- Max. dissimilarity: 0.193
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.119
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65881588 -
- 66236788 - WiltedLotus
- 66363462 - ethomson
- 66496985 - nzanga
- 67483777 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 67879719 - hoskinml
- 68073234 - JanetCormack

65881588 -
LATER I have been in town some little time now - it is afternoon, almost tea-time. I have been again to Burlington House and made some notes on the Barbigor school ; today I am a patient, conscientious lion, not, as so often at galleries, an hedonist. Needless to say I thought of our nirit strongly and thought today it was calm, nobody attacked me, I regretted passionately you were not with me. I hope that you are able to buy the uips today - one do need them. To arrives several points in your letter: of course I will try for your button - be sure to send me exact size, substance , & c. I have not bought but will buy the sugar. My wisdom tooth is not comfortable and at present I very much doubt the wisdom of having them at my advanced age. I had lunch with Charles and we are going to dine at Vincent House next Tuesday, after a courtauld ledine on Waltean's Cytlere. In an hour I am going to Carsons - so I shall be smart for meeting Paul who has a new pair of mede boots (Jackie took him shopping) and I expect he will have some news about the revue - I will certainly let you know what has happened. I adore you Lawrence66236788 - WiltedLotus
LATERI have been in town some little time now- it is afternoon, almost tea-time. I have been again to Barbizon School; today I am a patient, conscientious lion, not, as so often at galleries, an hedonist. Needless to say I thought of our visit strongly and though today it was calm, nobody attacked me, I regretted passionately you were not with me.
I hope that you are able to buy the cups today - we do need them. To answer several points in your letter; of course I will try for your button - be sure to send me ex-act size, substance, &c. I have not bought but will buy the sugar.
My wisdom tooth is not comfortable and, at present, I very much doubt the wisdom of having them at my advanced age.
I had lunch with Charles and we are going to dine at Variant Mance next Tuesday, after a Courtauld lecture on Watteau's Lyttere. In an hour I am going to Carsons - so I shall be smart for meeting Paul who has a new pair of suede boots (Jackie took him shopping) and i ex-pect he will have some news about the review. I will certainly let you know what has happened.
I adore you
66363462 - ethomson
LATERI have been in town some little time now - it is
afternoon, almost tea-time. I have been again to Bur-
lington House and made some notes on the Barbizon school;
today I am a patient, conscientious lion, not, as so often at
galleries, an hedonist. Needless to say I thought of
our visit strongly and though today it was calm, no-
body attacked me, I regretted passionately you were not
with me.
I hope that you are able to buy the cups today - we do
need them. To answer several points in your letter: of
course I will try for your button - be sure to send me ex-
act size, substance, &c. I have not bought but will
buy the sugar.
My wisdom tooth is not comfortable and, at present,
I very much doubt the wisdom of having them at my advanced
I had lunch with Charles and we are going to dine at
Varient House next Tuesday, after a Courtauld lecture
on Watteau's Cythere. In an hour I am going to Carsons -
so I shall be smart for meeting Paul who has a new pair
of suede books (Jackie took him shopping) and I ex-
pect he will have some news about the revue. I
will certainly let you know what has happened.
I adore you
66496985 - nzanga
LATERI have been in town some little time now - it is afternoon, almost tea-time. I have been again to Buslington House and made some notes on the Barbizon school; today I am a patient, conscientious lion, not, as so often at galleries, as hedonist. Needless to say I thought if our visit strongly and thought today it was calm, nobody attacked me, I regretted passionately you were not with me.
I hope that you are able to buy the cups today - we do need them. To answer several points in your letter: of course I will try for your button - be sure to send me exact size, substance, &c. I have not bought but will buy the sugar.
My wisdom tooth is not comfortable and, at present, I very much doubt the wisdom of having them at my advanced age
I had lunch with Charles and we are going to dine at Vincent House next Tuesday, after a contained lecture on Watteau's Cyllere. In an hour I am going to Carsons so I shall be smart for meeting Paul who has a new pair of suede boots ( Jackie took him shopping) and I expect he will have some news about the service. I will certainly let you know what has happened.
I adore you
67483777 - Preacher357
LATERI have been in town some little time now - it is
afternoon, almost tea-time. I have been again to Bur-
lington House and made some vates on the Barlign school;
today I am a patient, conscientious lion, not, as so often at , an hedonist. Needless to say I thought of
our visit strongly and thought today it was calm, no-
body attacked me, I regretted passionately you were not
with me.
I hope that you are able to buy the cups today - we do need them. To answer several points in your letter: of
course I will try for your button - be sure to send me ex-
act size, . I have not bought but will
by the sugar.
My wisdom tooth is not comfortable and ,
I very much doubt the wisdom of having them at my advanced
I had lunch with Charles and we are going to dine at
Vincient House next Tuesday, after a courtaned lecture
on Walteau's Cythere. In an hour I am going to Carsons -
so I shall be smart for meeting Paul who has a new pair
of suede boots (Jackie took him shopping) and I ex-
pect he will have some news about the revue. I
will certainly let you know what has happened.
I adore you
WINNER - 67879719 - hoskinml
LATERI have been in town some little time now - it is afternoon, almost tea-time. I have been again to Burlington House and made some notes on the Barbizon school; today I am a patient, conscientious lion, not, as so often at galleries, an hedonist. Needless to say I thought of our visit strongly and though today it was calm, nobody attacked me, I regretted passionately you were not with me.
I hope that you are able to buy the cups today - we do need them. To answer several points in your letter: of course I will try for your button - be sure to send me ex-act size, substance, &c. I have not bought but will buy the sugar.
My wisdom tooth is not comfortable and, at present, I very much doubt the wisdom of having them at my advanced age
I had lunch with Charles and we are going to dine at Vincent House next Tuesday, after a courtaned lecture on Watteau's Cythere. In an hour I am going to Carsons - so I shall be smart for meeting Paul who has a new pair of suede boots (Jackie took him shopping) and I ex-pect he will have some news about the revue. I will certainly let you know what has happened.
I adore you
68073234 - JanetCormack
LATERI have been in town some little time now - it is afternoon, almost tea-time. I have been again to Burlington House and made some notes on the Barbizon school; today I am a patient, conscientious lion, not, as so often at galleries, an hedonist. Needless to say I thought of our visit strongly and thought today it was calm, nobody attacked me, I regretted passionately you were not with me.
I hope that you are able to buy the cups today - we do need them. To answer several points in your letter: of course I will try for your button - be sure to send me exact size, substance, etc. I have not bought but will buy the sugar.
My wisdom tooth is not comfortable and, at present, I very much doubt the wisdom of having them at my advanced age.
I had lunch with Charles and we are going to dine at Varient House next Tuesday, after a Courtauld lecture on Watteau's Cythera. In an hour I am going to Cassons - so I shall be smart for meeting Paul who has a new pair of suede boots (Jackie took him shopping) and I expect he will have some news about the revue. I will certainly let you know what has happened
I adore you