- Max. dissimilarity: 0.078
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.055
- Image votes: 1.0
- 65795402 - dmadden
- 65890736 - pleiades33
- WINNER - 65957775 - jaksen
- 66159949 - not-logged-in-939538ab60c3411bfee1
- 66270154 - k.h.pot
- 66359225 - jsprake

65795402 - dmadden
Blackheath3 march 50
Dearest Sylvia,
Here is a copy of World Review (which came this morning) which I hope you will
show to the Woods for they thought of the Christian sym-
bolism. Many of the other symbols you detected and, if
it were possible in such a short article, I would give
you all acknowledgements. Last week I received ten guin_
eas for the Third Man and it is this that has kept your
lion's head above water:
(I did not expect, by the way, ever to be in a paper with
I envy you your lecture on Heredity by Clifford, just
as I envy C. having so intelligent and beautiful a cat
in his audience.
Yesterday evening, after all the lectures &c. of which
I told you yesterday I went to Paul's flat which is charm-
ing and met various hat-designing or theatrical queers -
one of who I settled down to talk about Venice with. He also had a book of coloured reproductions of Mario Sironi. He had
lived on S. Giorgio Maggiore! I caught the last train
and was very tired last night but I am fine today and shall
settle down this afternoon and evening to psycho-analyse
H's aesthetics in relation to the fore-pleasure of his
I must go and shop or half the day will be gone.
I love you and will write again tomorrow, my beauty,
my dove. I hope you are better today. Look after
yourself; Lionel sends his warmest regards and Dandy
has passionate love,
65890736 - pleiades33
Blackheath3 march 50
Dearest Sylvia,
Here is a copy of World Review which came this morning which I hope you will show to the Woods for they thought of the Christian symbolism. Many of the other symbols you detected and, if it were possible in such a short article, I would give you all acknowledgements. Last week I received ten guineas for the Third Man and it is this that has kept your lion's head above water:
(I did not expect, by the way, ever to be in a paper with Jaspers...)
I envy you your lecture on Heredity by Clifford, just as I envy C. having so intelligent and beautiful a cat in his audience.
Yesterday evening, after all the lectures &c. of which I told you yesterday I went to Paul's flat which is charming and met various hat-designing or theatrical queers - one of whom I settled down to talk about Venice with. He had lived on S. Giorgio Maggiore! I caught the last train and was very tired last night but I am fine today and shall settle down this afternoon and evening to psycho-analyse H's aesthetics in relation to the fore-pleasure of his pictures.
I must go and shop or half the day will be gone.
I love you and will write again tomorrow, my beauty, my dove. I hope you are better today. Look after yourself; Lionel sends his warmest regards and Dandy has passionate love,
I love you Lawrence
WINNER - 65957775 - jaksen
Blackheath3 March 50
Dearest Sylvia,
Here is a copy of World Review which I hope you will show to the Woods for they thought of the Christian symbolism. Many of the other symbols you detected and, if it were possible in such a short article, I would give you all acknowledgements. Last week I received ten guineas for the Third Man and it is this that has kept your lion's head above water.
(I did not expect, by the way, ever to be in a paper with Jaspers...)
I envy you your lecture on Heredity by Clifford, just as I envy C. having so intelligent and beautiful a cat in his audience.
Yesterday evening, after all the lectures etc., of which I told you yesterday I went to Paul's flat which is charming and met various hat-designing or theatrical queers - one of whom I settled down to talk about Venice with. He had lived on S. Giorgio Maggiore. I caught the last train and was very tired last night but I am fine today and shall settle down this afternoon and evening to psycho-analyse H's aesthetics in relation to the fore-pleasure of his pictures.
I must go and shop or half the day will be gone.
I love you and will write again tomorrow, my beauty, my dove. I hope you are better today. Look after yourself. Lionel sends his warmest regards and Dandy has passionate love.
I love you Lawrence
(Which came this morning.)
(He also had a book of colored reproductions of Mario Sirone)
66159949 - not-logged-in-939538ab60c3411bfee1
Blackheath3 march 50
Dearest Sylvia,
Here is a copy of World Review which came this morning which I hope you will show to the Woods for they thought of the Christian sym-
bolism. Many of the other symbols you detected and, if it were possible in such a short article, I would give you all acknowledgements. Last week I received ten guin-
eas for the Third Man and it is this that has kept your lion's head above water:
(I did not expect, by the way, ever to be in a paper with Jaspers...)
I envy you your lecture on Heredity by Clifford, just as I envy C. having so intelligent and beautiful a cat in his audience.
Yesterday evening, after all the lectures &c. of which I told you yesterday I went to Paul's flat which is charming and met various hat-designing or theatrical queers - one of whom I settled down to talk about Venice. He also had a book of colored reproductions of Maria Eiront. He had lived on S. Giorgio Maggiore! I caught the last train and was very tired last night but I am fine today and shall settle down this afternoon and evening to psycho-analyse H's aesthetics in relation to the fore-pleasure of his pictures.
I must go and shop or half the day will be gone.
I love you and will write again tomorrow, my beauty, my dove. I hope you are better today. Look after yourself; Lionel sends his warmest regards and Dandy has passionate love,
I love you
66270154 - k.h.pot
Blackheath3 march 50
Dearest Sylvia,
Here is a copy of World Review which came this morning which I hope you will
show to the Woods for they thought of the Christian sym-
bolism. Many of the other symbols you detected and, if
it were possible in such a short article, I would give
you all acknowledgments. Last week I received then guin-
eas for the Third Man and it is this that has kept your
lion's head above water:
(I did not expect, by the way, ever to be in a paper with
Jaspers ...)
I envy you your lecture on Heredity by Clifford, just
as I envy C. having so intelligent and beautiful a cat
in his audience.
Yesterday evening, after all the lectures &c. of which
I told you yesterday I went to Paul's flat which is charm-
ing and met various hat-designing or theatrical queers -
one of whom I settled down to talk about Venice with.
He also had a book of coloured reproductions of Maris Siront.
He had lived on S. Giorgio Maggiore! I caught the last train
and was very tired last night but I am fine today and shall
settle down this afternoon and evening to psyco-analyse
H's aesthetics in relation to the fore-pleasure of his
I must go and shop or half the day will be gone.
I love you and will write again tomorrow, my beauty,
my dove. I hope you are better today. Look after
yourself; Lionel sends his warmest regards and Dandy his passionate love,
I love you
66359225 - jsprake
Blackheath3 march 50
Dearest Sylvia,
Here is a copy of World Review which cam this morning, which I hope you will
show to the Woods for they thought of the Christian sym-
bolism. Many of the other symbols you detected and, if
it were possible in such a short article, I would give you all acknowledgments. Last week I received ten guin-
eas for the Third Man and it is this that has kept your
lion's head above water:
(I did not expect, by the way, ever to be in a paper with
I envy you your lecture on Heredity by Clifford, just
as I envy C. having so intelligent and beautiful a cat
in his audience.
Yesterday evening, after all the lectures &c. of which
I told you yesterday I went to Paul's flat which is charm-
ing and met various hat-designing or theatrical queers -
one of whom I settled down to talk about Venice with. He also had a book of colored reproductions of Moris . He had
lived on S. Giorgio Maggiore! I caught the last train
and was very tired last night but I am fine today and shall
settle down this afternoon and evening to psycho-analyse
H's aesthetics in relation to the fore-pleasure of his
I must go and shop or half the day will be gone.
I love you and will write again tomorrow, my beauty,
my dove. I hope you are better today. Look after
yourself; Lionel sends his warmest regards and Dandy
has passionate love,
I love you