- Max. dissimilarity: 0.191
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.111
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65567153 - akrhsahni
- 65624211 - not-logged-in-67a4e4f0f6455998b700
- WINNER - 65660447 - Lynst
- 65725335 - JanetCormack
- 65764735 - not-logged-in-0f1d534e969d03b0b796
- 66031258 -

65567153 - akrhsahni
44 Qusen Street Redcar Yorkshire 8 11 1949Dearest Sylvia
I have not seen much of Redcar yet. I am going to take a walk this afternoon to post this letter and so my next letter will contain more topographical information though I can tell you already it is very dull. It cannot in the least resemble Scarborough - for nobody would retire to redcar or even visit it. However that does not matter much as I shall be able to work undisctracted I hope. My lodgings are on the whole, excellent. The food is ample and (so far) varied. I had a cooked breakfast and the butter was home-made. Lunch, which I have just had, has filled me up almost beyond the point of comfort and included much meat. All meals appear to be included in lb 3..10..0 The drawback is the bedroom which is like a telephone kiosk and contains a rather uncomfortable bed to which i many become accustomed. However, I have a 'living room' downstairs with a fairly relaxing chair, a coal fire & c. The wife of the school master looks after me very amiably and maternally. The crates containing the exhibition have not yet arrived so I rang John with this news (not altogether unpleasant to this lecturer). He told me Gabriel white likes my exhibition draft and is, I quote, 'very friendly' so i expect that more money will be forthcoming.
65624211 - not-logged-in-67a4e4f0f6455998b700
44 Queen Street Redcan gorkline 8 xii 1949Dearest Sylvia:
I have not seen much of Redcan yet. I am going to take a walk this afternoon to post this letter and so my next letter will contain more topographical information though I can tell you already it is very dull. It cannot in the least resemble Scarborough - for nobody would return to Redcan or even nirst it. However that does not matter much as I shall be able to work undistracted I hope.
My lodgings are, on the whole, excellent. The food is ample and (major) rained. I had a cooked breakfast and the butter was home-made. Lunch, which I have just had, has filled me up almost beyond the point of comfort and included much meat. All meals appear to be included in 3,,10,,0. The drawback is the bedroom which is like a telephone kiosk and contains a rather uncomfortable bed to which I may become accustomed. However, I have a 'living room' downstairs with a fairly relaxing chair, a coal line, &c. The wife of the school master looks after me very amiably and maternally.
The crater containing the exhibition have not yet arrived so I say John with this news (not altogether unpleasant to this leeturen). He told me golniel white likes my exhibition draft and is, I quote, 'very friendly' so I expect that more money will be forthcoming.
WINNER - 65660447 - Lynst
8 XII 194944 Queen Street Redcar Yorkshire
Dearest Sylvia:
I have not seen much of Redcar yet. I am going to take
a walk this afternoon to post this letter and so my next let-
ter will contain more topographical information though
I can tell you already it is very dull. It cannot in the
least resemble Scarborough - for nobody would retire
to Redcar or even visit it. However that does not mat-
ter much as I shall be able to work undisturbed I hope.
My lodgings are, on the whole, excellent. The food is
ample and (so far) varied. I had a cooked breakfast
and the butter was home-made. Lunch, which I have just
had, has filled me up almost beyond the point of com-
fort and included much meat. All meals appear to
be included in 3..10..0. The drawback is the bedroom
which is like a telephone kiosk and contains a rather
uncomfortable bed to which I may become accustomed.
However, I have a 'living room' downstairs with a fairly
relaxing chair, a coal fire, c. The wife of the school-
master looks after me very amiably and maternally.
The crates containing the exhibition have not yet ar-
rived so I rang John with this news (not altogether
unpleasant to this lecturer). He told me Gabriel White
likes my exhibition draft and is, I quote 'very
friendly' so I expect that more money will be forth-
65725335 - JanetCormack
44 Queen Street Redcar Yorkshire 8 XII 1949Dearest Sylvia:
I have not seen much of Redcar yet. I am going to take a walk this afternoon to post this letter and so my next letter will contain more topographical information though I can already tell you it is very dull. It cannot in the least resemble Scarborough - for nobody would retire to Redcar or even visit it. However that does not matter much as I shall be able to work undisturbed I hope.
My lodgings are, on the whole, excellent. The food is ample and (so far) varied. I had a cooked breakfast and the butter was home-made. Lunch, which I have just had, has filled me up almost beyond the point of comfort and included much meat. All meals appear to be included in lb3"10"0. The drawbacj is the bedroom which is like a telephone kiosk and contains a rather uncomfortable bed to which I may become accustomed. However, I have a 'living room' downstairs with a fairly relaxing chair, a coal fire etc. The wife of the school master looks after me very amiably and maternally.
The crates containing the exhibition have not yet arrived so I rang John with this news (not altogether unpleasant to this lecturer). He told be Gabriel White likes my exhibition draft and is, I quote, ' very friendly' so I expect that more money will be forthcoming.
65764735 - not-logged-in-0f1d534e969d03b0b796
44 Queen Street Redcon Yorkshire 8 XII 1949Dearest Sylvia:
I have not seen much of Redcon yet. I am going to take a walk this afternoon to post this letter and so my next letter will contain more topographical information though I can tell you already it is very dull. It cannot in the least resemble Scarborough- for nobody would retire to Redcon or even visit it. However that does not mat-ter much as I shall be able to work undistracted I hope.
My lodgings are, on the whole, excellent. The food is ample and (so far) varied. I had a cooked breakfast and the butter was home-made. Lunch, which I have just had, has filled me up almost beyond the point of com-fort and included much meat. All meals appear to be included in 3,,10,,0. The drawback is the bedroom which is like a telephone kiosk and contains a rather uncomfortable bed to which I may become accustomed. However, I have a 'dining room' downstairs with a fairly relaxing chair, a coal fire, &c. The wife of the school-master looks after me very amiably and maternally.
The crates containing the exhibition have not yet ar-rived so I rang John with the news (not altogether unpleasant to this lecturer). He told me Gabriel White likes my exhibition draft and is, I quote, 'very friendly' so I expect that more money will be forth-coming.
66031258 -
44 Queen Street Redcar Yorkshire 8 xII 1949Dearest Sylvia:
I have not seen much of Redcar yet. I am going to take
a walk this afternoon to post this letter and so my next let-
ter will contain more topographical information though
I can tell you already it is very dull. It cannot in the
least resemble Scarborough - for nobody would retire
to Redcar or even visit it. However that does not mat-
ter much as I shall be able to work undistracted I hope.
My lodgings are, on the whole, excellent. The food is
ample and (so far) varied. I had a cooked breakfast
and the butter was home-made. Lunch, which I have just had, has filled me up almost beyond a point of com-
fort and included much meat. All meals appear to be included - $3..10..0. The drawback is the bedroom
which is like a telephone hiosh and contains a rather
uncomfortable bed to which I may become accustomed.
However, I have a 'living room' downstairs with a fairly
relaxing chair, a coal fire, ?c. The wife of the school master looks after me very amiably and maternally.
The crates containing the exhibition have not yet ar-
rived so I rang John with this news (not altogether
unpleasant to this lecturer). He told me Gohmel White
likes my exhibition draft and is, I quote, 'very
friendly' so I expect that more money will be forth-