- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.584
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65457393 - Galvanicgirl
- 65721046 - ZoeV
- 65752407 - JanetCormack
- 65777156 - sab_animal_seeker
- 66097426 - gailkoelker
- 66134819 - gbeerjohn
- WINNER - 66283303 - southsidesunny

65457393 - Galvanicgirl
2Charles has given me two more lectures and he was pleasantly helpful about the small points concerning Ingres about which I asked his advice.
With rare good fortune - of the kind that comes to this lion more often than one should strictly expect - I focerd 2nd hand in Birmingham the very Burlington Cornelius Russell had been recommending, containing the article about Watteau's borrowing from the Carracie.
I rang Sherwood but he has no news of your Morours Paper unfortunately. He said, which seemed curious, "if I'd know it were yours - and I had found it I should have sent it to you" which made me think , for a second, he had had it and had it no longer. That is was a guilty slip. But when I talked further with him the suspicion evaporated. If you have time I recommend a scientific look for it at Pett.
Charlie & I, by the way, mentioned Stokes' new book and he said it sounded very interesting. I shall have it for you in about a week - Mineverva, my muse, my scholar, erudite cat and consummate beauty.
I fear the fog may delay the train's arrival in Londen. It was ten minutes late at Snow Hill! So, perhaps, I'll be back about six.
I send you the most beneficient winds for your Monday lecture. Aia muse of great experience I know you will take the PARAGONE in your studio.
Oh Sylvia I love you - I adove you
65721046 - ZoeV
65752407 - JanetCormack
2Charles has given me two more lectures and he was pleasantly helpful about the small points concerning Ingres about which I asked his advice.
With some good fortune - of the kind that comes to the lion more often than one should strictly expect - I found 2nd hand in Birminghan the very Burlington [magazine] Cornelius Russell had been recommending, containging the article about Watteau's borrowings from the Carracci.
I rang Sherwood but he has no news of your Honours Papers unfortunately. He said, which seemed curious, "if I'd known it was yours - and I had found it I should have sent it to you" which made me think, for a second, he had had it and had it no longer. That it was a guilty slip. But when I talked further with him the suspicion evaporated. If you have time I recommend a scientific look for it at Pett.
Garlic & I, by the way, mentioned Stokes' new book and he said it sounded very interesting. I shall have it for you in about a week - Minerva, my muse, my scholar, erudite cat and consumate beauty.
I fear the fog may delay the train's arrival in London. It was ten minutes late at Snow Hill! So, perhaps, I'll be back about six.
I send you the mot beneficient wishes for your Monday lecture. As a muse of great experience I know you will take the PARAGONE in your stride.
Oh Sylvia I love you - I adore you
65777156 - sab_animal_seeker
2Charles has given me two more lectures and he was pleasantly /
helpful about the small points concerning Ingres about said /
asked his advice. /
With rare good fortune - at the kind that comes to this lion /
more after than one stand strictly expect. I found 2nd hand /
in Birmingham the very Burlington Cornelius Purrell had been /
recommending, containing the article about Watteaur barrow - /
ing from the Carracci. /
I was asking Sherwood but he has no news of your Horous Paper /
unfortunately. He said, which seemed curious, "if I'd known /
it was yours - and I had found it I should have sent it to /
you" which made think, for a second, he had had it and /
had it no longer. That it was a guilty slip. But /
when I talked Jartles with him the suspicion evaporated. If /
you have time I recommend a scientific book /
for it at Pett. /
Charlie and I, by the way, mentioned Stokes'
new book and he /
said it sounded very interesting. I shall have it for /
you in about a week - Minerva, my muse, my scholar, /
erudite cat and consummate beauty. /
Jeor the Jog may delay the train's arrival in London. It /
was ten minutes late all Snow Hill! So perhaps, I'll be /
back about six. /
I send you the most beneficent works for your Monday /
lecture. So muse of great experience I know you will /
slay the PARAGONE in your stride.
Oh Sylvia, I love you - I adore you
66097426 - gailkoelker
Charles has given me two more lectures and he was pleasantly helpful about the small points concerning about which I asked his advice. With rare good fortune-of the kind that comes to this lion more often than one should strictly expect-I found 2nd hand in Birmingham the very Burlington Cornelius Russell had been recommending, containing the article about Watteau's borrowings from the Carracci. I rang Sherwood but he has no news of your Paper unfortunately. He said, which seems curious "if I'd known it was yours-and I had found it I should have sent it to you" which made me think, for a second, he had had it and had it no longer. That is was a guilty slip. But when I talked further with him the suspicion evaporated. If you have time I recommend a scientific look for it at Pett. & I, by the way, mentioned Stokes' new book and he said it sounded very interesting. I shall have it for you in about a week-Minerva, my muse, my scholar, erudite cat and consummate beauty. I fear the fog may delay the train's arrival in London. It was ten minutes late at Snow Hill! So, perhaps, I'll be back about six. I send you the most beneficient wishes for your Monday lecture. As a muse of great experience I know you will take the PARAGONE in your stride. Oh Sylvia I love you. I adore you Lawrence66134819 - gbeerjohn
WINNER - 66283303 - southsidesunny
2Charles has given me two more lectures and he was pleasantly
helpful about the small points concerning Ingres about which I
asked his advice.
With rare good fortune - of the kind that comes to this lion
more often than one should strictly expect - I found 2nd hand
in Birmingham the very Burlington Cornelius Russell had been
recommending, containing the articles about Watteau's borrow-
ings from the Carracci.
I rang Sherwood but has no news of your Honours Paper
unfortunately. He said, which seemed curious, "If I'd known
it was yours - and I had found it I should have sent it to
you" which made me think, for a second, he had had it and
had it no longer - That it was a guilty slip. But
when I talked further with him the suspicion evaporated. If
you have time I recommend a scientific look
for it at Pett.
Charlie the I, by the way, mentioned Stokes' new book and he
said it sounded very interesting. I shall have it for
you in about a week - Minerva, my muse, my scholar.
erudite cat and consumate beauty.
I fear the fog may delay the train's arrival in London. It
was ten minutes late at Snow Hill! So, perhaps, I'll be
back about six.
I send you the most beneficient wishes for your Monday
lecture. As a muse of great expeience I know you will
take PARAGONE in your stride.
Oh Sylvia I love you - I adore you