- Max. dissimilarity: 0.193
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.11
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65456229 - not-logged-in-051b0f31cb897c92ef5c
- 65460548 - gailkoelker
- 65470199 - not-logged-in-c9b2c93efc284b846cb0
- 65492996 - ChrisMM76
- 65553266 - not-logged-in-8e1a5ee617673273e164
- 65615562 - hilditl74

WINNER - 65456229 - not-logged-in-051b0f31cb897c92ef5c
107 Blackheath Park,London, S.E.3
29 XII 1949
Dearest Sylvia,
The pantomime, yesterday, was rather dull, despite my interest in folk-lore: and the cat was a great disappointment, quite without charm or grace - I was most offended.
Tonight is mercifully the last party and tomorrow I return to Blackheath to rest and to retrieve my libido. I look forward very much to this for - although I have finished The Figureheads - I have no peace whatever here.
The strain of Christmas on the people here is showing: it is 12:45 and Deirdre is still in bed, Fatler is home from the office with a cold, Fred Stephenson has toothache, Sheila an upset stomach, Connie continual indigestion, Walter and Tommy what they call "splitting"
65460548 - gailkoelker
107 Blackheath Park,London, S.E. 3
29 xii 1949
Dearest Sylvia
The pantomime, yesterday, was rather dull, despite my interest in folk-lore: and the cat was a great disappointment, quite without charm or grace. I was most offended.
Tonight is mercifully the last party and tomorrow I return to Blackheath to rest and to retrieve my libido. I look forward very much to this for-although I have finished The Figureheads-I have no peach whatever here.
The strain of Christmas on the people here is showing: it is 12:45 and Deirdre is still in bed. Father is home from the office with a cold. Fred Stephenson has toothache, Sheila an upset stomach, Connie continued indigestion, mother and Tommy what they call 'splitting'
65470199 - not-logged-in-c9b2c93efc284b846cb0
107 Blackheath Park,London, S.E.3
29 XII 1949
Dearest Sylvia,
The pantomime, yesterday, was rather dull, despite my interest in folk-lore: and the cat was a great disappointment, quite without charm or grace - I was most offended.
Tonight is mercifully the last party and tomorrow I return to Blackheath to rest and to retrieve my libido. I look forward very much to this for - although I have finished The Figureheads - I have no peace whatever here.
The straing of Christmas on the people here is slwoing: it is 12:45 and Deirdre is still in bed, Father is home from the office with a cold, Fred Stephanor has toothache, Sheila an upset stomach, Connie continual indigestion, Walter and Tommy what they call 'splitting'
65492996 - ChrisMM76
29 XII 1949
Dearest Sylvia
The pantomime yesterday, was rather dull,
despite my interest in folk-lore: and the cat
was a great disappointment, quite without
charm or grace - I was most offended.
Tonight is mercifully the last party and to-
morrow I return to Blackheath to rest and
to retrive my libido. I look forward very
much to this for - although I have finished
The Figureheads - I have no peace whatever
The strain of Christmas on the people here
is showing: it is 12:45 and Deidre is still in bed, Father is home from the office with a
cold, Fred Stephenson has toothache, Sheila
as upset stomach, Connie continual indiges-
tion, Walter and Tommy what they call 'splitting'
65553266 - not-logged-in-8e1a5ee617673273e164
29 XII 1949Dearest Sylvia
The pantomime yesterday was rather dull, despite my interest in folk-lore: and the cat was a great disappointment, quite without charm or grace - I was worst offended.
Tonight is mercifully the last party and tomorrow I return to Blackheath to rest and to retrieve my libido. I look forward very much to this for - although I have finished The Figureheads - I have no peace whatever here.
The strain of Christmas on the people here is slowing: it is 12.45 and Dierdo is still in bed, Father is home from the office with a cold, Fred Stephemom has toothache, Sleilh an upset stomach, Connie continual indigestion, Walter and Tommy what they call 'splitting'
65615562 - hilditl74
29 xii 1949Dearest Sylvia,
The pantomime, yesterday, was rather dull, despite my interest in folk-lore: and the cat was a great disappointment, quite without charm or grace - I was most offended.
Tonight is mercifully the last party and tomorrow I return to Blackheath to rest and to retrieve my libido. I look forward very much to this for - although I have finished The Figureheads - I have no peace whatever here.
The strain of Christmas on the people here is showing : it is 12:45 and Deirdre is still in bed, Father is home from the office with a cold, Fred Stephenson has toothache, Sheila an upset stomach, Connie continual indigestion, Mother and Tommy what they call 'splitting'