- Max. dissimilarity: 0.977
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.389
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65631004 - ChrisMM76
- WINNER - 65639940 - vanderfb
- 65675981 - Biancamaria
- 65747216 - Preacher357
- 65755281 - gaart2
- 65755491 - melissaagill

65631004 - ChrisMM76
4You solution of the colour-lecture
has an Apollonian sliegh-of-hand about it -
the minimum of trouble and the happy result
combined. I am sure, too, your notes
will help Clifford very much with what
will be a fascinating lecture. Don't
tell him but I feel like trying to hear
him, if I can. We'll see nearer the time.
Tell me how your lecture went -
I long for news. I still think with plea-
sure and profit from you lecture on Mon-
I love you letters for they give me,
as my continual thoughts of you do
not, new glimpses of your ravishing
and varied personality. My memory
dotes on adorable aspects of you known
and loved already - your letters
add something new to the fiend of images,
words, attitudes, and action that
make your lion forever yours by
fascination and beauty.
I love you I love you
WINNER - 65639940 - vanderfb
4Your solution of the Colour-lecture has an Appolonian sleight-of-hand about it - the minimum of trouble and the happy result combined. I am sure, too, your notes will help Clifford very much with what will be a fascinating lecture. Don't tell him but I feel like trying to hear him, if I can. We'll see nearer the time.
Tell me how your lecture went - I long for news. I still think with pleasure and profit of your lecture on Monday.
I love your letters for they give me, as my continual thoughts of you do not, new glimpses of your ravishing and varied personality. My memory dotes on adorable aspects of you know and loved already - your letters add something new to the fund of images, words, attitudes, and actions that make your lion forever yours by their fascination and beauty.
I love you I love you
65675981 - Biancamaria
4Your solution of the colour-lecture has an Apollonian seligh-of-hand about it- the minimum of trouble and the happy result combined. I am sure, too, your notes will help Clifford very much with what will be a fascinating lecture. I don't tell him but I feel like trying to hear him, if I can. We'll see nearer the time.
Tell me how your lecture went-I long for news. I still think with pleasure and profit of your lecture on Monday.
I love your letters for they give me, as my continual thoughts of you do not, new glimpses of your ravishing and varied personality. My memory dates on adorable aspects of you known and loved already-your letters add something new to the fund of images, words, attitudes, and actions that make your lion forever yours by their fascination and beauty.
I love you I love you
65747216 - Preacher357
4Your solution of the Colour-lecture
has an Apollonian sleigt-of-hand about it,
the minimum of trouble and the happy result
combined. I am sure, too, your notes
will help Clifford very much with what
will be a fascinating lecture. Don't
tell him but I feel like trying to hear
him, if I can. We'll see nearer the time.
Tell me how your lecture went,
I long for news. I still think with plea-
sure and profit of your lecture on Mon-
I love your letters for they give me,
as my continual thoughts of you do
not, new glimpses of your ravishing
and varied personality. My memory
dates on adorable aspects of you known
and loved already, your letters
add something new to the of wages,
words, attitudes, and actions that
make your lion forever yours by their
fascination and beauty.
I love you I love you
65755281 - gaart2
4Your solution of the Calom-lecture has an Apollonian sleight-of-hand about it - the minimum of trouble and the happy result combined. I am sure, too, your rotes will help Clifford very much with what will be a fascinating lecture. Don't tell him but I feel like trying to hear him, if I can. We'll see nearer the time.
Tell me how your lecture went - I long for news. I still think with pleasure and profit of your lecture on Monday.
I love your letters for they give me, as my continual thoughts of you do not, new glimpses of your ravishing and varied personality. My memory dotes on adorable aspects of you known and loved already - your letters add something new to the fund of images, words, attitudes and actions that make your lion forever yours by their fascination and beauty.
I love you. I love you.
65755491 - melissaagill
Your solution of thefff