- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.419
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65899957 - amybid
- 65987887 - tmeconverse
- 66246520 - WiltedLotus
- 67413109 - ethomson
- WINNER - 67806450 - SREM
- 68244431 - Josie935

65899957 - amybid
afternoonThe letures are over and it is 4.30. I went to the Redfern
to meet Gainsborough and discovered it was an opening
day & learnt Madaleine Pearson was there so I was imme-
diately introduced to numerous people. Slightly
dazzled I am now having a cup of tea. The situation, by
the way, was awful. The lectures were to boys
- some of them in great spin ties (2 1/2 on 3 inch brats) &
slacks that were quite camp. But I manages to get
them interested by giving them sadistic pictures. The
landscape with a serpent was a rare success.
Tiny, I think, slaved over an important modific-
ation of current usage. The be really fashionable
now one should use 'full' for every empathic dis-
gorgement. For example, describing someone whom
one formerly called a square: he should now be
a full square, or, better still, the full drear (drear is
ousting square nowadays). Be sure to tell Tiny this
new development. [EG. the full bottom, the full end, &c]
I'm going to Paul's gent this evening and I hope
to arrange a sitting.
I adore you my deares, my namesly creature -
Think of me, as I think you, lovingly, constantly
I love you,
65987887 - tmeconverse
afternoon.The lectures are over and it is 4.30. I went to the Redfern to meet Gainsborough and discovered it was an opening day & that Madeleine Pearson was there so I was immediately introduced to numerous people. Slightly dazzled I am now having a cup of tea. The exhibition, by the way, was awful. The lectures were to boys - some of them in great spin ties (2 1/2 or 3 inch ends & shoes that were quite camp. But I managed to get them interested by giving them sodistic pictures. The landscape with a serpent was a rare success.
Tiny, I think, should know an important modification of current usage. To be really fashionable now one should use 'full' for every emphatic disparagement. For example, describing someone whom one formerly called a square: he should now be a full square, or, better still, the full drear (drear is something square nowadays). Be sure to tell Tiny this new development. (EG. the full bottom, the full end, &c.]
I'm going to Paul's flat this evening and I hope to arrange a sitting.
I adore you my dearest, my ravishing creature - Think of me, as I think of you, lovingly, constantly
I love you
66246520 - WiltedLotus
afternoon.The lectures are over and it is 4:30. I went to Redfern to meet Gainsborough and discovered it was an opening day & that Madeleine Pearson was htere so I was imme-diately introduced to numerous people. Slightly dazzled I am now having a cup of tea. The exhibition, by the way, was awful. The lectures were to boys - some of them in great spiv ties (2 1/2 or 3 inch krats) & shoes that were quite camp. But I managed to get them interested by giving them sadistic pictures. The landscape with a serpent was a rare success.
Tiny, I think, should know an important modification of current usage. To be really fashionable now one should use 'full' for every emphatic dis-paragement. For example, describing someone whom one formerly called a square: he should now be a full square, or, better still, the full drear (drear is ousting square nowadays). Be sure to tell Tiny this new development. [EG. the full bottom, the full end, &c]
I'm going to Paul's flat this evening and I hope to arrange a sitting.
I adore you my dearest, my ravishing creature - Think of me, as I think of you, lovingly, constantly
I love you
67413109 - ethomson
afternoonThe lectures are over and it is 4.30. I went to the Redfern
to meet Gainsborough and discovered it was an opening
day & that Madeleine Pearson was there so I was imme-
diatley introduced to numerous people. Slightly
dazzled I am now having a cup of tea. The exhibition, by
the way, was awful. The lectures were to boys
- some of them in great spiv ties (2 1/2 or 3 inch knots) &
shoes that were quite camp. But I managed to get
them interested by giving them sadistic pictures. The
landscape with a serpent was a rare success.
Tiny, I think, should know an important modific-
action of current usage. To be really fashionable
now one should use 'full' for every emphatic dis-
paragement. For example, describing someone whom
one formerly called a square: he should now be
a full square, or, better still, the full drear (drear is
anything square nowadays). Be sure to tell Tiny this
new development. [E.g. the full bottom, the full end, &c]
I'm going to Paul's feat this evening and I hope
to arrange a sitting.
I adore you my dearest, my ravishing creature -
Think of me, as I think of you, lovingly, ?
I love you
WINNER - 67806450 - SREM
afternoon.The lectures are over and it is 4:30. I went to the Redfern to meet Gainsborough and discovered it was an opening day and that Madeleine Pearson was there so I was immediately introduced to numerous people. Slightly dazzled I am now having a cup of tea. The exhibition, by the way, was awful. The lectures were to boys - some of them in great spiv ties (2 1/2 or 3 inch knots) & shoes that were quite camp. But I managed to get them interested by giving them sadistic pictures. The landscape with a serpent was a rare success.
Tiny, I think, should know an important modification of current usage. To be really fashionable now one should use 'full' for every emphatic disparagement. For example, describing someone whom one formerly called a square: he should now be a full square, or, better still, the full drear (drear is ousting square nowadays). Be sure to tell Tiny this new development. [EG - the full bottom, the full end, & c]
I'm going to Paul's flat this evening and I hope to arrange a sitting.
I adore you my dearest, my ravishing creature - Think of me, as I think of you, lovingly, constantly
I love you
68244431 - Josie935