- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.415
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65465908 - PenguinCo.
- 65498071 - Culebra78
- WINNER - 65505299 - vanderfb
- 65505349 - landfordjohnmartin
- 65506561 - not-logged-in-2a0b5e98a992a59b6168
- 65545008 - sdoes13

65465908 - PenguinCo.
VWhose intimate reflection
Flash in the folding waves.
Summer is faint and simplicity -
And have the parallel.
Perhaps is is a hint too long (the middle stanza may be unnecessary) but it uses the seahorse images with which we were surrounded today. No, more than that: the shore was more than a background in the way of Titian - it was something lyrical and integrated with us. The gold in the sea, the lean elegant perspective of the short, a sea-weed flower. Oh, it must be pages since I said how passionately and tenderly I love you - Sylvia, oh must, see how you inspire me when you have left me but 90 minutes ago.
We are at Tunbridge Wells. Oh, sorry Tunbridge Wells central! You will be making this journey soon.
65498071 - Culebra78
VWhose intimate reflections
Flash in the folding waves.
Summer if fruit and simplicity -
And Love the parallel.
Perhaps it is a bit too long (the middle stanza may be unnecessary) but it uses the seashore images with which we were surrounded today. No, more than that: the share was more than a background in the way of Titian - it was something lyrical and integrated with us. The gold in the sea, the lean elegant perspective of the shore, a seaweed flower. Oho, it must be pages since I said how passionately and tenderly I love you - Sylvia, oh muse, see how your inspire me when you have left me but 90 minutes ago.
We are at Tunbridge Wells or, sorry Tunbridge Wells Central! You will be making this journey soon.
WINNER - 65505299 - vanderfb
Vwhose intimate reflections
Flash in the folding waves.
Summer is fruit and simplicity -
And love the parallel.
Perhaps it is a bit too long (the middle stanza may be unnecessary) but it uses the seashore images with which we were surrounded today. No, more than that: the shore was more than a background in the way of Titian - it was something lyrical and integrated with us. The hold in the sea, the lean elegant perspective of the shore, a seaweed flower. Oh, it must be pages since I said how passionately and tenderly I love you - Sylvia, oh muse, see how you inspire me, when you have left me but 90 minutes ago.
We are at Tunbridge Wells. Oh, sorry Tunbridge Wells central! You will be making this journey soon.
65505349 - landfordjohnmartin
(v)whose intimate reflections
Flash in the folding waves.
Summer is fruit and simplicity -
And love the parallel.
Perhaps it is a hint too long (the middle stanza may be unnecessary) but it uses the seashore images with which we were surrounded today. No, more than that: the shore was more than a background in the way of Titian - it was something lyrical and integrated with us. The gold in the sea, the lean elegant perspective of the shore, a seaweed flower. Oh, it must be pages since I said how passionately and tenderly I love you - Sylvia, oh muse, see how you inspire me, when you have left me but 90 minutes ago.
We are at Tunbridge Wells. Oh, sorry, Tunbridge Wells central!
You will be making this journey soon.
65506561 - not-logged-in-2a0b5e98a992a59b6168
65545008 - sdoes13
Vwhore intimate reflection
Flash in the folding waves.
Summer is fruit and simplicity -
And love too parallel.
Perhaps it is a bit too long (the middle stanza may be unnecessary) but it uses the seashore images with which we were surrounded today. No, more than that: the shore was more than a background in the way of Tilian - it was something lyrical and integrated with us. The gold in the sea, too leon elegant perspective of the shore, a rea-weed flower. Oh, it must be pages since I said how passionately and tenderly I love you-Sylvia, oh muse, see how you inspire me when you have left me but 90 minutes ago.
We are at Tunbridge Wells. Oh, sorry Tunbridge Well Central! You will be making this journey soon.