- Max. dissimilarity: 0.156
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.061
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65479860 - vanderfb
- 65480476 -
- 65493259 - not-logged-in-c1b0cf458d461236dbd9
- 65621480 - xuelee
- 65660462 - k.h.pot
- 65666462 - altheist

WINNER - 65479860 - vanderfb
Medallions of light
Start through the foliage
Likenesses of Apollo
Like chiffon at your throat
The blossom curls and crinkles
Your blossom is the frontispiece
Of a summer full of fruit
Of poems ripened in the sun
Falling into baskets of rhymes
Nervous and felicitous
Your blossom lies on the page
Like the blossom on the sky
Anthologist of beauty
(I wrote that with your new painting at my hand. It is a lovely addition to my collection.)
I went again to the American Express: it
65480476 -
Medallions of light
Start through the foliage
Likenesses of Apollo
Like chiffon at your throat
The blossom curls and crinkles
Your blossom is the frontispiece
Of a summer full of fruit
Of poems ripened in the sun
Falling into baskets of rhymes
Nervous and felicitious
Your blossom lies on the page
like the blossom on the sky
Anthologist of beauty
(I wrote that with your new painting at
my hand. It is a lovely addition to my col-
I went again to the American Express: it
65493259 - not-logged-in-c1b0cf458d461236dbd9
Sylvia in the OrchardMedallions of light
Start through the foliage
likenesses of Apollo
Like chiffon at your throat
The blossom curls and crinkles
Your blossom is the frontispiece
Of a summer full of fruit
Of poems ripened in the sun
Falling into baskets of rhymes
Nervous and felicitious
Your blossom lies on the page
like the blossom on the sky
Anthologist of beauty
(I wrote that with your new painting at
my hand. It is a lovely addition to my col-
I went again to the American Express: it
65621480 - xuelee
IISylvia in the Orchard
Medallions of light
Start throug the foilage
Likenesses of Apollo
Like chiffon at your throat
The blossom curls and crinkles
Your blossom is frontispiece
of a summer full of fruit
Of poems ripened in the sun
Falling into baskets of rhymes
Nervous and felicitious
Your blossom lies on the page
Like the blossom on the sky
Anthologist of beauty
(I wrote that with your new painting at
my hand. It is a lovely addition to my col-
I went again to the Amercasn Express: it
65660462 - k.h.pot
Medallions of light
Start through the foliage
Likenesses of Apollo
Like chiffon at your throat
The blossom curls and crinkles
Your blossom is the frontispiece
Of a summer full of fruit
Of poems ripened in the sun
Falling into baskets of rhymes
Nervous and felicitous
Your blossom lies on the page
like the blossom on the the sky
Anthologist of beauty
(I wrote that with your new painting at
my hand. It is a lovely addition to my col-
I went again to the American Express: it
65666462 - altheist
IISylvia In The Orchard
Medallions of light
Start through the foliage
Likenesses of Apollo
Like chiffon at your throat
The blossom is the frontispiece
Of a summer full of fruit
Of poems ripened in the sun
Falling into baskets of rhymes
Nervous and felicitous
Your blossom lies on the page
Like the blossom on the sky
Anthologist of beauty
(I wrote that with your new painting at my hand. It is a lovely addition to my collection.)
I went again to the American Express: it