- Max. dissimilarity: 0.17
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.11
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65472779 - CTidwell3
- WINNER - 65502329 - Culebra78
- 65527811 - not-logged-in-d4751df99d11cc141744
- 65565866 - PenguinCo.
- 65649541 - WiltedLotus
- 65969669 - Mel492

65472779 - CTidwell3
(9)On a relief Blind Cupid was displayed
As emblem of the body and its love
The pendant pictured Cupid with his eyes
Raised to a mother-substitute alone.
But the reliefs I annotated thus:
Blind Cupid is the master of the night
And Codile pleasure, while the uncovered boy
Has eyes to study flesh - and every pasture.
A mirror emblem of the rare ideal,
Reflects three levels of a single love -
The mouth which formulates the concert,
That lingers like an exile on a lemon,
And yet creates sensations of desire;
And in the crystal surface I regard
The double image of a perfect love
That has the beauty of Eylnia and, too,
Detect my attitude and form.
WINNER - 65502329 - Culebra78
(9)On a relief Blind Cupid was displayed
As emblem of the body and its love:
The pendant pictured Cupid with his eyes
Raised to a mother - substitute above
But the reliefs I annotated thus:
Blind Cupid is the master of the night
And Codile pleasure, while the uncovered boy
Has eyes to study flesh - and every pasture.
A mirror, emblem of the rare ideal,
Reflects three levels of a single love -
The mouth which formulates the concert,
That lingers like an exile on a lemon,
And yet creates sensations of desire;
And in the crystal surface I regard
The double image of a perfect love
That has the beauty of Sylvia and, too,
Detect my attitude and form.
65527811 - not-logged-in-d4751df99d11cc141744
(9)On a relief Blind Cupis was displayed
As emblem of the body and its love:
The pendant pictured Cupid with his eyes
Raised to a - substitute above.
But the reliefs I annotated thus:
Blind Cupid is the master of the night
And pleasure, while the uncovered boy
Has eyes flesh- and every pasture.
A mirror, emblem of the rare ideal,
Reflects three levels of a single love-
The mouth which formulates the concert,
That lingers like an exile on a lemone,
And yet creates sensations of desire ;
And in the crystal surface I regard
The double image of a perfect love
That has the beauty of Eylnia and, too,
Detect my attitude and form.
65565866 - PenguinCo.
(9)On a relief Blind Cupid was displayed
As emblem of the body and its love:
The pendant pictured Cupid with his eyes
Raised in a mother-substitute above.
But the reliefs I annotated thus:
Blind Cupid is the master of the night
And tactile pleasure, while the uncovered boy
Has eyes in study flesh - and every pasture.
A mirror, emblem of the rare ideal,
Reflects three levels of single love -
The mouth which formulates the concert,
That lingers like an exile on a lemon,
And yet creates sensations of desire;
And in the crystal surface I regard
The double image of a perfect love
That has the beauty of Sylvia and, too,
Detect my attitude and form.
65649541 - WiltedLotus
(9)On a relief Blind Cupid was displayed
As emblem of the body and its love:
The pendant pictured Cupid with his eyes
Raised to a mother-substitute above.
But the reliefs I annotated thus:
Blind Cupid is the master of the night
And tactile pleasure, while the uncovered boy
Has eyes to study flesh - and every posture.
A mirror, emblem of the rare ideal,
Reflects three levels of a single love-
The moth which formulates the concert,
That lingers like an exile on a lemon,
And yet creates sensations of desire;
And in the crystal surface I regard
The double image of a perfect love
That has the beauty of Sylvia and, too,
Detect my attitude and form.
65969669 - Mel492
(9)On a relief Blind Cupid was displayed
As emblem of the body and its love.
The perdant pictured Cupid with his eyes
Raised to a motley- substitute above.
But the reliefs I annotated thus:
Blind Cupid is the master of the night
And tactile pleasure,while the
uncovered boy
Has eyes to study flesh - and every posture.
A mirror, emblem of the rare ideal,
Reflects three levels of a single love -
The mouths which formulates the concert,
That lingers like an exile on a lemon,
And yet creates sensations of desire;
And in the crystal surface I regard
The double image of a perfect love
That has the beauty of Sylvia and, too,
Detect my attitude and form.