- Max. dissimilarity: 0.147
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.112
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65481006 - not-logged-in-7356ea3fad4ce5c74515
- 65620833 - SusanMorley53425
- 65630874 - NVarellas
- 65637574 - Sm4LLFryy
- WINNER - 65672199 - Bill_Peschel
- 65680515 - JeremyX

65481006 - not-logged-in-7356ea3fad4ce5c74515
At the National Gallery FridayDearest Sylvia,
I wish that this were a longer letter but today I am so busy. This morning I arranged and hung the Van Gogh-reproductions exhibition at the Hammersmith (in-cluding the screens) in four hours. Then at two I had a school lecture at the N.G. This has just finished and I have just been able to eat something at last since breakfast. That means I have larned ones 3 today, which is a good thing though I am rather tired. Paul is taking me out this evening - I think to see Les Amants de Verone.
I am going to give my last lectures to the Banstead people this Saturday (tomorrow) at the N.G. (The cleared Aristo is on view at last.) I hope your lecture to-night goes very well, sweet Minerva, eloquent representative of the arts! I imagine that your owls are busy on research for you. By the way I hope to get onto a Central Committee of the A.I.A. at a meet-ing tomorrow afternoon. I will let you know if I do.
Allens enquired after you - you may be pleased to hear, or you may not - however, he did.
I shall write you a vast letter on Sunday.
I love you Lawrence
65620833 - SusanMorley53425
At the National Gallery Friday (25-11-49)Dearest Sylvia
I wish that this were a longer letter but today I am so gidy. This morning I arranged and hung the Van Gogh - reproductions exhibition at Hammersmith (in-cluding the screens) in four hours. Then at two I had a school lecture at the N. G. This has just finished and I have just been able to eat something at last since breakfast. That means I have earned over lb3 today which is a good thing though I am rather tired. Paul is taking me out this evening - I think to see Les Avants de Verons.
I am going to give my last lecture to the Bansterd people this Saturday (tomorrow) at the N.G. (The cleaned Ariosto is on view at last.) I hope your lecture to-night goes very well, sweet Minerva, eloquent representative of the arts! I imagine that your owls are busy on research for you. By the way I hope to get onto the Central Committee of the A.I.A. at a meet-ing tomorrow afternoon. I will let you know if I do.
Albert enquired after you - you may be pleased to hear, or you may not - however, he did.
I shall write you a vast letter on Sunday.
I love you Lawrence
65630874 - NVarellas
Friday [25-11-49] At the National Gallery Dearest Sylvia I wish that this were a longer letter but today I am so busy. This morning I arranged and hung the Van Gogh reproductions exhibition at the Hammermith (including the screens) in four hours. Then at two I had a school lecture at the N.G. This has just finished and I have just been able to eat something at last since breakfast. That means I have earned over 3 today which is a good thing though I am rather tired. Paul is taking me out this evening I think to see Les Amant de Verone. I am going to give my last lecture to the Banstead people this Saturday (tomorrow) at the N.G. (The cleaned Ariosto is on view at last.) I hope your lecture tonight goes very well, sweet Minerva, eloquent representative of the arts! I imagine that your owls are busy on research for you. By the way I hope to get onto the Central Committee of the A.I.A. at a meeting tomorrow afternoon. I will let you know if I do. Albert inquired after you - you may be pleased to hear, or you may not - however, he did. I shall write you a vast letter on Sunday. I love you Lawrence65637574 - Sm4LLFryy
At the National Gallery Friday [25-11-49]Dearest Sylvia
I wish that this were a longer letter but today I am so
busy. This morning I arranged and hung the Van
Gogh- repreoductions exhibition at Hammersmith (in-
cluding the screen) in four hours. Then at two I
had a school lecture at the N.G. This has just
finished and I have been able to eat something
at last since breakfast. That means I have earned
over lb3 today which is a good thing though I am
rather tired. Paul is taking me out this evening-
I think to see Les Amants de Verone.
I am going to give my last lecture to the Banstloo
people this saturday (tomorrow) at the N.G. (The cleaned
Ariosto is on view at last.) I hope your ledine to-
night goes very well, sweet minerva, elegant
representative of the arts! I imagine that your owls
are busy on research for you. By the way I hope to
get onto the central committee of the A.I.A at a meet-
ing tomorrow afternoon. I will let you know if I do.
Allensenquired after you-you may be pleased to
hear, or you may not- however, he did.
I shall write you a vast letter on Sunday.
I love you Lawrence.
WINNER - 65672199 - Bill_Peschel
At the National Gallery Friday [25-11-49]Dearest Sylvia
I wish that this were a longer letter but today I am so busy. This morning I arranged and hung and the Van Gogh-reproductions exhibition at Hammersmith (including the screens) in four hours. Then at two I had a school lecture at the N.G. This has just finished and I have just been able to eat something at last since breakfast. That means I have earned over 3 today which is a good thing though I am rather tired. Paul is taking me out this evening - I think to see Les Amants de Verons.
I am going to give my last lecture to the Banstead people this Saturday (tomorrow) at the N.G. (The cleaned Aristo is on view at last.) I hope your lecture to-night goes very well, sweet Minerva, eloquent representative of the arts! I imagine that your owls are busy on research for you. By the way I hope to get onto the central committee of the A.I.A. at a meeting tomorrow afternoon. I will let you know if I do.
Albert enquired after you - you may be pleased to hear, or you may not - however, he did.
I shall write you a vast letter on Sunday.
I love you
65680515 - JeremyX
Friday [25-11-49]At the National Gallery
Dearest Sylvia
I wish that this were a longer letter but today I am so busy. This morning I arranged and hung the Van Gogh-reproductions exhibition at Htemmesmith (in-
cluding the screens) in four hours. Then at two I had a school lecture at the N.G. This has just finished and I have just been able to eat something at last since breakfast. That means I have earned over 3 today which is a good thing though I am rather tired. Paul is taking me out this evening - I think to see Les Amants de Verone.
I am going to give my last lecture to the Bandero people this Saturday (tomorrow) at the N.G. (The cleared Ariosto in on view at last.) I hope your lecture to-
night goes very well, sweet Minerva, eloquent representative of the arts! I imagine that your owls are busy on research for you. By the way I hope to get onto the Central Committee at the A.I.A at a meet-
ing tomorrow afternoon. I will let you know if I do.
Albert enquired after you - you may be pleased to hear, or you may not - however, he did.
I shall write you a vast letter on Sunday
I love you