- Max. dissimilarity: 0.25
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.171
- Image votes: 1.0
- 65991218 - JanetCormack
- 66180990 - pjwhiteway
- 66183485 - EricaDearle
- 66235592 - KeriStephenson
- WINNER - 66521546 - YukonRed
- 70132075 - Sabine_Tuck

65991218 - JanetCormack
II'The treasures ofthe Italian libraries' contains a marvelous selection of Italian Illuminated MSS, printed books, and drawings. It contains, too. Polydore de Caravaggio tapestries of the elements and the seasons, each one symbolised by an animal. The lion images the summer, of course. Delightful courtly books, devout religious ones, realistic guild documents, and popular wood-cuts. I long to show you the catalogue. One catalogue that is especially well-illustrated is that of The Virgin in French Art, 70 of the 300 exhibits being reproduced. My notes are gradually amounting to a comprehensive standard: I am being much more conscientious than I was in Italy. On the other hand I am neglecting the modern galleries, preferring to lounge at the Marie de Medici fountain and at the cafe table when I am not in the official galleries. In my defence let me remark that nothing of interest is on except Matisse & Calder.
Orson Welles' Macbeth is showing and I hope to see it shortly.
Here is poem about the evening, with 'me' used collectively for every dreamer:
Like falling trees we swim towards
The canal spring board of the bed,
Indifferent to gravity.
Now mirrors are less confident
Of the rooms in which they hang:
Who pauses by the glass appears
With a ghost's penumbra.
The balconies that cage the rooms
Curl like seaweed pulled by tides.
Each room is like a battle
Wheter the full-legged vessls grow
In the glass hall of a dream:
Ships that never reach the coast
Past the barriers of dawn.
I have written cards to various people today, including one to u announcingthat there is alternate rain & sun. Now, however, the situation has worsened. The Frenc 14th July tradition of swimming in the streets my replace (unless the sun magically returns) lent of dancing in the streets.
I love you and long to see you again outside the charmed provinces of dreams. I love you
PS Easels such as you wanted cost a minimum of 6,500 francs I'm afraid which is more than I can afford L.
66180990 - pjwhiteway
'The treasures of the Italian libraries' contains a marvellous selection of Italian Illuminated MSS, printed books, and drawings. It contains, too, Polydore de Caravaggio tapestries of the elements and the seasons, each one symbolised by an animal. The lion images the summer, of course. Delightful courtly books, devout religious ones, realistic guild documents, and popular wood-cuts. I long to show you the catalogue. One catalogue that is especially well illustrated is that of The Virgin in French Art, 70 of the 300 exhibits being reproduced. My notes are gradually amounting to a comprehensive standard: I am being much more conscientious than I was in Italy. On the other hand I am neglecting all modern galleries, preferring to lounge in the Marie de Medici fountain and at the cafe tables when i am not in the official galleries. In my own defence let me remark that nothing of interest is on except Matisse & Calder.Orson Welles' Macbeth is showing and I hope to see it shortly.
Here is a poem about the evening, with 'we' used collectively for every dreamer:
When falling trees we swim towards
The coral springboard of its
Indifferent to gravity.
Now mirrors are less confident
Of the rooms in which they hang:
Who pauses by the glass appears
With a ghost's remembra.
The balconies that cage the rooms
Curl like seaweed pulled by tides.
Each room is like a battle
Where the full-legged grow
In the glass hall of a dream:
Ships that search the coast
Past the barrier of dawn.
I have written cards to various people today, including one to my ing that there is alternate rain & sun. Now, the situation has worsened. The French 14th July tradition of swimming in the streets may replace (unless the sun magically returns) that of dancing in the streets.
I love you and long to see you again outside the charmed provinces of dreams. I love you,
PS Garels such as you wanted cost a minimum of 6,500 francs I'm afraid, which is more than I can afford. L.
66183485 - EricaDearle
The treasures of the Italia libraries contains a marvellous selection of Italian illustrated MSS, printed books, and drawings. It contains, too, Polidoro da Caravaggio tapestries of the elements and the reasons. Each one symbolised by an animal. The lion images the , of course. Delightful courtly books, devout religious ones, realistic guild documents, and popular wood-cuts. I long to show you the catalogue. One catalogue that is especially well illustrated is that of The Virgin in French Art, 700 of the 300 exhibits being reproduced. My notes are gradually amounting to a comprehensive standard: I am being much more conscientious than I was in Italy. On the other hand I am neglecting the modern galleries, preferring to lounge at the Marie de Medici fountain and at the caf'e tables when I am not in the official galleries. In my own defence let me remark that nothing of interest is on except Matisse and Calders.Orson Welles' Macbeth is showing and I hope to see it shortly.
There is a poem about remembering with 'we' used collectively for every day dreamer:
The falling trees we swim towards
The canal springboard of the bed,
Indifferent to gravity
Now mirrors are less confident
of the rooms in which they hang;
Who pauses by the glass appears
With a ghost's penumbra.
The balconies that cage the rooms
Curl like sea weed pulled by tides.
Each room is like a battle
Where all full-legged vessels grow
In the glass hall of a dream
Ships that never reach the coast
Past the bannies of dawn.
I have written cards to various people today, including one to announcing that there is alternate rain and sea. Now, however, the situation has vanished.
The French 14th July tradition of gathering in the streets may replace (unless the sun magically returns) of dancing in the streets.
I love you and long to see you again outside the charmed promises of dreams.
I love you
PS: Garels such as you wanted can't - minimum of 6,500 francs, I'm afraid is more than I can afford. L
66235592 - KeriStephenson
'The treasures of the Italian libraries' contains a marvellous selection of Italian Illuminatad MSS, printed books, and drawings. IC contains, too, Polydore de Caravaggio tapestries of the elements and the seasons each one symbolised by an animal. The lion the summer, of course. Delightful courtly books, devout religious ones, realistic guild documents, and popular wood-cuts. I long to show you the catalogue. One catalogue that is especially well illustrated is that of The Virgin in , 70 of the 300 exhibits being reproduced. My notes are gradually amounting to a comprehensive standard: I am being much more conscientious than I was in Italy. On the other hand I am neglecting the modern galleries, preferring to lounge by the de Medici fountain and at the cafe table when I am not in the official gallery. In my own defence let me remark that nothing of interest is on except Matisse and Calder.Orson Welles" Macbeth is showing and I hope to see it shortly.
Here is a poem about late evening, with 'me' used collectively for every dreamer:
Like falling trees we swim toward
the coral springboard of the bed,
indifferent to gravity.
Now mirrors are less confident
of the rooms in which they hang:
who pauses by the glass appears
with a ghost's penumbra.
The balconies that cage the rooms
are like sea weed pulled by tides.
Each room is like a bottle
where the full-legged wench grows
In the glass hall of a dream:
Strips that never reach the coast
Past the barrier of the dawn
I have written cards to various people today, including one to my amour saying that there is alternate rain & sun. Now, however, the situation has worsened. The French 19th July tradition of swimming in the streets may (unless the sun magically returns)of dancing in the streets.
I love you and long to see you again outside the charmed provinces of dreams. Love you/Laurence.
PS such as you wanted cost 6500 francs which is more than I can afford. L
WINNER - 66521546 - YukonRed
II"The treasures of the Italian libraries" contains a marvelous selection
of Italian illuminati mss, printed books, and drawings. It contains, too,
Polydore to Carravaggio tapestries of the elements and the seasons, each
one symbolised by an animal. The lion images the summer, of course. De-
lightful courtly books, devout religious ones, realistic guild documents,
and popular wood-cuts. I long to show you the catalogue. One catalogue that is especially well-illustrated is that of The Virgin in French
Art, 70 of the 300 exhibits being reproduced. My notes are gradually
amounting to a comprehensive standard: I am being much more conscien-
tious than I was in Italy. On the other hand I am neglecting the modern
galleries, preferring to lounge at the Marie de Medici fountain and at the
caf'e tables when I am not in the official galleries. In my own defence
let me remark that nothing of interest is on except Matisse & Calder.
Orson Welles' Macbeth is charming and I hope to see it shortly.
Here is a poem about [the? or scratched out?] evening, with 'we' used collectively for every
Like falling trees we swim towards
The coral springboard of the bed,
Indifferent to gravity.
Now mirrors are less confident
Of the rooms in which they hang:
Who pauses by the glass appears
With a ghost's penumbra.
The balconies that cage the rooms
Curl like seaweed pulled by tides.
Each room is like a bottle
Where the full-legged vessels grow
In the glass hull of a dream:
Ships that never reach the coast
Past the barrier? of dawn.
I have written cards to various people today, including one to my (OR) M.amour? ...
that there is alternate rain & sun. Now, however, the situation has worsened.
The French 14th July tradition of swimming in the streets may replace (unless
the sun magically returns) that of dancing in the streets.
I love you and long to see you again outside the charmed properties of
dreams. I love you
P.S. Easels such as you mentioned cost a minimum of 65.00 francs, I'm afraid, which is more than I can afford.
70132075 - Sabine_Tuck
II'The treasures of the Italian libraries' contains a marvellous selection
of Italian Illuminated MSS, printed books, and drawings. IC contans, too,
Palydore da Caravaggio tapestries of the elements and the seasons - each
are symbolised by an animal. The lion images the summer, of course. De-
lightful courtly books, devout religious ones, realistic guild documents,
and popular wood-cuts. I long to show you the catalogue. One
catalogue that is especially well-illustrated is that of The Virgin in French
Art, 70 of the 300 exhibits being reproduced. My notes are gradually
amounting to a comprehensive standard: I am being much more concienti-
ious than I was in Italy. On the other hand I am neglecting modern
galleries, preferring to lounge by the Marie de Medici fountain and at the
cafe tables when I am not in the official galleries. In my own defence
Let me remark that nothing of interest is on except Matisse & Calder.
Orson Welles' Macbeth is showing and I hope to see it shortly.
Here is a poem about evening, with 'we' used collectively for every
Like falling trees we swim towards
The canal springboard of the bed,
Indifferent to gravity.
Now mirrors are less confident
Of the rooms in which they hang:
Who pauses by the glass appears
With a ghost's penumbra.
The balconies that cage the rooms
Lure like sea weed pulled by tides.
Each room is like a bottle
Where the full-legged vessels grow
In the glass hall of a dream:
Ships that never reach the coast
Past the barrier of dawn.
I have written cards to various people today, including one to M announ-
cing that there is alternate rain & sun. Now, however, the situation has worsened.
The French 19th July tradition of swimming in the streets may replace (unless
the sun magically returns) that of dancing in the streets.
I love you and long to see you again outside of the charmed provinces of
drams. I love you
P.S. Easels such as you wanted cost a minimum of 6,500 francs, I'm afraid which is more than I can afford. L.