- Max. dissimilarity: 0.088
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.05
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65494196 - cshepherd
- 65572870 - not-logged-in-cff7e53a6fa9b7c7fa35
- 65611171 - altheist
- 65692585 - EllaCate
- 65759274 - devoneg
- 65770413 - evanstonsherry
- 65833936 - Bambina41

WINNER - 65494196 - cshepherd
Dearest Sylvia,
We shall have to travel on the afternoon train (immediat-
ely after lunch) to Paris as the morning is booked up for
some time ahead. It is not too bad for we arrive in Paris
at 11 and I am going to find a hotel to write to if I can
but, in any case, there are plenty in the neighbourhood of
the Gare du Nord.
The train for Milan leaves the next evening so we should
use most of the time in Paris to rest but we can look at any-
thing you want to see in the afternoon. I am writing to
Alberzo Pre-Alpi, Via Agnallo, Milano, which Charles recom-
mended. But you might write yourself to the hotel you know
to be doubly sure - using the Blackheath address. I wish
you would.
Domsch recommends the Pensione Bandini, Piazzo S. Spirito,
9, Firenze to which I shall write. But Michael had better
write 'Poste Restante', in case they have no room.
I have booked and paid for the Rome to Venice via Bolog-
na journey and as a result have little money. Please, there-
fore, will you bring the 5 in currency you are allowed as I
have lots of foreign money but scarcely any sterling.
It seems likely that the American Bellinis may be included
in the exhibition. Barbara Coombes has an idea they are.
Oh, I hope so.
On Wednesday I imagine you will come in the afternoon or
late afternoon. Let me know the train exactly and I will
meet you at Eastbourne. Not at Hastings, which was my first
thought, for obvious reasons. Do not fear for the cost, it
will be small as I can get a cheap day ticket. Do allow me
to do this. Sharing the journey with you will make up for
the one to Hastings which I did not make with you last Spring
on a sudden invitation the same day. Tell me, if you know,
which end of the train you are likely to be.
I wonder if you would tell me, in a letter to reach me, if
possible, on Tuesday, any shopping I should do which you can
think of and which I might forget. You know what I am. Any
suggestions for sandwiches or small practical things, &c.
(I am leaving the veils to you, I imagine you know which will
suit me best...)
How are you managing about the dress. I hope you are able
to do it in time. What about the neckline? Square?
I keep humming A Love Like Ours - I have caught it back from
65572870 - not-logged-in-cff7e53a6fa9b7c7fa35
[22-5-49]Blackheath Sunday
Dearest Sylvia,
We shall have to travel on the afternoon train (immediately after lunch) to Paris as the morning is booked up for some time ahead. It is not too bad for we arrive in Paris at 11 and I am going to find a hotel to write to if I can but, in any case, there are plenty in the neighbourhood of the Gare du Nord.
The train for Milan leaves the next evening so we should use most of the in Paris to rest but we can look at anything you want to see in the afternoon. I am writing to Alberzo Pre-Alpi, Via Agnallo, Milano, which Charles recommended. But you might write yourself to the hotel you know to be doubly sure - using the Blackheath address. I wish you would.
Domsch recommends the Pensions Bandini, Piazzo S. Spirito, 9, Firenze to which I shall write. But Micheal had better write "Post Restante", in case they have no room.
I have booked and paid for the Rome to Venice via Bologna journey and as a result have little money. Please, therefore, will you bring the lb5 in currency you are allowed as I have lots of foreign money but scarcely any sterling.
It seems likely that the American Bellinis may be included in the exhibition. Barbara Coombes has an idea they are. Oh, I hope so.
On Wednesday I imagine you will come in the afternoon or late afternoon. Let me know the train exactly and I will meet you at Eastbourne. Not at Hastings, which was my first thought, for obvious reasons. Do not fear for the cost, it will be small as I can get a cheap day ticket. Do allow me to do this. Sharing the journey with you will make up for the one to Hastings which I did not make with you last Spring on a sudden invitation the same day. Tell me, if you know, which end of the train you are likely to be.
I wonder if you would tell me, in a letter to reach me, if possible, on Tuesday, any shopping I should do which you can think of and which I might forget. You know what I am. Any suggestions for sandwiches or small practical things, &c. (I am leaving the veils to you, I imagine you know which will suit me best...)
How are you managing about the dress. I hope you are able to do it in time. What about the neckline? Square?
I keep humming A Love Like Ours - I have caught it back from
65611171 - altheist
BlackheathDearest Sylvia,
We shall have to travel on the afternoon train (immediately after lunch) to Paris as the morning is booked up for some time ahead. It is not too bad for we arrive in Paris at 11:00 and I am going to find a hotel to write to if I can but, in any case, there are plenty in the neighborhood of Gare du Nord.
The train for Milan leaves the next evening so we should use most of the time in Paris to rest but we can look at anything you want to see in the afternoon. I am writing to Alberzo Pre-Alpi, Via Angnallo, Milano, which Charles recommended. But you might write yourself to the hotel you know to be double sure - using the Blackheath address. I wish you would.
Domsch recommends the Pensione Bandini, Piazzo S. Spirito, 9, Firenze to which I shall write. But Michael had better write "Post Restante". in case they have no room.
I have booked and paid for the Rome to Venice via Bologna journey and as result have little money. Please, therefore, will you bring the lb5 in currency you are allowed as I have lots of foreign money but scarcely any sterling.
It seem likely that the American Bellinis may be included in the exhibition. Barbara Coombes has an idea they are. Oh, I hope so.
On Wednesday I imagine you will come in the afternoon or late afternoon. Let me know the train exactly and I will meet you at Eastbourne. Not at Hastings, which was my first though, for obvious reasons. Do not fear for the cost, it will be small as I can get a cheap day ticket. Do allow me to do this. Sharing the journey with you will make up for the one to Hastings which I did not make with you last Spring on a sudden invitation the same day. Tell me, if you know, which end of the train you are likely to be.
I wonder if you would tell me, in a letter to reach me, if possible, on Tuesday any shopping I should do which you can think of and which I might forget. You know what I am. Any suggestions for sandwiches for small practical things, & C. (I am leaving the veils to you, I imagine you know which will suit me best...)
How are you managing about the dress. I hope you are able to do it in time. What about the neckline? Square?
I keep humming A Love Like Ours - I have caught it back from
65692585 - EllaCate
Dearest Sylvia,
We shall have to travel on the afternoon train (immediat-
ely after lunch) to Paris as the morning is booked up for
some time ahead. It is not too bad for we arrive in Paris
at 11 and I am going to find a hotel to write to if I can
but, in any case, there are plenty in the neighborhood of
the Gare du Nord.
The train for Milan leaves the next evening so we should
use most of the time in Paris to rest but we can look at any-
thing you want to see in the afternoon. I am writing to
Alberzo Pre-Alpi, Via Agnallo, Milano, which Charles recom-
mended. But you might write yourself to the hotel you know
to be doubly sure - using the Blackheath address. I wish
you would.
Domsch recommends the Pensione Bandini, Piazzo S. Spirito,
9, Firenze to which I shall write. But Michael had better
write 'Poste Restante', in case they have no room.
I have booked and paid for the Rome to Venice via Bolog-
na journey and as a result have little money. Please, there-
fore, will you bring the 5 in currency you are allowed as I
have lots of foreign money but scarcely any sterling.
It seems likely that the American Bellinis may be included
in the exhibition. Barbara Coombes has an idea they are.
Oh, I hope so.
On Wednesday I imagine you will come in the afternoon or
late afternoon. Let me know the train exactly and I will
meet you at Eastbourne. Not at Hastings, which was my first
thought, for obvious reasons. Do not fear for the cost, it
will be small as I can get a cheap picket. Do allow me
to do this. Sharing the journey with you will make up for
the one to Hastings which I did not make with you last Spring
on a sudden invitation the same day. Tell me, if you know,
which end of the train you are likely to be.
I wonder if you would tell me, in a letter to reach me, if
possible, on Tuesday, any shopping I can do which you can
think of and which I might forget. You know what I am. Any
suggestions for sandwiches or small practical things, &c.
(I am leaving the veils to you, I imagine you know which will
suit me best...)
How are you managing about the dress. I hope you are able
to do it in time. What about the neckline? Square?
I keep humming A Love Like Ours - I have caught it back from
65759274 - devoneg
Dearest Sylvia,
We shall have to travel on the afternoon train (immediately after lunch) to Paris as the morning is booked up for some time ahead. It is not too bad for we arrive in Paris at 11 and I am going to find a hotel to write to if I can but, in any case, there are plenty in the neighbourhood of the Gare du Nord.
The train for Milan leaves the next evening so we should use most of the time in Paris to rest but we can look at anything you want to see in the afternoon. I an writing to Alberzo Pre-Alpi, Via Agnallo, Milano, which Charles recommended. But you might write yourself to the hotel you know to be doubly sure - using the Blackheath address. I wish you would.
Domsch recommends the Pensione Bandini, Piazzo S. Spirito, 9, Firenze to which I shall write. But Michael had better write 'Post Restante', in case they have no room.
I have booked and paid for the Rome to Venice via Bologna journey and as a result have little money. Please, therefore, will you bring the 5 in currency you are allowed as I have lots of foreign money but scarcely any sterling.
It seems likely that the American Bellinis may be included in the exhibition. Barbara Coombes has an idea they are. Oh, I hope so.
On Wednesday I imagine you will come in the afternoon or later afternoon. Let me know the train exactly and I will meet you a Eastbourne. Not at Hastings, which was my first thought, for obvious reasons. Do not fear for the cost, it will be small as I can get a cheap day ticket. Do allow me to do this. Sharing the journey with you will make up for the one to Hastings which I did not make with you last Spring on a sudden invitation the same day. Tell me, if you know, which end of the train you are likely to be.
I wonder if you would tell me, in a letter to reach me, if possible, on Tuesday, any shopping I should do which you can think of and which I might forget. You know what I am. Any suggestions for sandwiches or small practical things, &c. (I am leaving the veils to you, I imagine you know which will suit me best...)
How are you managing about the dress. I hope you are able to do it in time. What about the neckline? Square?
I keep humming A Love Like Ours - I have caught it back from
65770413 - evanstonsherry
Dearest Sylvia,
We shall have to travel on the afternoon train (immediate-
ely after lunch) to Paris as the morning is booked up for
some time ahead. It is not too bad for we arrive in Paris
at 11 and I am going to find a hotel to write to if I can
but, in any case, there are plenty in the neighbourhood of
the Gare du Nord.
The train for Milan leaves the next evening so we should
use most of the time in Paris to rest but we can look at any-
thing you want to see in the afternoon. I am writing to
Albrezo Pre-Alpi, Via Agnall, Milano, which Charles recom-
mended. But you might write yourself to the hotle you know
to be doubly sure - using the Blackheath address. I wish you would.
Demsch recommends the Pensions Bandini, Piazzo S. Spirito,
9, Firenze to which I shall write. But Michael had better write "Poste Restante", in case they have no room.
I have booked and paid for the Rome to Venice via Bolog-
na journey and as a result have little money. Please, there-
fore, will you bring the L5 in currency you are allowed as I have lots of foreign money but scarcely any sterling.
It seem likely that the American Bellinis may be included
in the exhibition. Barbara Coombes has an idea they are.
Oh, I hope so.
On Wednesday I imagine you will come in the afternoon or
late afternoon. Let me know the train exactly and I will
meet you in Eastbourne. Not at Hastings, which was my first
thought, for obvious reasons. Do not fear for the cost, it
will be small as I can get a cheap day ticket. Do allow me
to do this. Sharing the journey with you will make up for
the one to Hastings which I did not make with you last Spring
on a sudden invitation the same day. Tell me, if you know,
which end of the train you are likely to be.
I wonder if you would tell me, in a letter to reach me, if
possible, on Tuesday, any shopping I should do which you can
think of and I might forget. You know what I am. Any
suggestions for sandwiches or small practical things, &c.
(I am leaving the veils to you, I imagine you know which will
suit me best...)
How are you managing about the dress. I hope you are able
to do it in time. What about the neckline? Square?
I keep humming A Love Like Ours - I have caught it back from
65833936 - Bambina41
Dearest Sylvia,
We shall have to travel on the afternoon train (immediately after lunch) to Paris as the morning is booked up for some time ahead. It is not too bad for we arrive in Paris at 11 and I am going to find a hotel to write to if I can but, in any case, there are plenty in the neighborhood of the Gare du Nord.
The train for Milan leaves the next evening so we should use most of the time in Paris to rest but we can look at anything you want to see in the afternoon. I am writing to Alberzo Pre-Alpi, Via Agnallo, Milano, which Charles recommended. But you might write yourself to the hotel you know to be doubly sure -using the Blackheath address. I wish you would.
Domsch recommends the Pensione Bandini, Piazzo S. Spirito, 9, Firenze to which I shall write. But Michael had better write 'Poste Restante', in case they have no room.
I have booked and paid for the Rome to Venice via Bologna journey and as a result have little money. Please, therefore, will you bring the 5 pounds(symbool) in currency you are allowed as I have lots of foreign money but scarcely any sterling.
It seems likely that the American Bellinis may be included in the exhibition. Barbara Coombes has an idea they are. Oh, I hope so.
On Wednesday I imagine you will come in the afternoon or late afternoon. Let me know the train exactly and I will meet you as Eastbourne. Not at Hastings, which was my first thought, for obvious reasons. Do not fear for the cost, it will be small as I can get a cheap day ticket. Do allow me to do this. Sharing the journey with you will make up for the one to Hastings which I did not make with you last Spring on a sudden invitation the same day. Tell me, if you know, which end of the train you are likely to be.
I wonder if you would tell me, in a letter to reach me, if possible, on Tuesday, any shopping I should do which you can think of and which I might forget. You know what I am. Any suggestions for sandwiches or small practical things, &c. (I am leaving the veils to you, I imagine you know which will suit me best...)
How are you managing about the dress. I hope you able to do it in time. What about the neckline? Square ?
I keep humming A Love Like Ours-I have caught it back from