- Max. dissimilarity: 0.369
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.237
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65547758 - Janesbond007
- WINNER - 65680135 - k.h.pot
- 65737927 - srasg56
- 65823885 - budone
- 65839532 - SusanMorley53425
- 65899376 - tpod74

65547758 - Janesbond007
Here putti hrardish apricots
straddle the desrded goats
climb trees derange the drapery of pirate sleeping nymphs
And sly their cushion under us
As delicate as blossom of the rose
2nd December 1949
Dearest Sylvia
I die to see you tomorrow.
I have nothing extraneous to do while we are together - so you shall have me
to yourself, and I you, my beauty.
Last day at Hammersmith fortunately today!
I hope your [ Unclear] bedtime this evening goes well
( not that I doubt it ).
O love and adore you
WINNER - 65680135 - k.h.pot
Here pretty hrandish apricocks
straddle the bearded goats
Climb trees derange the drapery
of private sleeping nymphs
And slip their cushions under us
As delicate as blossom of the peas
2nd December 1949
Dearest Sylvia
I die to see you tomorrow.
I have nothing extraneous to do while we
are together - so you shall have me to your-
self, and I you, my beauty.
Last day at Hammersmith fortunately today!
I hope your lecture this evening goes well
(not that I doubt it).
I love and adore you
65737927 - srasg56
Here putti brandish apricocks
Straddle the bearded goats
Climb trees derange the drapery
Of private sleeping nymphs
And slip their cushions under us
As delicate as blossom of the pear
2nd December 1949
Dearest Sylvia
I die to see you tomorrow.
I have nothing extraneous to do while we
are together - so you shall have me to your-
self, and I you, my beauty.
Last day at Hammersmith fortunately today!
I hope your lecture this evening goes well
(not that I doubt it).
I love and adore you
65823885 - budone
How puty brandish apricocks
Straddle to bearded goats
Climb trees derange the topiary
of private sleeping nymphs
Said slip their cushions under us
As delicate blossom of ill peas
2nd December 1949
Dearest Sylvia
I die to see you tomorrow
I have nothing extraneous to do while we
are together & so you shall have me to your -
self and I you my beauty.
Last day at Hammersmith fortunately today!
I hope your bedtime this evening goes well
(not that I doubt it).
I love and adore you.
65839532 - SusanMorley53425
Here putting hrardish apricocks
Straddle the bearded goats
Climb trees derange the drapery
Of private sleeping nymphs
And slip their cushions under us
As delicate as blossom of the peas
2nd December 1949
Dearest Sylvia
I die to see you tomorrow.
I have nothing extraneous to do while we
are together - so you shall have me to your-
self, and I you, my beauty.
Last day at Hammersmith fortunately today!
I hop your lecture this evening goes well
(not that I doubt it).
I love and adore you
65899376 - tpod74
How ??? hardish apricots
Straddle the hearded goats
Climb trees ??? the harpey
of pirate sleeping nymphs
And slips their cushions under us
As delicate as blossoms of the peas
23rd December 1949
Dearest Sylvia,
I die to you see you tomorrow.
I have nothing extraneous to do while we are together - so you shall have me to yourself, and I you, my beauty.
Last day at Hammersmith fortunately lively!
I hope your lecturer this evening goes well (not that I doubt it).
I love and adore you