- Max. dissimilarity: 0.195
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.09
- Image votes: 1.0
- 65794148 - dguent
- WINNER - 66218741 - Chris5420
- 66260452 - slicitra
- 66309597 - maewe
- 66347985 -
- 66389177 - nzanga
- 66694088 - gbeerjohn

65794148 - dguent
I have heard from Chameleon and it is unlikely that it will ever appear, unfortunately. I am going to write, checking on the prospects of publication. If these are very remote I shall keep the Gilpin article and charge Mollie Herbert for the photographs and a few expenses, such as two fares to the V and A. This is rather disappointing but compensating for this I have worked out a few details for my second book. The artists would include Francis Hayman, George Lambert, and Henry Walton (tomorrow I shall see his work); then I could expand my Glipin article (I shall have 6 photographs already), and close, possibly, with 'Mannerism and Regency Architecture.' I shall include two or three other articles, perhaps one on Wilson, Benjamin, I mean. Do tell me your opinion of this projected scheme. If you tell Michael would you ask him not to mention it to Ian Philips who might mention the subjects to a possible rival. I know it is unlikely but there is a slight, but real, possibility of being thus anticipated - especially about the Regency one.I will send you the Millyard Book & The Eagle tomorrow. How many more books must M. read?
This afternoon I want, if possible, to work on D.O.A., and get the article into shape before going to France, in case anybody there is interested in such articles, as Peter Simovous thought was likely.
My darling Sylvia, I love you so dearly. Your elegant image rises from memory born up by a great number of white owls which show up by their feathers the warm colours of your body. I am so glad you are working well. I adore you, extravagantly and constantly. Continue to paint and you will ensure my contentment, which is tried at our long parting. By painting the time will pass quickly - with the unexpected speed of an owl hunting in the evening. I love you
Dandy, working at home for 3 days, has not shaved.
WINNER - 66218741 - Chris5420
I have heard from Chameleon and it is unlikely that it will everappear, unfortunately. I am going to write, checking on the prospects of
publication. If these are very remote I shall keep the Gilpin article
and charge Mollie Herbert for the photographs and a few expenses, such
as two fares to the V and A. This is rather disappointing but compen-
sating for this I have worked out a few details for my second
book. The artists would include Francis Hayman, George Lambert,
and Henry Walton (tomorrow I shall see his work); then I could
expand my Gilpin article (I shall have 6 photographs already,
and close, possibly, with 'Mannerism and Regency architecture?
I shall include two or three other articles, perhaps one on Wilson,
Benjamin, I mean. Do tell me your opinion of this projected scheme,
If you tell Michael would you ask him not to mention it to Ian
Philips who might mention the subjects to a possible rival, I know
it is unlikely but there is a slight, but real, possibility of being
thus anticipated - especially about the Regency one.
I will send you the Hillyard Book The Eagle tomorrow. How
many more books must M. read?
This afternoon I want, if possible, to work on D.O.A., and get
an article into shape before going to France, in case anybody
there is interested in such articles, as Peter Simoron thought was likely.
My darling Sylvia, I love you so dearly. Your elegant
image rises from memory born up by a great number of white
owls which show up by their feathers the warm colours of your
body. I am so glad you are working well. I adore you,
extravagantly and constantly. Continue to paint and you will
ensure my contentment, which is tired at our long parting.
By painting the time will pass quickly - with the unexpected
speed of an owl hunting in the evening. I love you
Dandy working at home for 3 days,
has not shaved.
66260452 - slicitra
I have heard from Chameleon and it is unlikely that it will ever appear, unfortuantely. I am going to write, checking on the prospects of publication. If these are very remote I shall keep the article and charge Herbert for the photogrpahs and a few expenses, such as the two fares to the V and A. This is rather diappointing but compensating for this I have washed out a few details for my second book. The artists would include Francis Hayman, George Lambert, and Henry Walton (tomorrow I shall see his work) ; then I could expand my article (I shall have 6 photographs already), and close, possibly, with 'Mannerism and Regency architecture? I shall include two or three other articles, perhaps one on Wilson, Benjamin, I mean. Do tell me your opinion of this projected scheme. If you tell Michael would you ask him not to mention it to Ian Philips who might mention the subjects to a possible rival. I know it is unlikely but there is a slight, but real, possibility of being this anticipated - especially about the Regency one.I will send you the Hillyard Book and The Eagle tomorrow. How many more books must I read?
This afternoon I want, if possible, to work on D.O.A., and get the article into shape before going to France, in case anybody there is interested in such articles, as Peter Simmons thought was likely.
My darling Sylvia, I love you so dearly. Your elegant image rises from memory up by a great number of white owls which slow up by their feathers the warm colours of your body. I am so glad you are working well. I adore you, and constantly. Continue to paint and you will ensure my contentment, which is tried at our long aprting.
By painting the time will pass quickly - with the unexpected speed of an owl hunting in the evening. I love you
Dandy washing at home for 3 days, has not shaved....
66309597 - maewe
I have heard from Chameleon and it is unlikely that It will ever appear, unfortunately. I am going to write, checking on the prospects of publication. If there are very remote I shapp keep the Gulpin article and charge Mollie Herbert for the photograph and a few expenses, such as two fares to the V and A. This is rather disappointing but compensating for this I have worked out a few details for my second book. The artists would include Francis Haymon, George Lambert, and Henry Walton (tomorrow I shall see his work); then I could expand my Gilpin article (I shalle have 6 photographs already),and close, possibly, with Mannerism and Regency architecture. I shall include two or three other articles, perhaps one on Wilson, Benjamin, I mean. Do tell me your opinion of this projected scheme. If you tell Michael would you ask him not to mention it to Ian Philips who might mention the subject to a possible rival. I know it is unlikely but there is a slight, but real, possibility of being thus anticipated - especially about the Regency one.
I will sens you the Hillyaud Book - The Gogle tomorrow. How many more books must M. read?
This afternoon I want, if possible, to work on D. O. A., and get the article into sheye before going to France, in case anybody there is interested in such articles, as Peter Simonons though was likely.
My darlins Sylvia, I love you so dearly. Your elegant image rises from memory born up by a great number of white owls which show up by their heathers the warm colours of your body. I am so glad you are working well. I adore you, extravogently and constantly. Continue to paint and you will ensure my contentment, Whis is triend at any long pointing. By painting the time will pass quickly - with the unexpected speed of an owl hunting in the evening. I love you
Dandy working at home for 3 day, has not shaved.
66347985 -
I have heard from Chameleon and it is unlikely that it will everappear, unfortunately. I am going to write, checking on the prospects of
publication. If these are very remote I shall keep the Gilpin article
and charge Mollie Herbert for the photographs and a few expenses, such
as two fares to the V and A. This is rather disappointing but compen-
sating for this I have worked out a few details for my record
book. The artists would include Francis Hayman, George Lambert, and Henry Walton (tomorrow I shall see his work); then I could
expand my Gilpin article (I shall have 6 photographs already),
and close, possibly, with 'Mannerism and Regency architecture'.
I shall include two or three other articles, perhaps one on Wilson,
Benjamin, I mean. Do tell me your opinion of this projected scheme.
If you tell Michael would you ask him not to mention it to Ian
Philips who might mention the subjects to a possible rival. I know
it is unlikely but there is a slight, but real, possibility of being
thus anticipated - especially about the Regency one.
I will send you the Millyard Book & The Eagle tomorrow. How
many more books must M. read?
This afternoon I want, if possible, to work on D.O.A., and get
the article into shape before going to France, in case anybody
there is interested in such articles, as Peter Simonous thought was likely.
My darling Sylvia, I love you so dearly. Your elegant
image rises from memory born up by a great number of white
owls which show up by their feathers the warm colours of your body. I am so glad you are working
well. I adore you,
extravagantly and instantly. Continue to paint and you will
ensure my contentment, which is tried at our long parting.
By painting the time will pass quickly - with the unexpected
speed of an owl hunting in the evening. I love you
Dandy, working at home for 3 days,
has not shaved . . . .
66389177 - nzanga
I have heard from Chameleon and it is unlikely that it will ever appear, unfortunately. I am going to write, checking on the prospects of publication. If these are very remote I shall keep the Gilpin article and charge Mollie Herbert for the photographs and a few expenses, such as two fares to the V and A. This is rather disappointing but compensating for this I have worked out a few details for my second book. The artists would include Francis Haymon, George Lambert, and Henry Walton ( tomorrow I shall see his work); then I could expand my Gilpin article( I shall have 6 photographs already), and close, possibly, with 'Mannerisms and Regency architecture' I shall include two or three other articles, perhaps one on Wilson, Benjamin, I mean. Do tell me your opinion of this projected scheme. If you tell Michael would you ask him not to mention it to Ian Philips who might mention the subjects to a possible rival. I know it is unlikely but there is a slight but real possibility of being thus anticipated - especially about the Regency one.I will send you the Hillyard Book and The Eagle tomorrow. How many more books must M need?
This afternoon I want, if possible, to work on D.O.A.; and get the article into shape before going to France, in case anybody there is interested in such articles, as Peter Simonon thought was likely.
My darling Sylvia, I love you so dearly. Your elegant image rises from memory born up by a great number of white owls which show up by their feathers the warm colours of your body. I am so glad you are working well. I adore you, extravagantly and constantly. Continue to paint and you will ensure my contentment, which is tired at our long parting.
By painting the time will pass quickly - with the unexpected speed of an owl hunting in the evening. I love you
Dandy, working at home for 3 days, has not shaved...
66694088 - gbeerjohn
I have heard from Chameleon and it is unlikely that it will ever appear, unfortunately. I am going to write, checking on the prospects of publication. If these are very remote I shall keep the Gilpin article and charge Wallie Herbert for the photographs and a few expenses, such as two fares to the V and A. This is rather disappointing but compensating for this I have worked out a few details for my second book. The artists would include Francis Haymon, George Lambert, and Henry Walton (tomorrow I shall see his work); then I could expand my Gilpin article (I shall have 6 photographs already), and close, possibly, with 'Mannerism and Regency architecture.' I shall include two or three other articles, perhaps one on Wilson, Benjamin, I mean. Do tell me your opinion of this projected scheme. If you tell Michael would you ask him not to mention it to Ian Phillips who might mention the subjects to a possible rival. I know it is unlikely but there is a slight, but real, possibility of being thus anticipated - especially about the Regency one.I will send you the Hillyard Books & The Eagle tomorrow. How many more books must M. read?
This afternoon I want, if possible, to work on D.O.A., and get the article into shape before going to France, in case anybody there is interested in such articles, as Peter Simmons thought was likely.
My darling Sylvia, I love you so dearly. Your elegant image rises from memory born up by a great number of white owls which show up by their feathers the warm colours of your body. I am so glad you are working well. I adore you, extravagantly and constantly. Continue to paint and you will ensure my contentment, which is tried at our long parting. By painting the time will pass quickly - with the unexpected speed of an owl hunting in the evening. I love you
Dandy, working at home for 3 days,
has not shaved....