- Max. dissimilarity: 0.314
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.226
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65836799 - SusanMorley53425
- 65840027 -
- WINNER - 65951529 - dguent
- 66661897 - not-logged-in-dc455a93851ce1295749
- 67816816 - Preacher357
- 68208505 - JanetCormack

65836799 - SusanMorley53425
Newmarket Station19 X 50
Dearest Sylvia,
Here I am on a large quite empty station waiting for a
train to take me to Bury. I am instaking this moment to
begin a letter, telling you how much I love you and wonder-
ing how your painting progresses. What a good thing about
your tenant - I am pleased he is staying. That will levia
possible causes of anxiety. I long for news of your painting
but, alas, must contain myself impatiently. Though I once re-
sisted the idea I now delight in it.
My bed was very hard and I did not sleep very well as a re-
sult but I had plenty of rest as I had a bath and retired at nine
o' clock. This morning I was able to bring the 2 enclosed
cards of details from the choir of the cathedral - very appro-
priate ones, I think. I rejected all sorts of gem icons,
tooll - acle heads, nebases, and before I found the ones I
wanted. At least the cathedral is well photographed.
There is a Georgian tomb in the cloisters to a gentleman whom
all of 'generous-mind' who remember as 'Eminent from
his Superior Abilities in Draining Fenny and Marsh lands' .
I visited the out class of the College before setting off on my
journey this morning to find that the master there insists on
solidity by recession from his pupils. I managed to persuade
him that perhaps this was not best for the 7 and 8 year olds
but the 10 - 12 boys whom I saw this morning were hunly
drawing match boxes in perspective. The master considers
Johnson's lectures too factual, adores the Eng. Water Color
school - in particular De Wind.
65840027 -
Newmarket Station 19 x 50 Dearest Sylvia Here I am on a large quite empty station waiting for a train to take me to Bury. I am snatching this moment to begin a letter, telling you how much I love you & wondering how your painting progresses. What a good thing about your tenant - I am pleased he is staying. That will lever possible causes of anxiety. I long for news of your painting but, alas, must contain myself impatiently. Though I once resisted the idea I now delight in it.My bed was very hard and I did not sleep very well as a result but I had plenty of rest as I had a bath and retired at nine o'clock. This morning I was able to buy the 2 enclosed cards of details from the clais of the cathedral - very appropriate ones, I think. I rejected all sorts of genre scents, tooth-acle beads, rebuses, & before I found the one I wanted. At least the cathedral is well photographed. There is a Georgian tank in the clairta to a gentleman whom all of 'generous mind' who remember us 'eminent for his Emperior Abilities in Draining Fenny & March Lands'.
I the art clars of college before setting off on my journey this morning to find that the water there mists in solidity to recession from his pupils. I managed to persuade him that perhaps this was not best for the 7 and 8 year olds the 10-12 boys whom I saw this morning where drawing match boxes in perspective. The water considers Johnson's lectures too factual, adores the Eng. water color school - - particular De Wind.
WINNER - 65951529 - dguent
Newmarket Station19 X 50
Dearest Sylvia
Here I am on a large quite empty station waiting for a train to take me to Bury. I am snatching this moment to begin a letter, telling you how much I love you & wondering how your painting progresses. What a good thing about your tenant - I am pleased he is staying. That will lessen possible causes of anxiety. I long for news of your painting but, alas, must contain myself impatiently. Though I once resisted the idea I now delight in it.
My bed was very hard and I did not sleep very well as a result but I had plenty of rest as I had a bath & retired at nine o'clock. This morning I was able to buy the 2 enclosed cards of details from the choir of the cathedral - very appropriate ones, I think. I rejected all sorts of genre scenes, tooth-ache beads, rebuses, &ct before I found the ones I wanted. At least the cathedral is well photographed. There is a Georgian tomb in the cloister to a gentleman whom all of 'generous mind' who remember as 'eminent for his Superiour Abilities in Draining Fenny & Marsh lands'.
I visited the art class of the College before setting off on my journey this morning to find that the master there insists on solidity & recession from his pupils. I managed to persuade him that perhaps this was not best for the 7 and 8 year olds but the 10-12 boys whom I saw this morning where drunk drawing match boxes in perspective. The master considers Johnson's lectures too factual, adores the Eng. Water Color school - in particular De Wint.
66661897 - not-logged-in-dc455a93851ce1295749
Newmarket Station19 x 50
Dearest Sylvia
Here I am on a large quite empty station waiting for a train to take me to Bury. I am snatching this moment to begin a letter, telling you how much I love you & wondering how your painting progresses. What a good thing about your tenant - I am pleased he is staying. That will lessen the possible causes of anxiety. I long for news of your painting but, alas, must contain myself impatiently. Thought I once resisted the idea I now delight in it.
My bed was very hard and I did not sleep very well as a result but I had plenty of rest as I had a [batt] and retired at nine o'clock. This morning I was able to buy the 2 enclosed cards of details from the chair of the cathedral - very appropriate ones, I think. I rejected all sorts of [geme] scenes, tooth - ache beads, [rebases, &] before I found the ones I wanted. At least the cathedral is well photographed. There is a [georgion tomb in [ill clairtes] to a gentleman whom all of 'generous-mind' who remembers as 'iminent for his superior abilities in draining
Fenny & Marsh lands'.
I [winter] all our clans of the college before setting off on my journey this morning to find text the [minutes] there [minds] on solidity & recession from his pupils. I managed to persuade him that perhaps this was not best for the 7 and 8 year and the 10-12 boys whom I saw this morning were busy drawing match boxes in perspective. TG wants considers [Jalnsms lectures too [jovial, orders the Eng, water color school in particular - De Wint.
67816816 - Preacher357
19 x 50 Newmarket Station Dearest SylviaHere i am on a large quite empty station for a
train to take me to Bury. I am instaling this moment to
begin a letter, telling you how much i love you & wonder-
ing how your painting progresses, what a good think about
your tenant - I am pleased he is staying. That will
possible causes of anxiety. I long for news of your painting
but, alas, must contain myself impatiently. Though I once re-
sisted the idea I now delight in it.
My bed was very hard and I did not sleep very well as a re-
sult but I had plenty of rest as I had a bath & retired at nint
o'clock. This morning I was able ot by the 2 enclosed
cards of details from the cloir of the cathedral - very appro-
priate ones, I think. I rejected all sorts of genre scenes,
tooth - acla beads, rebuses, & before sound the ones I
wanted. At least the cathedral is well photographed.
There is a Gangion tomb & the to a gentleman whom
all of 'generous mind' who remember as "Eminene for
his Emperias Abilities in Draining Renny & Marsh Lands' -
I the out doors of the College before setting off on my
journey this morning to find that the there on
sokidity & recession from his pupils. I managed to persuade
him that perhaps this was not best for to 7 and 8 year olds
but the 10-12 obeys when I saw this morning where
drawing match boxes in perspective. The worter corriders
Jalnson's lectures two factual, ordarer the Eng. Water Color
School - particular De Wint.
68208505 - JanetCormack
Newmarket Station19 X 50
Dearest Sylvia
Here I am on a large quite empty station waiting for a train to take me to Bury. I am snatching this moment to begin a letter, telling you how much I love you & wondering how your painting progresses. What a good thing about your tenant - I am pleased he is staying. That will lessen possible causes of anxiety. I long for news of your painting but, alas, must contain myself impatiently. Though I once resisted the idea I now delight in it.
My bed was very hard and I did not sleep very well as a result but I had plenty of rest as I had a bath & retired at nine o'clock. This morning I was able to buy the 2 enclosed cards of details from the choir of the cathedral - very appropriate ones, I think. I rejected all sorts of gemsscenes, tooth-ache beads, rebases etc before I found the ones I wanted. At least the cathedral is well photographed. There is a Georgian tomb in the Cloister to a gentleman whom all of 'generous mind' who remember as 'eminent from his Superior Abilities in Draining Fenny & Marsh lands'.
I visited the art class of the College before setting off on my journey this morning to find that the master there insists on solidity & recession from his pupils. I managed to persuade him that perhaps this was not best for the 7 & 8 year olds but the 10-12 boys whom I say this morning where busydrawing match boxes in perspective. The master considers Johnson's lectures too factual, adores teh Eng. Water Colour School - in particular De Wint.