- Max. dissimilarity: 0.214
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.122
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65785711 - hoskinml
- 65841731 - dclausentn
- WINNER - 65855898 - evanstonsherry
- 65969327 - Preacher357
- 66136635 - nhsia
- 66147860 - not-logged-in-f00f6ab5f35f9d5733c1
- 66161812 - kennyfarr

65785711 - hoskinml
London [27-3-50]Monday
Dearest Sylvia
Forgive my delay, in writing, I am very sad and guilty at myself but on Sunday morning I was rather ill. Saturday evening I drank a quantity of rough cider which upset me and thoroughly incapacitated me on Sunday. Do forgive me.
I am glad that Tiny agrees about Newcastle - I'm sure that will relieve your mind consid-erably, as it does mine for I was worried in case your conflicts were exceptionally trying, with the necessity of flat-letting, and coming to town early.
I shall behave myself very correctly and not attempt to see you too much, so that you will not have to stay on after 8th April.
Aren't they vile, the old ladies . at Pett, not welcoming a picture. They are, as Joyce might have said 'anticonologicunts' I am get-ting on with my review = Paul Southey was very helpful. He also helped my recovery, when he came yesterday evening.
Thank you so muc for your letter. It was a charming one, which banished my last feeling of unhealth this morning. I love you.
65841731 - dclausentn
Dearest Sylvia
Forgive my delay, in writing, I am very sad and guilty at myself but on Sunday morning I was rather ill. Saturday evening I drank a quantity of upset me and thoroughly incapacitated me on Sunday. Do forgive me.
I am glad that Tiny agrees about Newcastle - I'm sure that will relieve your mind considerably, as it does mine for I was worried in case your conflicts were exceptionally trying, with a necessity of fear. letters, and coming to town early.
I shall behave myself very correctly and not attempt to see you too much, so that you will not have a stay on after 8th April.
Aren't they old ladies old ladies, , was welcoming a picture. They are, as Joyce might have said "anticonologicunts". I am getting on with my review: Paul Soulthy was very helpful. He also helped my recoery, when he came yesterday evening. Thank you so much for your letter. It was a charming one, which banished my last feelings of unhealth this morning. I love you.
WINNER - 65855898 - evanstonsherry
Dearest Sylvia
Forgive my delay, in writing, I am very sad
and guilty at myself but on Sunday morning
I was rather ill. Saturday evening I drank
a quantity of rough cider which upset me and
thoroughly incapacitated me on Sunday. Do
forgive me.
I am glad that Tiny agrees about Newcastle -
I'm sure that will relieve your mind consid-
erably, as it does mine for I was worried in
case your conflicts were exceptionally
trying, with the necessity of flat-letting, and coming to town early.
I shall behave myself very correctly and
not attempt to see you too much, so that
you will not have to stay on after 8th April.
Aren't they vile, the old ladies, at Pett, not
welcoming a picture. They are, as Joyce might
have said 'anticonologicunts' I am get-
ting on with my review: Paul Southey was very
helpful. He also helped my recovery, when
he came yesterday evening.
Thank you so much for your letter. It was a
charming one, which banished my last feelings
of unhealth this morning. I love you.
65969327 - Preacher357
London [27-3-50]Monday
Dearest Sylvia
Forgive my delay in writing, I am very sad
and guilty at myself but on Sunday morning
I was rather ill. Saturday everning I drank
a quantity of rougs cider which upset me and
thoroughly incapacitated me on Sunday. Do
forgive me.
I am glad that Tiny agrees about Newcastle,
I'm sure that will relieve your mind consid-
erably, as it does mine for I was worried in
case your conflicts were exceptionalyy
trying, with the necessity of , letting,
and coming to town early.
I shall behave myself very corrects and
not attempt to see you too much, so that
you will not have to stay on after 8th April.
Arn't they vile, the old ladies at Peti, not
welcoming a picture. The are, as Joyce might
have said anticonologicunts. I am get-
ting on with my review; Paul Southy was very
helpful. He also helped my recovery, when
he came yesterday evening.
Thank you so much for your letter. It was a
charming one, which banished my last feelings
of unhealth this morning. I love you.
66136635 - nhsia
Dearest Sylvia
Forgive my delay, in writing, I am very sad
and guilty at myself but on Sunday morning
I was rather ill. Saturday evening I drank
a quantity of rough cider which upset me and
thoroughly incapacitated me on Sunday. Do
forgive me.
I am glad that Tiny agrees about Newcastle -
I'm sure that will relieve your mind consid-
erably, as it does mine for I was worried in
case your conflicts were exceptionally
trying, with the necessity of flat-letting,
and coming to town early.
I shall behave myself very correctly and
not attempt to see you too much, so that
you will not have to stay on after 8th April.
Aren't they vile, the old ladies, at Pett, not
welcoming a picture. They are, as Joyce might
have said 'anticonologicunts' I am get-
ting on with my review: Paul Soutley was very
helpful. He also helped my recovery, when
he came yesterday evening.
Thank you so much for your letter. It was a
charming one, which banished my last feelings
of unhealth this morning. I love you.
66147860 - not-logged-in-f00f6ab5f35f9d5733c1
Dearest Sylvia
Forgive my delay, in writing, I am very sad
and guilty at myself but on Sunday morning
I was rather ill. Saturday evening I drank
a quantity of rougs cider which upset me and
thoroughly incapacitated me on Sunday. Do
forgive me.
I am glad that Tiny agrees about Newcastle -
I'm sure that will relieve your mind consid-
erably, as it does mine for I was worried in
case your conflicts were exceptionally
trying, with the necessity of jeal letting, and coming to town early.
I shall behave myself very correctly and
not attempt to see you too much, so that
you will not have to stay on after 8th April.
Aren't they vile, the old ladies, and Pete, not welcoming a picture. They are, as Joyce might have said 'anticonologicunts' I am get-
ting on with my review: Paul Southey was very
helpful. He also helped my recovery, when
he came yesterday evening.
Thank you so much for your letter. It was a
charming one, which banished my last feelings
of unhealth this morning. I love you.
66161812 - kennyfarr
Dearest Sylvia
Forgive my delay, in writing, I am very sad
and guilty at myself but on Sunday morning
I was rather ill. Saturday evening I drew
a quantity of rouge side which upset me and
thoroughly incapacitaed me on Sunday, Do
forgive me.
I am glad that Tiny agrees about N wealth -
I'm sure that will relieve your mind consid-
erably, as it does mine for I was worried in
case your conflicts were exceptionally
trying, with th enecessity of feat. Letters,
and coming to town early.
I shall behave myself very covertly and
not attempt to see you too much, so that
you will not have to stay on after 8th of April.
Aren' they vile, the old ladies, at Pelt, not
welcoming a picture. They are, as Joyce might
have said 'anticonologicunts'. I am get-
ting on with my review: Paul Southby was very
helpful. He also helped my recovery, when
he came yesterday evening.
Thank you so much for your letter. It was a
charming one, which famished my last feelings
of unhealth this morning. I love you.