- Max. dissimilarity: 0.043
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.027
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65523145 - Freedom_99
- WINNER - 65592273 - not-logged-in-c3cc54c0b2618471967e
- 65649125 - LindaK0412
- 65654068 - BelleB
- 65656298 - scully_67
- 65682774 - not-logged-in-66d0bf01bb51fca0cbd8

65523145 - Freedom_99
iiifor I enjoyed it so. It was one of the public lectures but all the tickets were sold: but Clare got me in and, what's more, a seat. That is what I meant when I said 'smuggled'.
De Chirico is an odd man: polite, willing to smile, yet rather taciturn in a deep part of his mind, not on the surface. He has a dark olive complexion and a fine head of silver hair, flat on his head, and his nose is even longer than you think. I found it easy to reconcile his appearance now with the painter of the early works for there is, it seemed to me watching him fairly closely, a neurotic tendency to fidget interspersed with periods of majestic calm. He gives, mainly, an impression of detachment. It is easy to associate Romantic Anguish with him.
I am intrigued by the summer dresses you are preparing. The very old one which is in fashion again sounds a delight. As usual, of course, I feel I can't wait to see you in it.
What a good thing about Norman Haire and Clifford. I am pleased and it will encourage him very much I am quite sure. I looked for the new Sex Education in one or two shops but they only had the last number which Marjorie sent me. I shall get it soon though. What I have got is a little known Elizabethan poem called A Reuelation of the true Minerua: it is charming, I think you will like it.
WINNER - 65592273 - not-logged-in-c3cc54c0b2618471967e
iiifor I enjoyed it so. It was one of the public lectures but all tickets were sold: but Clare got me in and, what's more, a seat. That is what I meant when I said 'smuggled' .
De Chirico is an odd man: polite, willing to smile, yet rather taciturn in a deep part of his mind, not on the surface. He has a dark olive complexion and a fine head of silver hair, flat on his head, and his nose is even longer than you think. I found it easy to reconcile his appearance now with the painter of the early works for there is, it seemed to me watching him fairly closely, a neurotic tendency to fidget interspersed with periods of majestic calm. He gives, mainly, an impression of detachment. It is easy to associate Romantic Anguish with him.
I am intrigued by the summer dresses you are preparing. The very old one which is in fashion again sounds a delight. As usual, of course, I feel I can't wait to see you in it.
What a good thing about Norman Haire and Clifford. I am pleased and it will encourage him very much I am quite sure. I looked for the new Sex Education in one or two shops but they only had the last number which Marjorie sent me. I shall get it soon through. What I have got is a little known Elizabethan poem called A Revelation of the true Minerva: it is charming, I think you will like it.
65649125 - LindaK0412
iiifor I enjoyed it so. It was one of the pub-
lic lectures but all tickets were sold: but
Clare got me in and, what's more, a seat. That
is what I meant when I said 'smuggled.'
De Chircico is an odd man: polite, will-
ing to smile, yet rather taciturn in a deep
part of his mind, not on the surface. He
has a dark olive complexion and a
fine head of silver hair, flat on his head,
and his nose is even longer that you think.
I found it easy to reconcile his appearance
now with the painter of the early works for
there is, it seemed to me watching him fair-
ly closely, a neurotic tendency to fidget
interspersed with periods of majestic
calm. He gives, mainly, an impression of
detachment. It is easy to associate Romant-
ic Anguish with him.
I am intrigued by the summer dresses you
are preparing. The very old one which is in fas-
hion again sounds a delight. As usual, of
course, I feel I can't wait to see you in it.
What a good thing about Norman Haire and
Clifford. I am pleased and it will encourage
him very much I'm quite sure. I looked for
the new Sex Education in one or two shops but
they only had the last number which Marjorie
sent me. I shall get it soon though. What
I have got is a little known Elizabethan poem
called a Revelation of the true Minerva: it
is charming, I think you will like it.
65654068 - BelleB
iiifor I enjoyed it so. it was one of the public lectures but all tickets were sold: but Clare got me in and, what's more, a seat. That is what I meant when I said 'smuggled'.
De Chirico is an odd man: polite, willing to smile, yet rather taciturn in a deep part of his mind, not on the surface. He has a dark olive complexion and a fine head of silver hair, flat on his head, and his nose is even longer than you think. I found it easy to reconcile his appearance now with the painter of the early works for there is, it seemed to me watching him fairly closely, a neurotic tendency to fidget interspersed with periods of majestic calm. He gives, mainly, an impression of detachment. It is easy to associate Romantic Anguish with him.
I am intrigued by the summer dresses you are preparing. The very old one which is in fashion again sounds a delight. As usual, of course, I feel I can't wait to see you in it.
What a good thing about Norman Haire and Clifford. I am please and it will encourage him very much I am quite sure. I looked for the new Sex Education in one or two shops but they only had the last number which Marjorie sent me. I shall get it soon though. What I have got is a little known Elizabethan poem called A Revelation of the true Minerva: it is charming, I think you will like it.
65656298 - scully_67
iiifor I enjoyed it so. It was one of the pub-
lic lectures but all tickets were sold: but
Clare got me in and, what's more, a seat. That
is what I meant when I said 'smuggled'.
De Chirico is an odd man: polite, will-
ing to smile, yet rather taciturn in a deep
part of his mind, not on the surface. He
has a dark olive complexion and a
fine head of silver hair, flat on his head,
and his nose is even longer than you think.
I found it easy to reconcile his appearance
now with the painter of the early works for
there is, it seemed to me watching him fair-
ly closely, a neurotic tendency to fidget
interspersed with periods of majestic
calm. He gives, mainly, an impression of
detachment. It is easy to associate Romant-
ic Anguish with him.
I am intrigued by the summer dresses you
are preparing. The very old one which is in fas-
hion again sounds a delight. As usual, of
course, I feel I can't wait to see you in it.
What a good thing about Norman Haire and
Clifford. I am pleased and it will encourage
him very much I am quite sure. I looked for
the new Sex Education in one or two shops but
they only had the last number which Marjorie
sent me. I shall get it soon though. What
I have got is a little known Elizabethan poem
called A Reuelation of the true Minerua: it
is charming, I think you will like it.
65682774 - not-logged-in-66d0bf01bb51fca0cbd8
iiifor I enjoyed it so. It was one of the pub-
lic lecture but all tickets were sold: but
Clare got me in and, what's more, a seat. That
is what I meant when I said 'smuggled'.
De Chirico is an odd man: polite, will-
ing to smile, yet rather taciturn in a deep
part of his mind, not on the surface. He
has a dark olive complexion and a
fine head of silver hair, flat on his head,
and his nose is even longer than you think.
I found it easy to reconcile his appearance
now with the painter of the early works for
there is, it seemed to me watching him fair-
ly closely, a neurotic tendency to fidget
interspersed with periods of majestic
calm. He gives, mainly, an impression of
detachment. it is easy to associate Romant-
ic anguish with him.
I am intrigued by the summer dressed you
are preparing. The very old one which is in fas-
hion again sounds a delight. As usual, of
course, I feel I can't wait to see you in it.
what a good thing about Norman Haire and
Clifford. I am pleased and it will encourage
him very much I am quite sure. I looked for
the new Sex Education in one or two shops but
they only had the last number which Marjorie
sent me. I shall get it soon though. What
I have got is a little known Elizabethan poem
called A Revelation of the true Minerva: it
is charming, I think you will like it.