- Max. dissimilarity: 0.283
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.164
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66085316 - srasg56
- 66129813 - gbeerjohn
- WINNER - 66440858 - Frosty1
- 66468363 - Emmaxangel1
- 66506947 - jmfahne
- 66559250 - Chris5420

66085316 - srasg56
Wimbledon 25 XII 1950Dearest Sylvia
A Green Christmas means a full cemetery, green Christmas, white
Easter; Only a Fool lends his Umbrella; the Unjust borrows the
Just's Umbrella ... You have a new gnomic lion at your
service; Mother has given me an enormous Dictionary of
Quotations. Most useful reading before parties. Talk-
ing of parties Molly's was a great success and I enjoyed
it. Yesterday however I paid for my frivolity with
a formidable hangover. (I expect there is something
in the dictionary of quotes to cover that.) So I was
forced to go for a vast walk over the common. Today
I am well. I do hope that you are also, my love,
& that you are 'eating & drinking' as much as I am.
Other presents include various bottles & powders,
socks (pretty), soap, and The Medici - that new
book we saw advertised the other day.
So far X'mas has been, in the Wimbledon context,
quite pleasing and I have persuaded Mother to invite
Paul Southey here for Boxing Day, so that will
help your lion. I hope that Hetty is being a good girl
& spending time in the kitchen as well as before the
mirror. Lionel & Wassily are back & they
are very loving & close. Lionel has abandoned all
his X'mas engagements, I hear ...
66129813 - gbeerjohn
Wimbledon 25 Xii 1950Dearest Sylvia,
A green Christmas means a full cemetery; green Christmas, white Easter; only a Fool lends his umbrella; the Unjust borrows the Just's Umbrella... You have a new gnomic lion at your service: Mother has given me an enormous Dictionary of Quotations. Most useful reading before parties. Talking of parties Molly's was a great success and I enjoyed it. Yesterday however I paid for my frivolity with a formidable hangover. (I expect there is something in the dictionary of quotes to cover that.) So I was forced to go for a vast walk over the common. Today I am well. I do hope that you are also, my love, and that you are 'eating and drinking' as much as I am. Other presents include various bottles and powders, socks (pretty), soap, and The Medici- that new book we now adventures) the other day.
So far Xmas has been, in the Wimbledon context, quite pleasing and I have persuaded Mother to invite Paul Southey here for Boxing Day, so that will help your lion. I hope that Metty is being a good girl and spending time in the kitchen as well as before the mirror. Loinel and Warsily are back and they are very loving and close. Lionel has abandoned all his Xmas engagements, I hear...
WINNER - 66440858 - Frosty1
Wimbledon 25 xii 1950Dearest Sylvia
A green Christmas means a full cemetery, green Christmas, white Easter; only a Fool lends his umbrella; the Unjust borrows the Just's umbrella... You have a new gnomic lion at your service : Mother has given me an enormous dictionary of quotations. Most useful reading before parties. Talking of parties Molly's was a great success and I enjoyed it. Yesterday however I paid for my frivolity with a formidable hangover. ( I expect there is something in the dictionary of quotes to cover that.) So I was forced to go for a vast walk over the common. Today I am well. I do hope that you are also, my love, & that you are 'eating and drinking' as much as I am. Other presents include various bottles & powders, socks (pretty), soap, and The Medici - that new book we saw advertised the other day.
So far Xmas has been, in the Wimbledon context, quite pleasing and I have persuaded Mother to invite Paul Southey here for Boxing Day, so that will help your lion. I hope that Hetty is being a good girl & spending time in the kitchen as well as before the mirror. Lionel and Wassily are back & they are very loving and close. Lionel has abandoned all his X'mas engagements, I hear....
66468363 - Emmaxangel1
Wimbledon 25 xii 1950Dearest Sylvia
A green Christmas means cemerty, green Christmas, white easter; only a fool lends his umbrella; the unjust barrows the justs umbrella... you have a new gromie lion at your service: Mother has given me an enormous dictionary of quotations. Most useful reading before parties. Talking of parties molly's was a great success and I enjoyed it Yesterday however I paid for my frirality with a formidable hangover (I expect there is something in the dictionary of quotes to cover that) So I was faced to go for a vast walk over the common. Today I am well. I do hope that you are also, my love, that you are eating and drinking as much as I am. Other presents interlude various battles & powders, socks (pretty) soap and the medici that new book we saw advertised the other day.
So far xmas has been in the Wimbledon context quite pleasing and I have persuaded matles the invite Paul someday here for boxing day, so that will help your lion. I hope that hetty is being a good girl & spending time in the kitchen as well as before the mirror. Lionel & wassig are back and they are very loving and close. Lionel has abandoned all his xmas engagements, I hear...
66506947 - jmfahne
Wimbledon 25 x11 1950Dearest Sylvia
A green Christmas means a full cemetry; green Christmas, white Easter; ONly a fools lends his Umbrella; the unjust barrows the Just's Umbrella...You have a new gnomic lion at your
service: Mother has given me an enormous Dictionary of Quotation. Most useful reading before parties. Talk-ing of parties Molly's was a great success and I enjoyed it. Yesterday morning I paid for my frivality with a formidable hangover. (I expect there is something in the dictionary of quotes. to cover that.) So I was sacred to go for a short walk one the common. Today I am well. I do hope that you are also, my lone, & that you are I eating & drinking ' as much as I am . Other presents include various bottle & poweders, socks (pretty), soap, and The Midici - that new book we saw advertized the other day.
So far Xmas has been, in the Wimbledon context, quite pleasing and I have presuaded Mother to invite Paul Southery her for Boxing Day, so that will help your lion. I hope that Hetty is being a good girl & speding time in the kitchen as well as before the mirror. Lionel & Warrily are back & they are very boring & lose. Lionel has abandoned all his Xmas engagements, I hear....
66559250 - Chris5420
25 vii 1950Wimbledon
Dearest Sylvia
A green Christmas means a full cemetery; green Christmas, white Easter; only a fool lends his Umbrella; the unjust borrows the
Just's Umbrella... You have a new gnomic lion at your
service: mother has given me an enormous Dictionary of
Quotations. Most useful reading before parties. Talk-
ing of parties Molly's was a great success and I enjoyed
it. Yesterday however I paid for my frivolity with
a formidable hangover. (I expect there is something
in the dictionary of quotes to cover that.) So I was
forced to go for a vast walk over the common. Today
I am well. I do hope that you are also, my love
& that you are'eating and drinking' as much as I am.
Other presents include various bottles & powders,
socks (Hetty), soap, and The Medici - that new
book in the advertiser the other day.
So far X'mas has been, in the Wimbledon context,
quite pleasing and I have persauded Mother to invite
Paul Southey here for Boxing day, so that will
help your lion. I hope that Hetty is being a good girl
& spending time in the kitchen as well as before the
mirror. Lionel & Wassily are back & they
are very loving & close. Lionel has abandoned all
his X'mas engagements, I hear...