- Max. dissimilarity: 0.321
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.196
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 66483495 - JanetCormack
- 66496124 - xuelee
- 73022222 - jacquelynhelene
- 73591924 - darryluk
- 73627372 - mar15ted
- 73636083 - tmeconverse

WINNER - 66483495 - JanetCormack
The Bell HotelELY
19 X 50
Dearest Sylvia
You will not be surprised to hear that I reached here without mishap (Yawolla being with you!) as I am sure you have anticipated my delight in the cathedral and in King's College which is attached to the cathedral. The lecture room is a hall in the gate-house and, originally, part of the monastry - delightful to lecture in. The splendid Gothic sections of the cathedral support my contention that in Gothic 'anything goes': the octagon is avanishinginvention, more beautiful in livenrhythyms, leading up through diminshing ribs and panels, than startling in dramatic chiaroscuro. There are four 'decorated' lights in the octagonal crossing anyway which provide plenty of light, belowthat lanterns. The tombs (including a chantry in which late Gothic & Guileo Romano grotesque mingle) are, of course, interesting but they are repainted freshly - normally one is pleased to see this, as at Wells, - but the paint here is rather worn and not crisp in effect. The Roundheads despoiled the Lady Chapel, beheading every figure in a complex series of legendary scenes from the virgin's life, but you'll be glad to hear that the monastic buildings, now the school, are being intelligently restored every holiday - stupid walls being removed & old archways opened, and so on. The Headmaster showed me round, explaining this part of the buildings. The Early English tiled floor of the School's Chapel has an Adam & Eve and a pelican guarded by lions. (Pelicans & Putto mingle in the Italianate chantry I mentioned above.) The Headmaster is hospitable & jolly and, though he uses lots of schoolboy slang, he is liberal and enlightened,
66496124 - xuelee
THe Pell, Hotel 19 X 50GLY
Dearest Sylvia
You will not be surprised to hear that I searched here without (Yawolla being with you) and I am sure you have anti-cipated my delight in the cathedral and in King's College which is attached to the cathedral. The lecture room is a hall in the gate-house and, originally, part of the monastry - delight-ful to lecture in. The spendid gothic section of the cath-edral support my contetion that in Gothic 'anything goes': the octagon is a vanishing invention, more beautiful in linear rhythms, leading up through ribs and panels, the startling in dramatic chiaroscuro. There are four 'decorated' lights in the octagonal crossing anyway which provide plenty of light, below the lantern. The limbs (including a clonty in which late gothic & uilio Nowave grotesque mingle) are, of course, interesting but they are repainted freshly - normally one is pleased to see this, as, at wells, - but the paint here is rather work & rot crisp in effect. The Roundheads derpailer the lady chapel, beheading every figure in a complex series of legendary scenes from all the ringing life, but you'll be glad to hear how the movatir buildings, run the school, are being intelligently restored every holiday - stupid walls being removed & old archways opened, and so on. The Herdwartes showed me round, explaining this part of the buildings. The Early English tiled floor at the school's chapel has an Adam & Eve and a replican guarded by lions. Delicars & Putti mingle in the Italianate clantry I mentioned above.) The Headmaster is hospitable & jolly and, though he uses lots of school bay along, he is liberal and enlighteret,
73022222 - jacquelynhelene
The Pell, HotelELY
19 x 50
Dearest Sylvia,
You will not be surprised to hear that I reached here without
mishap (Yawalla being with you!) and I am sure you have anti-
cipated my delight in the cathedral and in King's College which
is attached to the cathedral. The lecture room is a hall in
the gate-house and, originally, part of the monastry - delight-
ful to lecture in. The splendid Gothic sections of the cath-
edral support my contention that in Gothic 'anything goes' :
the octagon is a vanishing invention, more beautiful in linear
rhythms, leading up in through diminishing rifs and panels, most
startling in dramatic charoscuro. There are some 'decorated'
lights in the octagonal crossing anyway which provide plenty
of light, below the lantern. The limbs (including a clanty
in which late Gothic & Guidio Romano grotesque mingle) are,
of course, interesting but they are repainted freshly - normally
one is pleased to see this, as at Wells - but the paint here is
rather work & not crisp in effect. The Roundheads despoiled
the lady chapel, beheading every figure in a couple series of
legendary scenes from the virgins' life, but you'll be glad
to hear that the buildings, now the school, are
being intelligently restored every holiday - stupid walls
being removed & old archways opened, and so on. The Headmaster showed me round, explaining this part of the
buildings. The Early England tiled floor of the school's chapel
has an Adam & Eve and a pelican guarded by lions.
(Pelicans and Putti mingle in the Italianate clantry I mentioned
above. The Headmaster is hospitable & jolly and, though
he uses lots of school boy slang, he is liberal and enlightened,
73591924 - darryluk
The Bell HotelEly
19 X 50
Dearest Sylvia
You will not be surprised to hear that I reached here without mishap (Yawalle being with you!) and I am sure you have anticipated my delight in the cathedral and in King's College which is attached to the cathedral. The lecture room is a hall in the gate-house and, originally, part of the monastery - delightful to lecture in. The splendid gothic sections of the cathedral support my contention that in gothic 'anything goes' - the octagon is a ravishing invention, more beautiful in linear rhythms, leading up through diminishing ribs and panels, then startling in dramatic ciascuno. There are four 'decorated' eights in the octagonal crossing anyway which provide plenty of light, below the lanterns. The tombs (including a chantry in which late gothic & giulio romano grotesques mingle) are, of course, interesting but they are repainted freshly - manually subtle work & not crisp in effect. The Roundheads depainted the Lady Chapel, beheading every figure in s complex series of legendary scenes from the 'religious' life, but you'll be glad to hear that the monastic buildings, now the school, are being intelligently restored every holiday - stupid walls being removed & old archways opened and so on. The Headmaster showed me round,explaining this part of the buildings. The Early English tiled floor of the school's chapel has an Adam & Eve and a pelican guarded by lions. (Pelicans & Pults mingle in the Italiarate chantry I mentioned above) The Headmaster is hospitable & jolly and, though he uses lots of school boy slang, he is liberal and enlightened,
73627372 - mar15ted
The Pell Hotel 19 X 50 ELY Dearest Sylvia You will not be surprised to hear that I reached here without mishap (Yawalla being with you!) and I am sure you have anticipated my delight in the cathedral and in King's College which is attached to the cathedral. The lecture room is a hall in the gate-house and originally, part of the monastery - delightful to lecture in. The splendid Gothic sections of the cathedral support my contention that in Gothic 'anything goes'. the octagon is a vanishing invention, more beautiful in linear rhythms, leading up through diminishing ribs and panels, than startling in dramatic . There are four 'decorated' lights in the octagonal crossing anyway which provide plenty of light, below the lantern. The tombs (including a chantry in which late Gothic & Guilio Romano grotesque mingle) are, of course, interesting but they are repainted freshly - normally one is pleased to see this as at Wells but the paint here is rather worn & not crisp in effect. The Roundheads despoiled the Lady chapel, beheading every figure in a complex series of legendary scenes from the Virgin's life, but you'll be glad to hear that the monastic buildings, now the school are being intelligently restored every holiday - stupid walls being removed & old archways opened, and so on. The Headmaster showed me round, explaining the part of the buildings. The early English tiled floor at the school's chapel has an Adam & Eve and a pelican guarded by lions. (Pelican & putts mingle in the Italianate chantry I mentioned above.) The Headmaster is hospitable & jolly and, though he uses lots of school boy slang, he is liberal and enlightened.73636083 - tmeconverse
19 X 50The Bell, Hotel
Dearest Sylvia
You will not be surprised to hear that I reached here without
mishap (Yawalla being with you!) and I am sure you have anti-
cipated my delight in the cathedral and in King's College which
is attached to the cathedral. The lecture room is a hall in
the gate-house and, originally, part of the monastery - delight-
ful to lecture in.
The Splendid Gothic sections of the cath-
edral support my contention that in Gothic 'anything goes':
the octagon is a ravishing invention, more beautiful in linen
rythms, leading up through diminishing ribs and panels, then
startling in dramatic chiaroscuro. There are four 'decorated'
lights in the octagonal crossing anyway which provide plenty of light, below the lantern. The tombs (including a chantry
in which late Gothic & quirkie Romanogrotesque mingle) are,
of course, interesting but they are repainted freshly - normally
one is pleased to see this, as at Wells - but the paint here is
rather weak & not crisp in effect. The Roundheads derailed
the Lady chapel, beheading every figure in a complex series of
legendary scenes from the virgin's life, but you'll be glad
to hear that the monastic buildings, now the school, are being intelligently restored every holiday - stupid walls
being removed & old archways opened, and so on. The
Headmaster showed me round, explaining the past of the
buildings. The early English tiled floor of the school's chapel
has an Adam & Eve and a pelican guarded by lions.
(Pelicans & Putti mingle in the Italianate chantry I mentioned
above.) The Headmaster is hospitable & jolly and , though
he uses lots of school boy slang, he is liberal and enlightened,