonDearest Sylvia
Saturday night I missed the last train so
Paul and I had to spend the night in London. I
met a medley of Paul's friends - he seems
to be sure of meeting people after mid-
night - all homosexual and most of
them amusing. The News of the World
was on sale outside Lyons' Corner House
at 2 o' clock. I bought the Observer at
4 o'clock and was pleased to find my re-
view of Mary Woodall in already. The
printer's ink was just dry.
So your spent quite a lot of
Sunday sleeping but in the afternoon and evening he
read important book
right through, making notes on it.
I feel perfectly well today - no headache,
no hangover and I intend to work all after-
65591936 - nosnibor3
9th May 1949 LondonDearest Sylvia
Saturday night I missed the last train so
Paul and I had to stay the night in London. I
met a medley of Paul's friends - he seems
to be sure of meeting people after mid-
night - all homosexual and most of
them amusing. The News of the World
was on sale outside Lyons' Corner House
at 2 o'clock. I bought the Observers at
4 o'clock and was pleased to find my re-
view of Mary Woodall in already. The
printer's ink was just dry.
So your lion spent quite a lot of
Sunday sleeping but in the afternoon and evening he read Warringer's mportant book Farm Ion Gothic right through, making notes on it.
I feel perfectly well today - no headaches, no hangover and I intend to work all after-
65623831 - not-logged-in-09bf29c16f143e8449db
9th May 1949London
Dearest Sylvia
Saturday night I missed the last train so Paul and I had to stay all night in London. I met a medley of Paul's friends- he seems to be sure of meeting people after midnight - all homosexual and most of them amusing. The news of the world was on sale outside Lyons'Corner House at 2 o'clock. I bought the Observer at 4 o'clock and was pleased to find my review of wary Woodall in already. The printer's ink was just dry.
So you have spent quite a lot of Sunday sleeping but in the afternoon and evening he read Worringer's important book Form In Gothic right through, making notes on it. I feel perfectly well today - no headache, no hangover, and I intend to work all after
65656501 - not-logged-in-837786371debacfb5803
9th May 1949 LondonDearest Sylvia
Saturday night I missed the last train so Paul and I had to stay the night in London. I met a medley of Paul's friends - he seems to be sure of meeting people after mid-
nigth - all homosexual and most of them amusing. The News of the World was on sale outside Lyons' Corner House at 2 o'clock/ I bought the Observer at 4 o'clock and was pleased to find my re-view of Mary Woodall in already. The printer's ink was just dry.
So your lion spent quite a lot of Sunday sleeping but in the afternoon and evening he read Worringer's important book Farm Im Gothic Night Through, making rates on it.
I feel perfectly well today - no headache, no hangover and I intend to work all after-
WINNER - 65657334 - jaksen
9th May 1949 LondonDearest Sylvia
Saturday night I missed the last train so Paul and I had to stay the night in London. I met a medley of Paul's friends - he seems to be sure of meeting people after midnight - all homosexual and most of them amusing. The news of the world was on sale outside Lyons' Corner House at 2 o'clock. I bought the Observer at 4 o'clock and was pleased to find my review of Mary Woodall in already The printer's ink was just dry.
So your lion spent quite a lot of Sunday sleeping but in the afternoon and evening he read Worringer's important book, Form In Gothic right through, making notes on it. I feel perfectly well today - no headache, no hangover and I intend to work all after -