- Max. dissimilarity: 0.304
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.168
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65907908 - tpod74
- WINNER - 66062970 -
- 66229199 - SailorVal
- 68139011 - evanstonsherry
- 68333275 - Preacher357
- 68407885 - mar15ted

65907908 - tpod74
?? rouge. Maurene it is encouraging.I have a lecture tomorrow at the H.G. after all for the soldiers are coming at 4. I supposed I should talk about battle scenes (Rubens, Uccello & c.) Talking of lectures I noticed the syllabus of the Pennington course, and I am the only one giving 3 lectures = several 2s, but no 3s except me. I am pleased . C.J. is not down once!
I have just been to the Arcade Gallery which has a pleasant show. I have to write the review immediately and send it off so I'm afraid that I have to cut this letter short, despite my dearest wishes to the contrary
I wish you every good fortune with your pictures. I will write properly tomorrow.
I love you
WINNER - 66062970 -
course, vogue. However, it is encouraging.I have a lecture tomorrow at the N. G. after all for the sol-
diers are coming at 4. I suppose I should talk about battle scenes (Raheny, Uccello, ?c.). Talking of lectures I received
the syllabus of the Birmingham course, and I am the only
one giving 3 lectures = several 2s, but no 3s except me.
I am pleased. C. J. is not down once!
I have just been to the Arcade Gallery which has a
pleasant show. I have to write the review immediately
and send it off so I'm afraid that I have to cut this let-
ter short, despite my dearest wishes to the contrary
I wish you every good fortune with your pictures. I
will write properly tomorrow.
I love you
66229199 - SailorVal
course, rogue. However, it is encouraging.I have a lecture tomorrow at the N.G. after all for the sol-
diers are coming at 4. I suppose I should talk about battle
scenes (Rubens, Uccello, &c.) Talking of lectures I received
the syllabus of the Birmingham course, and I am the only
one giving 3 lectures = several 2s, but no 3s except me.
I am pleased. C.J. is not down once!
I have just been to the Arcade Gallery which has a
pleasant show. I have to write the review immediately
& send it off so I'm afraid that I have to cut this let-
ter short, despite my dearest wishes to the contrary.
I wish you every good fortune with your picture. I
will write properly tomorrow.
I love you
68139011 - evanstonsherry
coarse, vague, however, it is encouraging.I have a lecture tomorrow at the N.G. after all for the sol-
diers are coming at 4. I suppose I should talk about battle
scenes (Raham, Uccello, & C.) Talking of lectures I received
the syllabus of the Birmingham course, and I am the only
one giving 3 lectures: several 2x, but no 3s except me.
I am pleased. C.J. is not down once!
I have just been to the Arcade Gallery which has a
pleasant show. I have to write the review immediately
and send it off as I'm afraid that I have to cut this let-
ter short, despite my dearest wishes to the contrary.
I wish for every good fortune with your picture. I
will write properly tomorrow.
I love you,
68333275 - Preacher357
course, vague. However, it is encouraging.I have a lecture tomorrow at the N.G. after all for the sol-
diers are coming at 4. I suppose I should talk about battle
scenes (Rubans, , & c. ) Talking of lectures, I received
two syllabus at the Birmingham course, and I am the only
one giving three lectures: several 2s, but no 3s except me.
I am pleased. C.J. is not down once!
I have just been to the Arcade Gallery which was
a pleasant show. I have to write the review immediately
& send it off so I'm afraid I have to cut this let
ter short, despite my dearest wishes to the contray.
I wish you every good fortune with your picture. I
will write properly tomorrow.
I love you
68407885 - mar15ted
course, vague. However, it is encouraging. I have a lecture tomorrow at the N.G after all for the soldiers are coming at 4. I suppose I should talk about battle scenes (Rohans, Uccello, &c.) Talking of lectures I received a syllabus of the Birmingham course, and I am the only one giving 3 lectures - several 2s, but no 3s except me. I am pleased. C.J. is not down once! LATER I have just been to the Arcade Gallery which was a pleasant show. I have to write the review immediately and send it off so I'm afraid that I have to cut this letter short, despite my dearest wishes to the contrary. I wish you every good fortune with your picture. I will write properly tomorrow. I love you Lawrence