- Max. dissimilarity: 0.08
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.056
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65488128 - ChrisMM76
- 65500184 - LindaK0412
- WINNER - 65526885 - not-logged-in-d4751df99d11cc141744
- 65541395 - cookie1jo
- 65542536 - Veru_Bouvet
- 65592295 - Neilreplacement

65488128 - ChrisMM76
Blackheath 21 ix 1949Dearest Sylvia,
Your two letters have just come and thank you for
them so much. Especially the first one which is charm-
ing and loving. You must read the poems once more for
you have misread In Defence of Water if you find anything
of dissatisfaction it it. It is a description of how
happy I was loving you, expressed in terms as if Water
were a neglected minor painter whom we wished to re-
habilitate. Certainly the one about Time was divided
but not the other: read it again immediately, please.
'Look not Westward to the fall of Don Phoebus,
but to the East; Eastward Hoe'. (Chapman)
Like gardeners sleepy on the cliff
Appearing upsidedown to the birds
The poet sleeps through the laws of speech
Ennuciated by the stones
And planetary totems:
Syntax is the beachboud shells
I make as formal as a sigh
Or a gesture of repose
All the lasitude of reason
Careless and certain of its news.
Aubades are endless and profane
Exclude regressive visitors
To the market of the sky.
Dew dissolves the slaves of bitumin.
Cantatas bubble in the air.
The corridor of dream and day
Is out province and our centre
with blue mosaics underfoot:
Magic carpets and gold birds
Spin their cartwheels in the sky
When I wake to Sylvia.
65500184 - LindaK0412
Blackheath 21 ix 1949Dearest Sylvia,
Your two letters have just come and thank you for
them so much. Especially the first one which is charm-
ing and loving. You must read the poems once more for
you have misread In Defence of Water if you find anything
of dissatisfaction it it. It is a description of how
happy I was loving you, expressed in terms as if Water
were a neglected minor painter whom we wished to re-
habilitate. Certainly the one about Time was divided
but not the other: read it again immediately, please.
'Looke not Westward to the fall of Don Phoebus,
but to the East; Eastward Hoe'. (Chapman,)
Like gardeners sleepy on the cliff
Appearing upside down to birds
The poet sleeps through laws of speech
Enunciated by the stones
And planetary totems:
Syntax is the beach bound shells
I make as formal as a sigh
Or a gesture of repose
All the lassitude of reason
Careless and certain of its news.
Aubades are endless and profane
Exclude regressive visitors
To the market of the sky.
Dew dissolves the slaves of bitumin.
Cantatas bubble in the ear.
The corridor of dream and day
Is our province and our centre
With blue mosaics underfoot:
Magic carpets and gold birds
Spin their cartwheels in the sky
When I wake to Sylvia.
WINNER - 65526885 - not-logged-in-d4751df99d11cc141744
Blackheath21 ix 1949
Dearest Sylvia,
Your two letters have just come and thank you for them so much. Especially the first one which is charm-
ing and loving. You must read the poems once more for you have misread In Defence of Water if you find anything of dissatisfaction it it. It is a description of how happy I was loving you, expressed in terms as if Water were a neglected minor painter whom we wished to re-
habilitate. Certainly the obne about Time was divided but not the other: read it again immediately, please.
'Looke not Westward to the fall of Don Phoebus, but to the East; Eastward How'. (Chapman,)
Like gardeners sleepy on the cliff
Appearing upsidedown to birds
The poet sleeps through laws of speech
Ennunciated by the stones
And planetary totems:
Syntax is the beachboud shells
I make as formal as a sigh
Or a gesture of repose
All the lasitude of reason
Careless and certain of its news.
Aubades are endless and profane
Exclude regressive visitors
To the market of the sky.
Dew dissolves the slaves of bitumin.
Cantatas bubble in the ear.
The corridor of dream and day
Is our province and our centre
With blue mosaics underfoot:
Magic carpets and gold birds
Spin their cartwheels in the sky
When I wake to Sylvia.
65541395 - cookie1jo
Blackheath 21 ix 1949Dearest Sylvia,
Your two letters have just come and thank you for them so much. Especially the first one which is charm-ing and loving. You must read the poems once more for you have misread n Defence of Water if you find anything of dissatisfaction it it. It is a description of how happy I was loving you, expressed in terms as if Water were a neglected minor painter whom we wished to re-habilitate. Certainly the one about Time was divided but not the other: read it again immediately, please.
"Looke not Westward to the fall of Don Phoebus, but to the East; Eastward Hoe'. (chapman,)
Like gardeners sleepy on the cliff
Appearing upsidedown to birds
The poet sleeps through laws of speech
Ennunciated by the stones
And planetary totems:
Syntax is the beachboud shells
I make as formal as a sigh
Or a gesture of repose
All the lasitude of reason
Careless and certain of its news.
Aubades are endless and profane
Exclude fegressive visitors
To the market of the sky.
Dew dissolves the slaves of bitumin.
Cantatas bubble in the ear.
The corridor of dream and day
Is our province and our centre
With blue mosaics underfoot:
Magic carpets and gold birds
Spin their cartwheels in the sky
When i wake to Sylvia.
65542536 - Veru_Bouvet
Blackheath 09/21/1949Dearest Sylvia,
Your two letters have just come and thank you for them so much. Especially the first one which is charming and loving. You must read the poems once more for you have misread In Defence of the Water if you find anything of dissatisfaction it it. It is a description of how happy I was loving you, expressed in terms as if Water were a neglected minor painter whom we wished to re-habilitate. Certainly the one about Time was divided but no the other: read it again inmediately, please .
'Looke not Westward to the fall of Don Phoebus, but to the East; Eastward Hoe'. ( Chapman, )
Like gardeners sleepy on the cliff
Appearing upsidedown to birds
The poet sleeps through laws of speech
Ennunciated by the stones
And planetary totems:
Syntax is the beachboud shells
I make as formal as a sigh
Or a gesture of repose
All the lasitude of reason
Careless and certain of its news.
Aubades are endless and profane
Exclude regressive visitors
To the market of the sky .
Dew dissolves the slayes of bitumin .
Cantatas bubble in the air.
The corridor of dream and day
Is our province and our centre
With blue mosaics underfoot :
Magic carpets and gold birds
Spin their cartwheels in the sky
When I wake to Sylvia.
65592295 - Neilreplacement
Blackheath 21 ix 1949Dearest Sylvia,
Your two letters have just come and thank you for
them so much. Especially the first one which is charm-
ing and loving. You must read the poems once more for
you have misread In Defence of Water if you find anything
of dissatisfaction it it. It is a description of how
happy I was loving you. expressed in terms as if Water
were a neglected minor painter whom we wished to re-
habilitate. Certainly the one about Time was divided
but not the other: read it again immediately, please.
'Looke not Westward to the fall on Don Phoebus,
but to the East; Eastward Joe'. (Chapman,)
Like gardeners sleepy on the cliff
Appearing upsidedown to birds
The poet sleeps through laws of speech
Ennunciated by the stones
And planetary totems:
Syntax is the beachboud shells
I make as formal as a sigh
Or a gesture of repose
All the lasitude of reason
Careless and certain of its news.
Aubades are endless and profane
Exclude regressive visitors
To the market of the sky.
Dew dissolves the slaves of bitumen.
Cantatas bubble in the ear.
The corridor of dream and day
Is our province and our centre
With blue mosaics underfoot:
Magic carpets and gold birds
Spin their cartwheels in the sky
When I wake to Sylvia.