- Max. dissimilarity: 0.189
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.104
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65456380 - not-logged-in-368afe50d9fc2c793209
- 65488447 - not-logged-in-07d62f833d62e5a4ef75
- 65499449 - Macbeeth
- WINNER - 65523455 - WiltedLotus
- 65544099 - Janesbond007
- 65595210 - Neilreplacement

65456380 - not-logged-in-368afe50d9fc2c793209
107 Blackheath Park,London, S.E.3
28XII[ 1949
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter which awaited me this morning when I work up at eleven, the Boxing Day party having finally expired at three-fifteen. Paul came to the party - and so did Paul Soutley, Molly, & Ricky for which I was very grateful for I am finding this sojourn at Wimbledon an ordeal - the general gaiety offensive rather than catching, depending, as so much of it does, on sodis - the infantilism and comic-cuts running. The simplicity which previously I was able to share has lost its persuasion.
Your account of a restful Christmas - and conversations with Clifford - is very
65488447 - not-logged-in-07d62f833d62e5a4ef75
107 Blackheath Park,LONDON, S.E.3
28 XII 1949
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter which awaited
me this morning when I woke up at eleven,
the Boxing Day party having finally expired
at three-fifteen. Paul came to the party -
and so did Paul Southey, Molly & Ricky for
which I was very grateful for I am finding
this soujourn at Wimbledon an ordeal - the
general gaiety offensive rather than ,
depending, as so much of it does on sadist-
tic infantilism and comic-cuts punning.
The simplicity which previously I was able
to share has lost its persuasion.
Your account of a restful Christmas -
and conversations with Clifford - is very
65499449 - Macbeeth
107 Blackheath Park,London, S.E.3
28 XII 1949
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter which awaited me this morning when I woke up at eleven, the Boxing Day party having finally expired at three-fifteen. Paul came to the party - and so did Paul Southey, Molly, & Ricky for which I was very grateful for I am finding this sojourn at Wimbledon an ordeal - the general gaiety offensive rather than catching, depending, as so much of it does, on - the infantilism and comic-cuts punning - the simplicity which previously I was able to share has lost its persuasion.
Your account of a restful Christmas - and conversations with Clifford - is very
WINNER - 65523455 - WiltedLotus
107 Blackheath Park,London, E.E.3
28 xII 1949
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter which awaited me this morning when I woke up at eleven, the Boxing Day party having finally expired at three- fifteen. Paul came to the party - and so did Paul Southey, Molly, & Ricky for which I was very grateful for I am finding this sojourn at Wimbledon an ordeal - the general gaiety offensive rather than catching, depending, as so much of it does, on sadis-tic infantilism and comic-cuts punning. The simplicity which previously I was able to share has lost its persuasion.
Your account of a restful Christmas - and conversations with Clifford - is very
65544099 - Janesbond007
28 xii 1949
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letters which awaited
me this morning when I woke up at eleven,
the Boxing Day party having finally expired
at three-fifteen. Paul came to the party
and so did Paul Southey, Molly, & Ricky for
which I was very grateful for I am finding
this sojourn at Wimbledon an ordeal - its
general gaiety offensive rather than catching,
depending, as so much of it does, on sodis
the infantilism and comic-cuts running
The simplicity which nerviously I was able
to share has lost its renuasion.
Yours account of a restful Christmass
and conversations with Clifford - is very
65595210 - Neilreplacement
28 XII 1949
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your letter which awaited
me this morning when I woke up at eleven,
the Boxing Day party having finally expired
at three-fifteen. Paul came to the party-
and so did South Southey, Molly, & Ricky for
which I was very grateful for I am finding
this sojourn at Wimbledon an ordeal - the
general gaiety offensive rather than catching,
depending, as so much of it does, on sadis-
tic infantilism and comic-cuts punning -
The simplicity which previously I was able
to share has lost its persuasion.
Your account of a restful Christmas -
and conversations with Clifford - is very