- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.433
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65784202 - WiltedLotus
- 65839346 - Luna54
- 66027445 - maewe
- 66229688 - teresaanne
- 66301078 - SailorVal
- 66760592 - tmeconverse

WINNER - 65784202 - WiltedLotus
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your two letters. One I received last night, the other this morning. You see, I did go to Brighton after all, first spending the night of Saturday with Molly & Eric, and so your letter did not reach until my return. I hasten to answer it before you leave Bath.
Your account of Chicester cathedral, where I have been twice, but not recently enough to have a good memory of it, stimulated me to add almost 50 more lines to my typographical poem. The Countess of Arundel I particularly mention but the whole section about church visiting followed the communication of my Muse. I will not send it to you, yet, much as I am tempted to do so, but prefer you to see the whole poem when it is complete. (Apart from this poem I am working on The Poet in the Garden, along question and answer poem (100 lines), a journey based on the fare-stages of a bus ticket, and plan today to start a group of lyrics about women with double-heads and 'profullface' faces.)
On Friday I talked about near Mannerists & mannerism: Piero's (?) Florentine General, two del Sartos, the new Bronzino, two Moronis, Iatto's Lucretia, and Sebastiano del Piombo: it was successful, I believe, and certainly covered an unfamiliar sequence of pictures. I thought of you so hard, so sweetly.
I thought of you, again, at Brighton. Ilsa Rodmell is a sophisticated, primitive painter working now on charming Campigli - douanier Rous-seau type pictures. Bernard and I were both impressed. She is very gay, CIRCA 50, and lives, incidentally in pretty Russell Square. She has a 26 year-old lover who is really a superb painter, John Catt (so there are two painting cats connected with Brighton), an expressionist, as neurotic as they come, but very gifted. So we had a pictorial treat for Ilsa & he seemed to have hundred of pictures each to show us.
Ilso has a husband, absolutely un-remarkable & dull, as well as John
65839346 - Luna54
Black Whit MondayDearest Sylvia
Thank you for your two letters. On I received last night, the other this morning. You see, I did go to Brighton after all, first spending the night on Saturday with Molly & Eric, and so your letter did not read until my return. I hasten to answer it before you leave Bath.
You account of Leicester Cathedral, where I have been twice, but not recently enough to have a good memory of it, stimulated me to add almost 50 more lines to my topographical poem. The counties of I particularly mention but the whole section about followed as communication of my Muse. I will not send it to you, yet, much as I am tempted to do so but prefer you to see the whole poem when it is complete. (Apart from this poem I am working on The Poet in the Garden, a long question and answer poem (100 lines), a journey based on the fare-stages of a bus ticket, and plan today a start a group of lyrics about women with double-heads and faces.)
On Friday, I talked about near mannerist to mannerism: Pieros (?) Florentine General, two del Santos, the new Brongiono, two Maronis, Latto's Lucertia, and Elbartiaro del Piombro: it was successful, I believe, and certainly covered an unfamiliar sequence of pictures. I thought of you so hard, so sweetly.
I thought of you, again at Brighton. Lesa Rodmell is a sophisticated, primitive painter working now on charming Campiglio - Louraine Rous seam type pictures. Bernard and I were both impressed. She is very gay, circaso, and lives, incidentally in pretty Russell Square. She has a 26 year-old lover who is really an expert painter, John Catt (so there are two painting cats connected with Brighton), an expressionist, as neurotic as they come, but very gifted. So we had a pictorial treat for and he seemed to have hundreds of pictures each to show us.
Lesa has a husband, absolutely unremarkable as dull, as well as John
66027445 - maewe
66229688 - teresaanne
Whit Monday
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your two letters. One I received last night, the other this morning. You see, I did to to Brighton after all, first spending the night of Saturday with Molly & Eric, and so your letter did not reach until my return. I hasten to answer it before you leave Bath.
You account of Chicester cathedral, where I have been twice, but not recently enough to have a good memory of it, stimulated me to add almost 50 more lines in my topographical poem. The Countess of Arundel I particularly mention but the whole section about church visiting followed the communication of my muse. I will not send it to you, yet, much as I am tempted to do so, but prefer you to see the whole poem when it is complete. (Apart from this poem I am working on The Poet in the Garden, a long question and answer poem (100 lines), a journey based on the fare-stages of a bus ticket, and plan today to start a group of lyrics about women with double-heads and "profullface" faces.)
On Friday I talked about near mannerists to mannerisms: Piano's (?) Florentine General, two del Santos, the new Brongiro, two Manonis, lotto's Lucretia, and Sebastian del Piombo; it was successful, I believe, and certainly covered an unfamiliar sequence of pictures. I thought of you so hard, so sweetly.
I thought of you, again, at Brighton. Ilsa Rodnell is a sophisticated, primitive painter working now on charming Campigli - donaries Rousseau top pictures. Bernard and I were both impressed. She is very gay, CIRCA 50, and lives, incidentally, in pretty Russell Square. She as a 26 year-old lover who is really a superb painter, John Catt (so there are two painting cats connected with Brighton), an expressionist, as neurotic as they come, but very gifted. So we had a pictorial treat for Ilsa & he seemed to have hundreds of pictures each to show us.
Ilsa has a husband, absolutely un-remarkable & dull, as well as John
66301078 - SailorVal
[29.5.50]Blackheath Whit Monday
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your two letters. One I received last night, the other
this morning. You see, I did go to Brighton after all, first spending
the night of Saturday with Molly & Eve, and so your letter did not
reach until my return. I hasten to answer it before you leave Bath.
Your account of Exeter cathedral, where I have been twice, but not
recently enough to have a good memory of it, stimulated me to add
almost 50 more lines to my topographical poem. The counties of Arun-
del I particularly mention but the whole section about church visiting
followed the communication of my Muse. I will not send it to you , yet,
much as I am tempted to do so, but prefer you to see the whole poem when
it is complete. (Apart from this poem I am working on The Poet in the
Garden, a long question and answer poem (100 lines), a journey based on
the fare-stages of a bus-ticket, and plan today to start a group of
lyrics about women with double-heads and 'profullface' faces.)
On Friday I talked about near mannerists to mannerism: Pienos (?)
Florentine general, two del Santos, the new Bronzino, two Manonis, Catto's
Lucretia and Sebastiano del Piombo: it was successful, I believe, and
certainly covered an unfamiliar sequence of pictures. I thought of you
so hard, so sweetly.
I thought of you, again, at Brighton. Ilsa Rodmell is a sophisticated,
primitive painter working now on charming Campigli - douanier Rous-
seau type pictures. Bernard and I were both impressed. She is very
gay, circa 50, and lives, incidentally, in pretty Russell Square. She
has a 26 year-old lover who is really a superb painter, John Catt (so
there are two painting cats connected with Brighton), an expressionist,
as neurotic as they come, but very gifted. So we had a pictorial
treat for Ilsa & he seemed to have hundreds of pictures each to
show us.
Ilsa has a husband, absolutely un-memorable & dull, as well as John
66760592 - tmeconverse
[29-5-50]Blackheath Whit Monday
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for your two letters. One I received last night, the other this morning. You see, I did go to Brighton after all, first spending the night of Saturday with Wally &Eric, and so your letter did not reach until my return. I hasten to answer it before you leave Bath.
Your account of Chiscester cathedral, where I have been twice, but not recently enough to have a good memory of it, stimulated me to add almost 50 more lines to my topographical poem. The counters of Arundel I particularly mention but the whole section about church visiting followed the communication of my Muse. I will not send it to you, yet, much as I am tempted to do so, but prefer you to see the whole poem when it is complete. (Apart from this poem I am working on The Poet in the Garden, a long question and answer poem (100 lines), a journey based on the fare-stages of a bus ticket, and plan to start a group of lyrics about women with double-heads and ''mafullfoce' faces.)
On Friday I talked about near mannerists to mannerism: Piero's (?) Florentine General, two del Sartos, the new Bronzino, two Moronis, Latto's Lucretia, and Sebastiano del Piombo: it was successful, I believe, and certainly covered an unfamiliar sequence of pictures. I thought of you so hard, so sweetly.
I thought of you, again, at Brighton: Ilsa Ronmelll is a sophisticated, primitive painter working now on charming Campili - douanies Rousseau type pictures. Bernard and I were both impressed. She is very gay, CIRCASO, and lives, incidentally, in Russell Square. She has a 26 year-old lover who is really a superb painter, John Catt (so there are two painting cats connected with Brighton), an expressionist, as neurotic as they come, but very gifted. So we had a pictorial treat for Ilsa & he seemed to have hundreds of pictures each to show.
Ilsa has a husband, absolutely unremarkable & dull, as well as John