- Max. dissimilarity: 0.203
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.14
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65824660 - budone
- 66152088 - nhsia
- 66156082 - not-logged-in-939538ab60c3411bfee1
- 66164341 - WiltedLotus
- 66195467 - SailorVal
- WINNER - 66276699 - itsmestephanie

65824660 - budone
Blackheath3 September
Dearest Sylvia
I am so happy that your visitors were so pleasant, I wondered how they would be and they gave you
pleasure makes me like them.
Glad Dudley understands about 'lyrical realism.' By the way, I hope your painting arrives safely.
I'll do my best to wrap it safely.
Thursday 24th or Friday 25th would be fine. I have no lectures in the latter part of that week the
Harpenden starts on Monday 28th and Banstead on Wes 30th
I'm glad you've put the Spring landscape over your bed.
I do think that room needed something.
I've Many here at the weekend. I hope you enjoy his visit
I am desolate to hear you've lead a bad period. I bet I know why. Now the Hicks are gone - do - please relax. See you later now my love?
The pants mother offered me are fine. I am going to have them tapered: very pale woosted flannel
of rather good quality.
I love you so much. Come earlier if you can tho I
shall have a few lectures - only an
I love and adore you, dearest Sylvia
Love you
P.S. Roy Edwards didn't turn up last night but I saw Roland Penrose and Lee Miller which was probably much nicer.
66152088 - nhsia
Blackheath [1950]3 September
Dearest Sylvia
I am so happy that your visitors were so pleasant. I wondered how
they would be, and that they gave you pleasure makes me like them.
Glad Audrey understands about 'lyrical realism'. By the way, I hope
your painting arrives safely. I'll do my best to wrap it safely.
Thursday 24th or Friday 25th would be fine. I have no lectures
in the latter part of that week tho Harpenden starts on Monday
28th and Bonstead on W and 30th
I'm glad you've put the spring landscape over your bed. I
do think that room needed something
Give M my love at the weekend. I hope you enjoy his visit
I am desolate to hear you've heard a bad period. I bet
I know why. Now the Hicks are gone do -- please --
relax. Are you better now, my love?
The pants Matts offered me are fine. I am goign to
have them tapered : very pale worsted flannel of rather
good quality.
I love you so much. Come earlier if you can tho I
shall have a few lectures -- only an average number,
I love and adore you, dearest Sylvia
love you
Roy Edwards didn't turn up last night but I saw Roland Penrose
& Lee Miller which was probably much nicer.
66156082 - not-logged-in-939538ab60c3411bfee1
Blackheath3 September
Dearest Sylvia
I am so happy that your visitors were so pleasant. I wondered how they would be, and that they gave you pleasure makes me like them. Tead surely understands about 'lyrical realism'. By the way, I hope your painting arrives safely. I'll do my best to wrap it safely.
Thursday 24th or Friday 25th would be fine. i have no lectures in the latter part of the week the Harpenden starts on Monday 28th and Bousteal on Wed 30th.
I'm glad you've put the spring landscape over your bed. I do think that room needed something.
Give M my love at the weekend. I hope you enjoy his visit.
I am to hear you've had a bad period. I bet I know why. Now the Hicks are gone do - please - relax. Are you better now, my love?
The pants offered me are fine. I am going to have them tapered; very pale roosted flannel of rather good quality.
I love you so much. Come earlier if you can have a few lectures - only an average number, too.
I love and adore you, dearest Sylvia
Love you
P.S. Roy Edwards didn't turn up last night, but I saw Roland Penrose & Lee Miller which was probably much nicer.
66164341 - WiltedLotus
3 September
Dearest Sylvia
I am so happy that your visitors were so pleasant. I wondered how they would be, and that they gave you pleasure makes me like them. Glad Audrey understands about 'lyrical realism'. By the way, I hope your painting arrives safely. I'll do my best to wrap it safely.
Thursday 24th or Friday 25th would be fine. I have no lectures in the latter part of that week the Harpenden starts on Monday 28th and Banstead on W the 30th.
I'm glad you've put the spring landscape over your bed. I do think that room needed something
Give M my love at the weekend. I hope you enjoy his visit. I am desolate to here you've had a bad period. I bet I know why. Now the Hicks are gone do - please - relax. Are you better now, my love?
The pants mother offered me are fine. I am going to have them tapered: very pale worsted flannel of rather good quality.
I love you so much. Come earlier if you can tho I shall have a few lectures - only an average number, tho'.
I love and adore you, dearest Sylvia
Love you
P.S. Roy Edwards didn't turn up last night but I saw Roland Penrose & Lee Miller, which was probably much nicer.
66195467 - SailorVal
3 September
Dearest Sylvia
I am so happy that your visitors were so pleasant. I wondered how
they would be, and that they gave you pleasure makes me like them.
Glad Audrey understands about 'lyrical realism'. By the way, I hope
your painting arrives safely. I'll do my best to wrap it safely.
Thursday 24th or Friday 25th would be fine. I have no lectures
in the latter part of that week tho Harperden starts on Monday
28th and Barstead on W of 30th.
I'm glad you've put the spring landscape ones your had. I
do think that room needed something
Give M my love at the weekend. I hope you enjoy his visit
I am desolate to hear you've heard a bad period. I bet
I know why. Now the Hicks are gone do - please - relax. Are you better now, my love?
The pants Matla offered me are fine. I am going to
have them tapered: very pale woosted flannel of rather
good quality.
I love you so much. Come earlier if you can tho I
shall have a few lectures - only an average number,
I love and adore you, dearest Sylvia
Love from Lawrence
Roy Edwards didn't turn up last night, I saw Roland Penrose
& Lee Miller which was probably much nicer.
WINNER - 66276699 - itsmestephanie
Blackheath3 September
Dearest Sylvia
I am so happy that your visitors were so pleasant. I wondered how
they would be, and that they gave you pleasure makes me like them.
Glad Audrey understands about 'lyrical realism'. By the way, I hope
your painting arrives safely. I'll do my best to wrap it safely.
Thursday 24th or Friday 25th would be fine. I have no lectures
in the latter part of that week the Harpenden starts on Monday
28th and Banston on Wed 30th.
I'm glad you've put the Spring landscape over your bed. I
do think that room needed something.
Give M my love at the weekend. I hope you enjoy his visit
I am desolate to hear you've heard a bad period. I bet
I know why. Now the Hicks are gone do - please -
relax. Are you better now, my love?
The pants mother offered me are fine. I am going to
have them tapered: very pale worsted flannel of rather
good quality.
I love you so much. Come earlier if you can tho I
shall have a few lectures - only an average number,
I love and adore you, dearest Sylvia
Love you
P.S. Roy Edwards didn't turn up last night but I saw Roland Penrose
Lee Miller which was probably much nicer.