- Max. dissimilarity: 0.143
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.074
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65466841 - Pastor_Ruth
- 65495485 - not-logged-in-c21c1b0e3b240ee8678e
- 65576619 - Afanafritos
- 65677561 -
- WINNER - 65680663 - k.h.pot
- 65705744 - LaraM

65466841 - Pastor_Ruth
I am sorry for the confusion that resulted, if I am not mistaken, in your receiving a letter intended for the Barber Institute. Let me know if it was that or a letter for Gibson I sent you so that I can send an appropriate apology if one is due to anybody. Poor old Dandylion, all this letter-writing is too much for him! He has been busy this morning and has now quite finished his Gainsborough articles and intends to do a short one on the Vienna Tapestries as well today.
Your registered letter came this morning. I will go to London tomorrow and get the tea then. I will send off the tea then or, if I am late, Saturday morning. You should have it by Monday morning, anyway.
Yes, I will be delighted to meet you. Anywhere you wish, at terminius, wayside halt, on the coast.
Yesterday I had tea with Charles so that's over. Then in the evening Paul and I went to see Nahum Tate's adaption of King Lear which is really admirable. For the most part it can taken quite seriously in its Dry-
denesque character. There is one funny bit,however, when Regan says to Edmund, after he has betrayed his father, and is simulating great grief:
There is a grotto in the lower grove
With privacy to suit a mourner's thoughts.
Charming is it not
From the Library I have that splendid new book The Taste of Angels, which is about taste and patronage. I have also bought a 2nd-hand copy, at half-price, of Roof Bosses in Medieval Churches which was a great find.
65495485 - not-logged-in-c21c1b0e3b240ee8678e
14th July BlacksmithDearest Sylvia
I am sorry for the confusion that resulted, if I am not mistaken, in your receiving a letter intended for the Barber Institute. Let me know if it was that or a latter for Gibson I sent you so that I can send an appropriate apology if one is due to anybody. Poor old Dandylion, all, all the letter-writing is too much for him! He has been busy this morning and has now quite finished his Gainsborough articles and intends to do a short one of the Vienna Tapestries as well today.
Your registered letter came this morning. I will go to London tomorrow and get the tea then. I will send off the tea then or, if I am late, Saturday morning. You should have it by Monday morning, anyway.
Yesterday I had tea with Charles so that's over. Then in the evening Paul and I went to see Nahum Tate's adaption of King Lear, which is really admirable. For the most part it can be taken quite seriously in its Drydenesque character. There is one funny bit, however, when Regan says to Edmund, after he has betrayed his father, and is simulating great grief:
There is a grotto in the lower grove with
privacy to suit a mourner's thoughts.
Charming is it not?
From the library I have that splendid new book "The taste of Angels", which is about taste and patronage. I also have bought a second hand copy, at half-price, of Roof Bosses in Medieval Churches which was a great find.
65576619 - Afanafritos
I am sorry for the confusion that resulted, if I am not mistaken, in your receiving a letter intended for the Barber Institute. Let me know if it was that or a letter for Gibson I sent you so that I can send and appropiate apology if one is due to anybody. Poor old Dandylion, all this letter-writing is too much for him! He has been busy this morning and has now quite finished his Gainsborough articles and inteds to do a short one of the Vienna Tapestries as well today.
Your registered letter came this morning. I will go to London tomorrow and get the tea then. I will send off the tea then or, if I Am late, Saturday morning. You should have it by Monday morning, anyway.
Yes, I will be delighted to meet you. Anywhere you wish, at terminius, wayside halt, on the coast. Anywherte. I await your next news.
Yesterday I had tea with Charles so that's over. Then in the evening Paul and I went to see Nahum Tate's adaptation of King Lear wich is really admirable. For the most part it can be taken quite seriously in its Dry denesque character. Ther is one funny bit, however, when Regan says to Edmund, after he has betrayed his father, and is simulating great grief:
There is a grotto in the lower grove
With privacy to suit a mourner's thoughts.
Charming is it not?
From the Library I have that splendid new book The Taste of Angels, which is about taste and patronage. I also have bought a 2ND-hand copy, at half-price, of Roof Bosses in Medieval Churches whick was a great find.
65677561 -
I am sorry for the confusion that resulted, if I
am not mistaken, in your receiving a letter intended
for the Barber Institute. Let me know if it was that
or a letter for Gibson I sent you so that I can send an
appropriate apology if one is due to anybody. Poor
old Dandylion, all this letter-writing is too mch for
him: He has been busy this morning and has now quite
finished his Gainsborough articles and intends to do a
short one of the Vienne Tapestries as well today.
Your registered letter came this morning. I will
go to London tomorrow and get the tea then. I will send off
the tea then or, if I am late, Saturday morning.
You should have it by Monday morning, anyway.
Yes, I will be delighted to meet you. Anywhere
you wish, at terminius, wayside halt, on the coast.
Anywhere. I await your next news.
Yesterday I had tea with Charles so that's over.
Then in the evening Paul and I went to see Nahum Tate's
adapation of King Lear which is really admirable. For
the most part it can be taken quite seriously in its Dry-
denesque character. There is one funny bit,however, when
Regan says to Edmund, after he has betrayed his father,
and is simulating great grief:
There is a grotto in the lower grove
With privacy to suit a mourner's thoughts.
Charming is it not?
From the Library I have that splendid new book The
Taste of Angels, which is about taste and patronage.
I also have bought a 2nd-hand copy, at half-price, of
Roof Bosses in Medieval Churches which was a geat find.
WINNER - 65680663 - k.h.pot
I am sorry for the confusion that resulted, if I
am not mistaken, in your receiving a letter intended
for the Barber Institute. Let me know if it was that
or a letter for Gibson I sent you so that I can send an
appropriate apology if one is due to anybody. Poor
old Dandylion, all this letter-writing is too much for
him! He has been busy this morning and has now quite
finished his Gainsborough articles and intends to do a
short one on the Vienna Tapestries as well today.
Your registered letter came this morning. I will
go to London tomorrow and get the tea then. I will send off
the tea then or, if I am late, Saturday morning.
You should have it by Monday morning, anyway.
Yes, I will be delighted to meet you. Anywhere
you wish, at terminius, wayside halt, on the coast.
Anywhere. I await your next news.
Yesterday I had tea with Charles so that's over.
Then in the evening Paul and I went to see Nahum Tate's
adaptation of King Lear which is really admirable. For
the most part it can be taken quite seriously in its Dry-
denesque character. There is one funny bit, however, when
Regan says to Edmund, after he has betrayed his father,
and is simulating great grief:
There is a grotto in the lower grove
With privacy to suit a mourner's thoughts.
Charming is it not?
From the Library I have that splendid new book The Taste of Angels, which is about taste and patronage.
I also have bought a 2nd-hand copy, at half-price, of
Roof Bosses in Medieval Churches which was a great find.
65705744 - LaraM
14th July BlackheathDEAREST SYLVIA
I am sorry for the confusion that resulted, if I am not mistaken, in your receiving a letter intended for the Barber Institute. Let me know if it was that or a letter for Gibson I sent you so that I can send an appropriate apology if one is due to anybody. Poor old Dandylion, all this letter-writing is too much for him! he has been busy this morning and has now quite finished his Gainsborough articles and intends to do a short one on the Vienna Tapestries as well today.
Your registered letter came this morning. I will go to London tomorrow and get the tea then. I will send off the tea then or, if I am late, Saturday morning. You should have it by Monday morning, anyway.
Yes, I will be delighted to meet you. Anywhere you wish, at terminius, wayside halt, on the coast. Anywhere. I await your next news.
Yesterday I have tea with Charles so that's over. Then in the evening Paul and I went to see Nahum Tate's adaptation of King Lear which is really admirable. For the most part it can be taken quite seriously in its Drydenesque character. There is one funny bit, however, when Regan says to Edmund, after he has betrayed his father, and is simulating great grief:
There is a grotto in the lower grove
With privacy to suit a mourner's thoughts.
Charming is it not?
From the Library I have that splendid new book The Taste of Angels, which is about taste and patronage. I also have bought a 2nd-hand copy, at half-price, of Roof Bosses in Medieval Churches which was a great find.