- Max. dissimilarity: 0.353
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.226
- Image votes: 1.0
- 65873676 - not-logged-in-3f8057fada0bcdea44b7
- 65898921 - tmeconverse
- 66067817 - kennyfarr
- WINNER - 66196126 - not-logged-in-63137b077ff2f540702d
- 66225801 - Emmaxangel1
- 66317904 - BevB56

65873676 - not-logged-in-3f8057fada0bcdea44b7
Blackheath 10 8 50Dearest Sylvia,
I told [Hetty] of your dream and she blushed and said you must have heart it from the owls ("they are always talking), but, she said, there is no truth in the rumor. We must be responding in the same way to present occasions for I am having a sequence of dreams which are disturbing. I remember them only fragmentarily but I keep losing you, in a large block of French apartments, in a landscape, in a tangled mannerist figure composition. Tonight I think I shall go late to bed because the early nights I have had since you left seem incompatible with sleep. Last night I saw the [Mazzawate] (spelling?) tower, bluely illuminated, at 9.14. I thought of you as I always do when passing this to-be-painted building.
I have not yet seen Charles to talk about Hogarth but I will call you when I do.
Today I am going to the N. G. to make notes for German Painting on Saturday. Yesterday's lecture (Jacopo di Cione, [Agrolo] Gaddi, Pisanello, [Wilton Oiptyel]) was I think successful--full of sociology & definitions of gothic, as well as formal analysis.
A letter from Miss [Click] this morning asks me to lecture for a week in the Northern region at the beginning of November. Redcar, Whitby, Hartlepool, & Middlesbrough. The subject everywhere "The Work of the Public: how to look at Pictures". I shall write a note after this, accepting gleefully.
A fifth carnation has appeared, so that although I have cut off a dead one it is still fine and ample.
I love you so much and long for you with an indiscretion that shocks my super-ego, my beauty. I am so glad Clifford gave you an encouraging lecture as I seem unable to. I love you, my dearest creature. I shall think of you all day in the gallery.
I love you
65898921 - tmeconverse
Blackheath 10 8 50Dearest Sylvia,
I told Hetty of your dream and she blushed and said you must have heard it from Charles ("they are always talking), but, she said, there is no truth in the rumor. We must be responding in the same way in present occasions for I am having a sequence of dreams which are disturbing. I remember them only fragmentarily but I keep losing you, in a large block of French apartments, in a landscape, in a tangled mannerist figure composition. Tonight I think I shall go late to bed because the early nights I have had since you left seem incompatible with sleep. Last night I saw the Maggawate (spelling?) tower, bluely illuminated, at 9.14. I thought of you as I always do when passing the to-be-painted building.
I have not yet seen Charles, to talk about Hogarth but I will tell you when I do.
Today I am going to the N.G. to make notes for German Painting on Saturday. Yesterday's lecture (Jacope di Lione, Sgrolo Taddi, Pisanello, Wilton Oiptigel) was I think successful - full of sociology & definitions of gothic, as well as formal analysis.
A letter from Miss Click this morning asks me to lecture for a week in the Northern Region at the beginning of November. Redcor, Whitley, Hartlegood, & Middlesbrough. The subject everywhere 'The Work of the Public: how to look at Pictures'. I shall write a note after this, accepting gleefully.
A light carnation has appeared, so that although I have cut off a dead one it is still fine and ample.
I love you so much and long for you with an inducretion that shocks my super-ego, my beauty. I am so glad Clifford gave you an encouraging lecture as I seem unable to. I love you, my dearest creature. I shall think of you all day in the Gallery.
I love you
This morning
66067817 - kennyfarr
Black death10.8.50
Dearest Sylvia,
I told Helty of your dreams and she blushed and said you mush
have heard it from the owls ("they are always talking"), but, she
said, there is no truth in the rumor. We must be responding in
the same way to present precarious for I am having a sequence of
dreams which are disturbing. I remember them only fragmentarily
but I keep losing you, in a large block of apartments, in
a landscape, in a tangled figure composition. To-
morrow I think I shall go late to bed because the lonely nights I have
had since you left seem incompatible with sleep. Last night I
saw the Maysaurate (spelling?) towers. illuminated, at 9:14.
I though of you, as I always do when painting the to - he painting
I have not yet seen Charles to talk about Margaret but I will
call you when I do.
Today I am going to the N.G. to make notes for Sevron Painting on Sat-
urday. Yesterday's lecture (Jacopo di Ciorno, Agnolo Gaddi,
Pisonello, Witlen O iptgel was I think successful - full of seris-
logy and definition of gothic, as well as formed analogis.
A letter from MIss Lich this morning asks me to lecture for
a week in the Northern Region at the beginning of November.
Redcon, Whitly, Hartherpoof, and Middlesbroughs. The subject everywhere
'The worth of the public: how to look at pictures'. I shall write
a note after this, accepting gleefully.
A light calmation had appeared, so that although I have cut off a
one is in still fine and ample.
I loe you so much and long for you until in indiscretion
that stocks my super-ego, my beauty. I am so glad Clifford
gave you an encouraging lecture as I seem unable to. I love
you, my dearest creature. I shall think of you all day in
the gallery.
I love you
This morning
WINNER - 66196126 - not-logged-in-63137b077ff2f540702d
Blackeath 10 8 50Dearest Sylvia,
I told Hetty of your dream and she blushed and said you must
have heard it from the owls ("they are always talking), but, she
said there is no truth in the rumor. We must be responding in
the same way to present occasions for I am having a sequence of
dreams which are disturbing. I remember them only fragmentarily
but I keep losing you, in a large block of French apartments, in
a landscape, in a tangled mannerist figure composition. To-
night I think I shall go late to bed because the early nights I have
had since you left seem incompatible with sleep. Last night I
saw the Maggawate (spelling?) tower, already illuminated, at 9:14.
I though of you as I always do when passing this to-be-painted
I have not yet seen Charles to talk about Hogarth but I will
tell you when I do.
Today I am ^going^ to see N.G. to make notes for German Painting on Sat-
urday. Yesterday's lecture (Jacopo di Cione, Agnolo Gaddi,
Pisanello, Wilton Diptych) was I think successful - full of socio-
logy & definitions of gothic, as well as formal analysis.
A letter from Miss this morning asks me to lecture for
a week in the Northern Region at the beginning of November.
Redcar, Whitby, Hartlepool, & Middlesbrough. The subject everywhere
'The Work of the Public : how to look at PIctures'. I shall write
a note after this, accepting gleefully.
A fifth carnation has appeared, so that although I have cut off a dead
one it is still fine and ample.
I love you so much and long\ing/ for you with an indiscretion
that shocks my super-ego, my beauty. I am so glad Clifford
gave you an encouraging lecture as I seem unable to. I love
you, my dearest creature. I shall think of you all day in
the Gallery.
I love you
This morning -> (cartoon of lion in armchair having tea, with pot of flowers on stand alongside)
66225801 - Emmaxangel1
Blackheath 10 8 50Dearest Sylvia
I told hetty of your dream and she blushed and said you must have heard it from the owls (2they are always talking) but she said there is no truth in the human We musy be responding in the same way to present occasions for I am having a sequence of dreams which are disturbing. I remember them only fragmentally but I keep looking you, In a large block of hardsapartments in a landscape, in a tangled mannerist figure composition. Tonight I think I shall go late to bed because the lonely nights I have had since you left seem incompatible with sleep. Last night I saw massawate tower, very illuminated, at 9.14. I thought of you as I always do when passing this to-be-painted building.
I have not yet seen Charles to talk about hogarth but I will tell you when I do.
Today I am going to see n.g. to make notes for German painting on Saturday. Yesterdays lecture (Jacopo di cione, agrolo gaddi, pisonello willion diptel was I think successful - full of souslogy and definitions of gothic, as well as formal anolgies.
A letter from Miss click this morning asks me to lecture for a week in the northern region at the beginning of November, redcarwhitley, Hartlepool & Middlesbrough. The subject everywhere "the work of the publie: how to look at pictures' I shall write a vote after this, accepting gleefully.
A high calvation has appeared, so that although I have cut off a dead one it is still fine and ampl/ I love you so much and long for you with an induction that shock my super ego, my beauty. I am so glad Clifford gave you an encouraging lecture as I seem unable to. I love you my dearest creature. I shall think of you all day in the gallery.
I love you lawrence
66317904 - BevB56
Blackheath 10 8 50Dearest Sylvia,
I told Hetty of your dream and she blushed and said you must have heard it from
owls ("they are always talking), but, she said, there is no truth in the rumour. We must be responding in the same way to present occasions for I am having a sequence if dreams which are disturbing. I remember them only fragmentarily but I keep losing you , in a large block of Frenchapartments, in a landscape, in a tangled mannerist figure composition. Tonight I think I shall go late to bed because the early nights I have had since you left seem incompatible with sleep. Last night I saw the Massarate (spelling?) tower, already illuminated, at 9.14. I thought of you as I always do when passing this to - be - painted building.
I have not yet seen Charles to talk about Hogarth but I will tell you when I do.
Today I am going to the N.G to make notes for Se?? Painting on Saturday. Yesterday's lecture (Jacopo di Cione, Agnolo Gaddi, Pisanello, Wilton diptych) was I think successful - full of sociology & definitions of gothic, as well as formal analysis.
A letter from Miss clark this morning asks me to lecture for a week in the Northern Region at the beginning of November. Redcar, Whitley, Hartlepool & Middlesborough. The subject everywhere "The Work of the Public: How to look at Pictures". I shall write a note after this, accepting gleefully.
A fith carnation has appeared, so that although I have cut off a dead one it is still fine and ample.
I love you so much and long for you with an indiscretion that shocks my super-ego, my beauty. I am so glad Clifford gave you an encouraging lecture as I seem unable to. I love you, my dearest creature. I shall think of you all day in the gallery.
Love you