- Max. dissimilarity: 0.228
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.186
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65928616 - Frosty1
- 65929219 - scisawiz
- 66161292 - not-logged-in-939538ab60c3411bfee1
- 66218566 - SailorVal
- 66388182 - kop12
- 66503238 - Preacher357

WINNER - 65928616 - Frosty1
In Town [15-9-50]Dearest Sylvia
I am delighted by your sketch of your new painting and, in the letter that came today, of news of your progress. Yes, bring as many paintings as you feel like, so we can go to any galleries you feel up to visiting. I should write to Miller if I were you - it is always a good thing to announce one's visit. I am not sure what the S.E.A. is you refer to (the only one I know is the Society for Education in Art) is but certainly do submit some paintings when the time comes.
This morning I spent hours at the S E A, working out possible contributions to the next members, going through the list of members, and so on. I am really very interested in ill concern. Mrs Bales (Miss Chicky ) is on holiday but Joan Barlett is helpful and seems very nice. I have started acquiring review copies: I have Keyes "Blake's Engravings" with me, already, you will be glad to hear.
65929219 - scisawiz
[15-9-50]In Town
Dearest Sylvia
I am delighted by your sketch of your new painting
and, in the letter that came today, of the news of your
progress. So, bring as many paintings as you feel
like, so we can go to any galleries you feel up to
visiting. I should write to Miller if I were you -
it is always a good thing to announce one's visit. I
am not sure what the S.E.A. is you refer to (the only
one I know is the Society for Education in Art) is
but certainly do submit some paintings when the
time comes.
This morning I spent hours at the S E A, work-
ing and possible contributions to the next member,
going through the list of members, and so on. I am
really very interested in the career. Mrs Baker
(Miss Rich) is on holiday but Joan Barlett is
helpful & seems very nice. I have Koye "Blake's
Engravings" with me, already,you will be
glad to hear.
66161292 - not-logged-in-939538ab60c3411bfee1
[15-9-50]In Town
Dearest Sylvia,
I am delighted by your sketch of your new painting and, in the letter that came today, of news of your progress. Yes, bring as many paintings as you feel like, so we can go to any galleries you feel up in visiting. I should write to Miller if I were you - it is always a good thing to announce one's visit. I am not sure what the S.E.A. is you refer to ( the only one I know is the Society for Education in Art) is but certainly do submit some paintings when the time comes.
This morning I spent hours at the SEA,wash-
ing out possible contributions in the next member, going through the list of members, and so on. I am really very interested in the is on holiday but Joan Barlett is helpful & seems very nice. I have started review copies: I hope me, already, you will be glad to hear.
66218566 - SailorVal
In Town [15.9.50]Dearest Sylvia
I am delighted by your sketch of your new painting
and, in the letter that came today, of the news of your
progress. Yes, bring as many paintings as you feel
like, so we can go to any galleries you feel up to
visiting. I should write to Miller if I were you -
it is always a good thing to anounce one's merit. I
am not sure what the S.E.A. is you refer to (the only
one I know is the society for Education in Art) is
but certainly do submit some paintings when the
time comes.
This morning I spent hours at the S E A, work-
ing out possible contributions to the next number,
going through the list of members, and so on. I am
really very interested in the concern. Mrs Boles
(Miss Dick is on holiday but Joan Bartlett is
helpful & seems very nice. I have started ac-
quiring review copies: I have Kayes "Blake's
Engravings" with me, already, you will be
glad to hear.
66388182 - kop12
[15-9-50]In Town
Dearest Sylvia
I am delighted by your sketch of your new painting
and, in the letter that came today, of the news of your
progress. Yes, bring as many paintings as you feel
like, so we can go to any galleries you feel up to
visiting. I should write to Miller if I were you -
it is always a good thing to announce one's merit. I
am not sure what the S.E.A. is you refer to (the only
one I know is the Society for Education in Art) is
but certainly do submit some paintings when the time comes.
This morning I spent hours at the SEA wait
ing our possible contributions to the next members,
going through the list of members, and so on. I am
really very interested in the concern. Mrs Boher
(Miss Quik) is on holiday but Joan Banlett is
helpful and seems very nice. I have started ac-
quirking review copies: I have Keynes "Blakes'
Engravings" with me, already, you will be glad to hear.
66503238 - Preacher357
[15-9-50] In Town Dearest SylviaI am delighted by your sketch of your new painting
and, in the letter that came today, of the new of your
progress. Yes, bring as many paintings as you feel
like, so we can go to any galleries you feel up to
visiting. I should write to Miller if I were you -
it is always a good thing to anounce one's visit - I
am not sure what the S.E.A. is you refer to (the only
one I know is the society for Education in Art) is
but certains to submit some paintings when the
time comes.
This morning I spent hours at the S.E.A., work-
ing out contributions to the next number,
going through the list of members, and so on. I am
really very interested in the concern. Mrs Boher
(Miss Chick) is on holiday, but Joan Barlett is
helpful & seems very nice. I have started ac-
quiring review copies: I have Keyes "Blakes'
Engravings" with me, already, you will be
glad to hear.