- Max. dissimilarity: 0.324
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.171
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65873100 - Gillian1956
- WINNER - 66268565 - WiltedLotus
- 66483462 - not-logged-in-c8ff11431f75ece5e02b
- 67347835 - clewarne
- 68089100 - JanetCormack
- 68257374 - evanstonsherry

65873100 - Gillian1956
[26-11-50] Blackheath SundayDearest Sylvia,
The Arts Council have paid me for some of my lectures but as you remember I had arranged for a temporary overdraft to meet the rent. Therefore most of the 34..18..1P has to go straight into the bank. But they gave me still about 16..16..0 and the National Gallery will pay me 8 at the beginning of December, so, my love, you can, I hope, come here soon. (Do you know, by the way, when your tenant is leaving?) I am cheered by this sum and lovingly anticipate seeing you after this agonizingly prolonged separation. Tell Tiny I am on the list of electors this tie. Also that I will send her dress material shortly. Father tells me Partisan Review is still coming but he thinks he has managed to stop it at last. Oh & I've ordered the Burlington for M. The 2 sonnets that I wrote yesterday for you my love are but a part of many that are ripening. I really have a large mass of chrysanthemums and as I describe - for Francis offered them to me & I was glad to accept. The other 2 poems were written some time ago & mislaid so I send them to you now. Is it not foggy? Paul Santley has invited me to a meal &, the, to a concert of lovely music in the evening. I think I shall go despite the fog. I stayed in yesterday & intend to stay in tomorrow so, today, I shall be a gay lion. I am reading Walflin's Art of the Italian Renaissance - a 50 year old 'fundamental' book. I have finished Psychotic Art (the part is interesting & I've made notes for you). By the way did I say that your pictures were both comfortably hung at eye-level? Once again congratulations. I love you, Lawrence
WINNER - 66268565 - WiltedLotus
Dearest Sylvia
The Arts Council have paid me for some of my lectures but as you remember I had arranged for a temporary overdraft to meet the rent. Therefore most of the 34..18../ D has to go straight into the bank. But they owe me still about 16 .. 16.. 0 and the National Gallery will pay me 8 at the beginning of December, so my love, you can, I hope, come here soon. (Do you know, by the way, when your tenant is leaving?) I am cheered by this sum and lovingly anticipate seeing you after this agonisingly prolonged separation.
Tell Tiny I am on the list of electors this time. Also that I will send her dress material shortly. Father tells me Partisan Review is still coming out but he thinks he has managed to stop it at last. Oh & I've ordered the Burlington for M.
The 2 sonnets that I wrote yesterday for you my love are but a part of many that are ripening. I really have a large of chrysanthemums such as I describe - for Frances offered them to me & I was glad to accept. The other 2 poems were written some time ago & mislaid so I send them to you now.
Is it not foggy? Paul Southey has invited me to a meal & then, to a concert of chamber music in the evening. I think i shall go despite the fog. I stayed in yesterday & intend to stay in tomorrow so, today, I shall be a gay lion.
I am reading Wolflin's Art of the Italian Renaissance - a 50 year old 'fundamental' book. I have finished Psychotic Art (the Gaya part is interesting & I've made notes for you).
By the way did I say that your pictures were both comfortably hung at eye-level? Once again congratulations
I love you
66483462 - not-logged-in-c8ff11431f75ece5e02b
Dearest Sylvia
The Arts Council hove paid me for some of my lectures but as you remember I had arranged for a temporary onerdraft to meet the rent. Therefore most of the 34 '' 18 '' / D has it go straight into the bank. But they owe me still about 16 ' 0 and the national gallery will pay me 8 at the beginning of December, so my, you can, I hope come here soon. (Do you know, by the way, when your tenant is leaving?) I am cleared by the sum and enough anticipate seeing you after the agonizing prolonged separation.
Tell tiny I am on the list of electors this time. Also that I will send her dress national seortly. Fotle tells me Partisa renew is still coming but he thinks he has ma to stop it at last. Oh I've ordered the Burlington for M.
The 2 Sonnets that I wrote yesterday for you my love are but a nant of many that are repining. I recall have a large mass of chrysanthemums such as 1 describe - for Fancies offered then to me & I was glad to accept. The others 2 poems were written some time ado & mislaid so I also them in you now.
Is it not foggy? Paul Santley has initial me to a meal and then to a concert of chamber music in the evening. I think I shall go despite the fog. I stayed in yesterday and intend to stay in tomorrow so, today, I shall be a grey lion.
I am reading walflins Art of the Calin Nerdirrance - a 50 year old fundamental book. I have finished Psychotic Art (the royh part is interesting & I 've made rates for you)
By the way did I say that you pecliures were both comfortable at eye level! Once again congratulations I love you Lawrence.
67347835 - clewarne
Dearest Sylvia
The Arts Council have paid me for some of my lectures but as you
remember I had arranged for a temporary overdraft to meet the
rent. Therefore most of the $34..18..10 has to go straight
into the bank. But they owe me still about $16..16..0 and the
National Gallery will pay me $8 at the beginning of December, so,
my love, you can, I hope, come here soon. (Do you know, by the way,
when your tenant is leaving?) I am cheered by this sum and lovingly
anticipate seeing you after this agonizingly prolonged separation.
Tell Tiny I am on the list of electors this time. Also that I will
send her dress material shortly. Father tells me Partisa Review is
still coming but he thinks he has managed to stop it at last. Oh &
I've ordered the Burlington for M.
The 2 sonnets that I wrote yesterday for you my love are but a
of many that are ripening. I really have a large mass of
chrysanthemums such as I describe - for Frances offered them
to me & I was glad to accept. The other 2 poems were written
some time ago & mislaid so I send them to you now.
Is it not foggy? Paul Santley has invited me to a meal &
then, to a concert of chamber music in the evening. I think I
shall go despite the fog. I stayed in yesterday & intend to stay
in tomorrow so, today, I shall be a gay lion.
I am reading Wolfflin's Art of the Italian Renaissance - a 50
year old 'fundamental' book. I have finished Psychotic Art
(the Goya part is interesting & I've made notes for you).
By the way, did I say that your pictures were both comfortably
hung at eye level? Once again congratulations
I love you
68089100 - JanetCormack
Dearest Sylvia
The Arts Council have paid me for some of my lectures but as you remember I arranged for a temporary overdraft to meet the rent. Therefore most of the lb34"18"1D has to go straight into the bank. But they owe me still about lb16"26"0 and the National Gallery will pay me lb8 at the beginning of December, so, my love, you can, I hope, come here soon. (Do you know, by the way, when your tenant is leaving?) I am cheered by this sum and lovingly anticipate seeing you after this agonisingly prolonged separation.
Tell Tiny I am on the list of electors this time. Also that I will send her dress material shortly. Father tells me that Partisan Review is still coming but that he thinks he has managed to stop it at last. Oh & I've ordered the Burlington for M.
The 2 sonnets that I wrote yesterday for you my love are but a part of many that are ripening. I really have a large mass of chrysanthemums such as I describe - for Francis offered them to me & I was glad to accept. The other 2 poems were written some time ago & mislaid so I send them to you now.
Is it not foggy? Paul Southey has invited me to a meal &, then, to a concert of chamber music in the evening. I think I shall go despite the fog. I stayed in yesterday & intend to stay in tomorrow so, today, I shall be a gay lion.
I am reading Wolflin's Art of the Italian Renaissance - a 50 year ago 'fundamental' book. I have finished Psychotic Art (the Goya part is interesting & I've made notes for you).
By the way, did I say that your pictures were both comfortably hung at eye level! Once again congratulations.
I love you
68257374 - evanstonsherry
[26 - 11 - 50]Blackheath
Dearest Sylvia
The Arts Council have paid me for some of my lectures but as you
remember I had arranged for a temporary overdraft to meet the
rent. Therefore of the 34...8..1 has to go straight
into the bank. But they owe me still about 16...6..0 and the
National Gallery will pay me 8 at the beginning of December, so,
my love, you can, I hope, come here soon. (Do you know, by the way,
when your tenant is leaving?) I am cheered by this sum and lovingly
anticipate seeing you after this agonizingly prolonged separation.
Tell Tiny I am on the list of electors this time. Also that I will
send her dress material shortly. Father tells me Parisian Review is
still coming but he thinks he has managed to stop it at last. Oh &
I've ordered the Burlington for M.
The 2 sonnets that I wrote yesterday for you my love are but a
scant of many that are ripening. I really have a large mass of
chrysanthemums such as I describe - for Frances offered them
to me & I was glad to accept. The atlas 2 poems were written
some time ago & mislaid so I send them to you now.
Is it not foggy? Paul Southley has invited me to a meal &,
hen, to a concert of chamber music in the evening. I think I
shall go despite the fog. I stayed in yesterday & intend to stay
in tomorrow so, today, I shall be a gay lion.
I am reading Walflin's Art of the Italian Renaissance - a 50
year old 'fundamental' book, I have finished Psychotic Art
(the Goya part is interesting & I've made notes for you).
By the way, did I say that your pictures were both comfortably
hung at eye level? Once again congratulations
I love you