- Max. dissimilarity: 0.126
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.098
- Image votes: 1.0
- 65791402 - SaraEliz
- 66150186 - Lynst
- 66205020 - WiltedLotus
- WINNER - 66212107 - SailorVal
- 66235000 - ethomson
- 68030919 - tmeconverse

65791402 - SaraEliz
Blackheath16 September
Dearest Sylvia,
I am overflowing with love and fondness for you and must write again.
'Lecture letters' were letters to the various people I am giving arts council
Talks to, fixing up details about beds, dinners, lanterns. I have one or
two more to write today.
The cover, as well as the contents, of the Milton book is delightful. The
floral borders are fine and delicate, and the central panel of a kind of
wicker work. I am enchanted too at the slightly submarine quality
of the green marbled end-papers and at the frontispiece, which reminds me
of something I labian but I cannot think what. It is, all in all, a delightful
aquis item for my library and Dandy is very proud of it:
(Dandy is
trying some
centre jou
My father sent a birthday card of a pink horse racing along with a
rose in its mouth - treated as a gay flat pattern. I see it's designed
by Hilary Stebbing. Mother sent an Emett called 'Strolling Players
giving their Public a Foretaste of their Performance'. A sign tells us
that they are the "Apollo Players".
What " lyrical & rich varient of mythology of flowers & aire
& fruit is your 'birthday vignette'?
66150186 - Lynst
Blackheath16 September
Dearest Sylvia,
I am overflowing with love and fondness for you and must write again.
'Lecture letters' were letters to the various people I am giving Arts Council,
Talks to, fixing up details about beds, dinners, lanterns. I have one or two more to write today.
The cover, as well as the contents, of the Milton book is delightful. The
floral borders are fine and delicate, and the central panel of a kind of wicker work. I am enchanted too at the slightly submarine quality
of the green marbled end-papers and at the faentisquece, which reminds me
of something I believe but I cannot think what. It is, all in all, a delight-
ful acquisition for my library and Dandy is very proud of it :
(Dandy is
trying some
centre jour
My father sent a birthday card of a pink horse racing along with a
rose in its mouth - treated as a gay flat pattern. I see it's designed
by Hilary Stebbing. Mother sent an Emett called 'Stalling Players
giving their Public a foretaste of their Performance.' A sign tells us
that they are the "Apollo Players".
What a lyrical rich variant of mythology of flowers [owls/unclear]
fruit is your 'birthday vignette'?
66205020 - WiltedLotus
Blackheath16 September
Dearest Sylvia,
I am overflowing with love and fondness for you and must write again. 'Lecture letters' were letters to the various people I am giving Arts Council Talks to, fixing up details about beds, dinners, lanterns. I have one or two more to write today.
The cover, as well as the contents, of the Milton book is delightful. The floral borders are fine and delicate, on the central panel of a kind of wicker work. I am enchanted too at the slightly submarine quality of the green marbled end-papers and the frontispieces, which remind me of something Italian but I cannot think what. It is, all in all, a delight-ful acquisition for my library and Dandy is very proud of it: (Dandy is trying some contre jour effects.)
My father sent a birthday card of a pik horse racing along with a rose in its mouth - treated as a gay flat pattern. I see it's designed by Hillary Stebbing. Mother sent an Emett called 'Strolling Players Giving their Public a Foretaste of their Performance." A sign tell us that they are the "Apollo Players".
What a lyrical & rich variant of mythology of flowers & owls & fruit is your 'birthday vignette'?
WINNER - 66212107 - SailorVal
Blackheath16 September
Dearest Sylvia,
I am overflowing with love and fondness for you and must write again.
'Lecture letters' were letters to the various people I am giving Arts Council
Talks to, fixing up details about beds, dinners, lanterns. I have one or
two more to write today.
The cover, as well as the contents, of the Milton book is delightful. The
floral borders are fine and delicate, as the central panel of a kind of
wicker work. I am enchanted too at the slightly submarine quality
of the green marbled end-papers and at the frontispiece, which reminds me
of something I believebut I cannot think what. It is, all in all, a delight-
ful acquisition for my library and Dandy is very proud of it:
(Dandy is trying some contre jour effects)
My father sent a birthday card of a pint horse racing along with a
rose in its mouth - treated as a gay flat pattern. I see it's designed
by Hilary Stebbing. Mother sent an Emett called 'Strolling Players
giving their Public a foretaste of their Performance'. A sign tells us
that they are the "Apollo Players".
What lyrical & rich variant of mythology of flowersarts
& fruit is your 'birthday vignette'?
66235000 - ethomson
Blackheath16 September
Dearest Sylvia,
I am overflowing with love and fondness for you and must write again.
'lecture letters' were letters to the various people I am giving Arts Council
Talks to, fixing up details about beds, dinners, lanterns. I have one or
two more to write today.
The cover, as well as the contents, of the Milton book is delightful. The
floral borders are find and delicate, as the central panel of a kind of
wicker work. I am enchanted too at the slightly submarine quality
of the green marbled end-papers and at the frontispiece, which reminds me
of something I believe but I cannot think what. It is, all in all, a delight-
ful acquisition for my library and Dandy is very proud of it:
(Dandy is trying some contre jour effects.)
My father send a birthday card of a pink horse racing along with a
rose in its mouth - treated as a gay flat pattern. I see it's designed
by Hilary Stebbing. Month sent an Emett called 'Strolling Players
giving their Public a foretaste of their Performance.' A sign tells us
that they are the "Apollo Players."
What a lyrical & rich varient of mythology of flowers & curls & fruit is your 'birthday vignette' ?
68030919 - tmeconverse
Blackheath16 September
Dearest Sylvia,
I am overflowing with love and fondness for you and must write again. 'lecture letters' were letters to the various people I am giving Arts Council Talks to, fixing up details about beds, dinners, lanterns. I have one or two more to write today.
The cover, as well as the contents, of the Milton book is delightful. The floral borders are fine and delicate, as the central panel of a kind of wicker work. I am enchanted too at the slightly submarine quality of the green marbled end-papers and at the frontispiece, which reminds me of something I believe but I cannot think what. It is, all in all, a delightful acquisition for my library and Dandy is very proud of it: (Dandy is trying contre jour effects.)
My father sent a birthday card of a pink horse racing along with a rose in its mouth - treated as a gay flat pattern. I see it's designed by Hilary Stebbing. Mother sent an Emmitt called 'Strolling Players giving their public a foretaste of their Performance'. A sign tells us that they are the "Apollo Players."
What a lyrical & rich variant of mythology and flowers & ows & fruit is your 'birthday vignette'?