- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.369
- Image votes: 1.0
- 65491606 - Culebra78
- 65506412 - not-logged-in-2a0b5e98a992a59b6168
- 65529311 - JeremyX
- 65544500 - not-logged-in-ee26159bf2fb5444e582
- WINNER - 65559190 - Raunita
- 65569303 - not-logged-in-74f0eca31d636e97da6c

65491606 - Culebra78
IItapestries (pure mannerism) that they are 'gull of movement', 'full of imagery', (specifying neither) and that they anticipate the Baroque by a hundred or a hundred and fifty years. (That puts the date of Baroque art at some years after Rubens' death or, even, at the start of the 18th century...). He dismisses 'mere reason' (the phrase is his) as an encumbrance to appreciation. Historical knowledge, he says, useless. Certainly, his own is useless.
Eleven o'clock has just chimed. I wonder if you are thinking of me. We used to at this time. My aggressive feeling towards Pearce as a lecturer is banished quite, to be replaced by a desire for you, a longing to see you. I visualize you so clearly. I place you in possible landscapes or room at Pett. I imagine you, here, too. Especially here, among your pictures.
Before getting down to work I must go and shop. I will post this so as to catch the second collection. I'm afraid my letter before this one was posted late yesterday so you may not have it while I write this.
I adore you, my rose, my Venus, for now that Goddess has your features implanted in imagination by your splendid picture of her.
I love you - Lawrence
(Dandylion goig off shopping (in a blue bow)
65506412 - not-logged-in-2a0b5e98a992a59b6168
65529311 - JeremyX
IItapestries (pure mannerism) that they are 'full of move-
ment', 'full of imagery', (specifying neither) and that they anticipate the Baroque by a hundred or a hundred and fifty years. (That puts the date of Baroque art at some years after Rubens' death or, even, at the start of the 18th century...) He dis-
misses 'mere reason' (the phrase is his) as an incum-
berance to appreciation. Historical knowledge, he says, useless. Certainly, his own is useless.
Eleven o'clock has just chimed. I wonder if you are thinking of me. We used to at this time. My aggressive feeling towards Pearce as a lecturer is banished quite, to be replaced by a desire for you, a longing to see you. I visualise you so clearly. I place you in possible landscapes or rooms at Pett. I imagine you, here, too. Especially here, among your pictures.
Before getting down to work I must go and shop. I will post this so as to catch the second collection. I'm afraid my letter before this one was posted late yesterday so you may not have it while I write this.
I adore you, my rose, my Venus, for now the God-
dess has your features implanted in imagination by your splendid picture of her.
I love you
Dandylion going off shopping (in a Blue bow)
65544500 - not-logged-in-ee26159bf2fb5444e582
tapestries (pure mannerism) that they are 'full of movement', 'full of imagery', (specifying neither) and that they anticipate the Baroque by a hundred or a hundred and fifty years. (That puts the date of Baroque art at some years after Rubens' death, or, even, at the start of the 18th century . . .) He dismisses 'mere reason' (the phrase is his) as an incumberance to appreciation. Historical knowledge, he says, useless. Certainly, his own is useless.Eleven o'clock has just chimed. i wonder if you are thinking of me. We used to at this time. My aggressive feeling towards Pearce as a lecturer is banished quite, to be replaced by a desire for you, a longing to see you. I visualise yo so clearly. I place you in possible landscapes or rooms at Pett. I imagine you, here, too. Especially here, among your pictures.
Before getting down to work I must go and shop. I will post this so as to catch the second collection. I'm afraid my letter before this one was posted late yesterday so you may not have it while I write this.
I adore you, my rose, my Venus, for now that God-dess has your features implanted in imagination by your splendid picture of her.
I love you.
Dandy lion going off shopping (in a blue bow).
WINNER - 65559190 - Raunita
IItapestries (pure mannerism) that they are 'full of movement', 'full of imagery', (specifying neither) and that they anticipate the Baroque by a hundred or a hundred and fifty years. (That puts the date of Baroque art at some years after Rubens' death or, event, at the start of the 18th century...) He dismisses 'mere reason' (the phrase is his) as an incumberance to appreciation. Historical knowledge, he says, useless. Certainly, his own is useless.
Eleven o'clock has just chimed. I wonder if you are thinking of me. We used to at this time. My aggressive feeling towards Pearce as a lecturer is banished quite, to be replaced by a desire for you, a longing to see you. I visualize you so clearly. I place you in possible landscapes or rooms at Pett. I imagine you, here, too. Especially here, among your pictures.
Before getting down to work I must go and shop. I will post this so as to catch the second collection. I'm afraid my letter before this one was posted late yesterday so you may not have it while I write this.
I adore you, my rose, my Venus, for now that Goddess has your features implanted in imagination by your splendid picture of her.
I love you
Dandylion going off
shopping I in a blue bow)
65569303 - not-logged-in-74f0eca31d636e97da6c
tapestries (pure mannerism) that they are 'full of movement,' 'full of imagery,' (specifying neither) and that they anticipate the Baroque by a hundred or a hundred and fifty years. (That puts the date of Baroque art at some years after Rubens' death or, even, at the start of the 18th century...) He dismisses 'mere reason' (the phrase is his) as an incumbrance to appreciation. Historical knowledge, he says, useless. Certainly, his own is useless.Eleven o'clock has just chimed. I wonder if you are thinking of me. We used to at this time. My aggressive feeling towards Pearce as a lecturer is banished quite, to be replaced by a desire for you, a longing to see you. I visualize you so clearly. I place you in possible landscapes or rooms at Pett. I imagine you, here, too. Especially here, among your pictures.
Before getting down to work I must go and shop. I will post this so as to catch the second collection. I'm afraid my letter before this one was posted late yesterday so you may not have it while I write this.
I adore you, my rose, my Venus, for now that Goddess has your features implanted in imagination by your splendid picture of her.