- Max. dissimilarity: 0.047
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.032
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65505340 - mar15ted
- WINNER - 65526702 - SREM
- 65543888 - Preacher357
- 65609163 - nosenabook
- 65635748 - ChrisMM76
- 65643465 - Raunita

65505340 - mar15ted
III do hope that you find there is not too much work to do at Pett and that you have a Christmas rather like the Mediterranean version mentioned in Taste. That is my intention for I shall be leaving my mind and my balls at Blackheath.
Paul and I last night saw Les Amants de Verone which, despite some unsatisfactory features, is, broadly, and affecting and beautiful film. There are some charming shots of Venice, in particular one from S. Giorgio Maggiore, where we used to sit, read, and paint. Death, as usual in French films, is the final stage of the story though more reluctantly than in Cocteau's films. The young man is killed by the family of the girl he loves: "Where has it got hem', the girl asks. "Where" and cuts her wrists to die with him. At least death was not their aim.
The editor of the A.I.A. newsletter ( which I hope to re-organize somewhat later) wants me to write about the French landscape exhibition. No payment, but I will do, of course.
My dove, my beauty, I adore you, and I long to fill all your stockings with gifts so I shall shower more poems on you very soon. I love you so much, I never stop thinking about you, and you become more adorable every day. Ravishing Minerva, I wish you a very nice Christmas and lots to eat. I love you - do not overtire yourself - I love you,
WINNER - 65526702 - SREM
III do hope that you find there is not too much work to do at Pett and that you have a Christmas rather like the Mediterranean version mentioned in Taste. That is my intention for I shall be leaving my mind and my balls at Blackheath.
Paul and I last night saw Les Amants de Verone which, despite some unsatisfactory features, is, broadly, an affecting and beautiful film. There are some charming shots of Venice, in particular one from S. Giorgio Maggiore, where we used to sit, read, and paint. Death, as usual in French films, is the final stage of the story though more reluctantly than in Cocteau's films. The young man is killed by the family of the girl he loves: 'Where has it got them', the girl asks. 'Where' and cuts her wrists to die with him. At least death was not their aim.
The editor of the A.I.A. news-letter (which I hope to re-organise somewhat later) wants me to write about the French landscape exhibition. No payment but I will do, of course.
My dove, my beauty, I adore you, and I long to fill all your stockings with gifts so I shall shower more poems on you very soon. I love you so much, I never stop thinking about you, and you become more adorable every day. Ravishing Minerva, I wish you a very nice Christmas and lots to eat. I love you - do not overtire yourself - I love you,
65543888 - Preacher357
I do hope that you find there is not too much workto do at Pett and that you have a Christmas rather
like the Mediterranean version mentioned in
Taste. That is my intention for I shall be leaving
my mind and my balls at Blackheath.
Paul and I last night saw Les Amants de Verone which,
despite some unsatisfactory features, is, broadly, an
affecting and beautiful film. There are some charm-
ing shots of Venice, in particular one from S. Giogio
Maggiore, where we used to sit, read, and paint.
Death, as usual in Frence films, is the final stage
of the story though more reluctantly than in Cocteau's
films. The yound man is killed by the family of the
girl he loves: 'Where has it got them', the girl asks.
'Where' and cuts her wrists to die with him. At least
death was not their aim.
The editor of the A.I.A. news-letter (which I hope to
re-organise somewhat later) wants me to write about
the French landscape exhibition. No payment, but I
will do, of course.
My dove, my beauty, I adore you, and I long to fill
all your stockings with gifts so I shall shower more
poems on you very soon. I love you so much, I never
stop thinking about you, and you become more adorable
every day. Ravishing Minerva, I wish you a very nice
Christmas and lots to eat. I love you - do not over-
tire yourself - I love you,
65609163 - nosenabook
III do hope that you find there is not too much work
to do at Pett and that you have a Christmas rather
like the Mediterranean version mentioned in
Taste, That is my intention for I shall be leaving my mind and my balls at Blackheath.
Paul and I last night saw Les Amants de Verone which,
despite some unsatisfactory features, is, broadly, an
affecting and beautiful film. There are some charm-
ing shots of Venice, in particular one from S. Giogio
Maggiore, where we used to sit, read, and paint.
Death, as usual in French films, is the final stage
of the story though more reluctantly than in Cocteau's
films. The young man is killed by the family of the
girl he loves: 'Where has it got them', the girl asks.
'Where' and cuts her wrists to die with him. At least
death was not their aim.
The editor of the A.I.A. news-letter (which I hope to
re-organise somewhat later) wants me to write about
the French landscape exhibition. No payment, but I
will do, of course.
My dove, my beauty, I adore you, and I long to fill
all your stockings with gifts so I shall shower more poems on you very soon. I love you so much, I never
stop thinking about you, and you become more adorable
every day. Ravishing Minerva, I wish you a very nice
Christmas and lots to eat. I love, - do not over-
tire yourself - I love you,
65635748 - ChrisMM76
III do hope that you find there is not too much work
to do at Pett and that you have a Christmas rather
like the Mediterranean version mentioned in
Taste. This is my intention for I shall be leaving
my mind and my balls at Blackheath.
Paul and I last night saw Les Amants de Verone which,
despite some unsatisfactory features, is, broadly, an
affecting and beautiful film. There are some charm-
ing shots of Venice, in particular one from S. Giagio
Maggiore, where we used to sit, read, and paint.
Death, as usual in French films, is the final stage
of the story though more reluctantly than in Cocteau's films. The young man is killed by the family of the
girl he loves: "Where has it got them', the girl asks.
'Where' and cuts her wrists to die with him. At least death was not their aim.
The editor of the A.I.A. news-letter (which I hope to
re-organise somewhat later) wants me to write about
the French landscape exhibition. No payment, but I
will do, of course.
My dove, my beauty, I adore you, and I long to fill
all your stockings with gifts so I shall more
poems on you very soon. I love you so much, I never stop thinking about you, and you become more adorable
every day. Ravishing Minerva, I wish you a very nice Christmas and lots to eat. I love you - do not over-
tire yourself - I love you,
65643465 - Raunita
III do hope that you find there is not too much work to do at Pett and that you have a Christmas rather like the Mediterranenan version mentioned in Taste. That is my intention for I shall be leaving my mind and my balls at Blackheath.
Paul and I last night saw Les Amants de Verone which, despite some unsatisfactory features, is broadly, an affecting ad beautiful film. There are some charming shots of Venice, in particular one from S. Giorgio Maggiore, where we used to sit, read, and paint.
Death, as usual in French films, is the final stage of the story though more reluctantly than in Cocteau's films. The young man is killed by the family of the girl he loves: 'Where has it got them', the girl asks. 'Where' and cuts her wrists to die with him. At least death was not their aim.
The editor of the A.I.A. news-letter (which I hope to re-organise somewhat later) wants me to write about the French landscape exhibition. No payment, but I will do, of course.
My dove, my beauty, I adore you, and I long to fill all your stockings with gifts so I shall shower more poems on you very soon. I love you so much, I never stop thinking about you, and you become more adorable every day. Ravishing Minerva, I wish you a very nice Christmas and lots to eat. I love you - do not over-tire yourself - I love you,