- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.629
- Image votes: 1.0
- 65773040 - not-logged-in-156191c866ab086044cb
- 65780512 - not-logged-in-80ceadf6e8f2d2b32a40
- WINNER - 65857561 - Lynst
- 66100182 - not-logged-in-450dedc8e31eb5a3bd83
- 66315642 - JanetCormack
- 66347796 - xuelee

65773040 - not-logged-in-156191c866ab086044cb
65780512 - not-logged-in-80ceadf6e8f2d2b32a40
Leicester Square Post Office 24 V 1950Dearest Sylvia,
I too have come prepared with a stamped envelope, ready to write to you as soon as the opportunity came. I hope that you journey was not as uncomfortable as I expect it was. It is now 4:45 - so I suppose the ordeal is over. Purgatory has ended in. . . . what.
My light lecture began, I think rather poorly but got better and better and I ended feeling masterful - a real dandy. Two people said how much they liked it. I discovered things about the Catens design (which I'll tell you bigone it one day. . . and discussed Baroque use of light in great detail, fitting in, on a sudden thought, a disquisition about the picturesque. I wished you were there - you seem so often to be away for my interesting lectures.
Oh I found Charles' book and read the proper chapters - quite good really, sound so far as it went; I was agreeably surprised. Herdy was arranging the Dutch pictures - IN HIS SHIRT-SLEEVES. the Wilbonhein pictures are coming down on Sunday so it is a good thing you saw the Fragonard this morning.
Here is Dandy with the Rembrandt.
Poems are half
formulated in my
mind, I feel, like
houses for which
the foundations
laid I mustered
in the past 2 weeks)
already exist.
Soon the staircases
and towers and hall
will arise, glit
tering and sournal .
Look after yourself my beauty as I shall do for you as you advised me before you left.
I love you
WINNER - 65857561 - Lynst
Leicester Square Post Office 24 V 1950Dearest Sylvia.
I too have come prepared with a stamped envelope, ready to write
to you as soon as the opportunity came. I hope that your journey
was not as uncomfortable as I expect it was. It is now 4.45 -
so I suppose the ordeal is over. Purgatory has ended in ....what.
My light lecture began, I think, rather poorly but got better better
and I ended feeling masterful - a real dandy. Two people said how
much they liked it. I discovered things about the Catena design X
and discussed Baroque use of light in great detail, fitting in,
on a sudden thought, a disquisition about the picturesque. I
wished you were there - you seem so often to be away, for my
interesting lectures.
Oh I found Charles' book and read the proper chapters - quite good
really, sound so far as it went : I was agreeably surprised.
Herdy was arranging the Dutch pictures - IN HIS SHIRT-SLEEVES. The
Gulbenkian pictures are coming down on Sunday so it is a good
thing you saw the Fragonard this morning.
Here is Dandy with the Rembrandt
Poems are half
formulated in my
mind, I feel, like
houses for which
the foundations
(laid by Minerva
in the past 2 weeks)
already exist.
Soon the staircases
towers halls
will arise, glit-
tering and formal
Look after yourself my beauty as I shall do for you as
you advised me before you left.
I love you
X which I'll tell you before it one day..
66100182 - not-logged-in-450dedc8e31eb5a3bd83
Tenents' Square Port office 24 v 1950Dearest Sylvia,
I too have come prepared with a stamped envelope, ready to write
to you as soon as the opportunity came. I hope that your journey
was not as uncomfortable as I expect it was. It is now 4.45 -
so I suppose the ordeal is over. Purgatory has ended in....what.
My light lecture began, I think, rather poorly but got better and better
and I ended feeling wonderful - a real dandy. Two people said how
much they liked it. I discovered things about the catena design which I'll tell you about it one day...
and discussed Baroque use of light in great detail, fitting in,
on a sudden thought, a disquisition about the picturesque. I
wished you wre there - you seem so often to be away for my
interesting lectures.
Oh I found Charles' book and read the proper chapters - quite good
really, sound so far as it went: I was agreeably surprised.
Herdy was arranging the dutch pictures - IN HIS SHIRT SLEEVES. the
Lulbenhein pictures are coming down on Sunday so it is a good
thing you saw the Fragovard this morning.
Here is Dandy with the Hembuard.
Poems are half
formulated in my
mind, I feel, like
houses for which
the foundations
I laid by minding
in the past 2 weeks
already exist.
Soon the staircases
and towers and falls
will arise, glit-
tering and formal.
Look after yourself my beauty as I shall do for you as
you advised me before you left.
Love you
66315642 - JanetCormack
Leicester Square Post Office 24 V 1950Dearest Sylvia,
I too have come prepared with a stamped envelope, ready to write to you as soon as the opportunity came. I hope that your journey was not as uncomfortable as I expect it was. It is now 4.45 - so I suppose the ordeal is over. Purgatory has ended in .... what.
My light lecture began, I think, rather poorly but got better & better and I ended feeling masterful - a real dandy. the people said how much they like it. I discovered things about the Catenodesign which I'll tell you before it one day ... and discussed Baroque use of light in great detail, fitting in, on a sudden thought, a disquisition about the picturesque. I wished you were there - you seem so often to be away for my interesting lectures.
Oh I found Charles' book and read the popeschapters - quite good really, sound so far as it went: I was agreeably surprised. Herdywas arranging the Dutch pictures - IN HIS SHIRT-SLEEVES. The Gulbenkein pictures are coming down on Sunday so it is a good thing you saw the Fragonard pictures this morning.
Here is Dandy with the Rembrandt
Poems are half formulated in my mind, I feel, like houses for which the foundations (laid by Minerva in the past 2 weeks) already exist. Soon the staircases & towers & halls will arise, glittering and formal.
Look after yourself my beauty as I shall do for you - as you advised before you left.
I love you
66347796 - xuelee