- Max. dissimilarity: 0.327
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.148
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65780632 - WiltedLotus
- WINNER - 66073300 - Scifigirl12
- 66128545 - ethomson
- 66308327 - Chris5420
- 66404344 - vulpecula_k18
- 66476690 - JanetCormack

65780632 - WiltedLotus
Pett 7.5.50Dearest Lawrence
I enclose 2 cuttings from "the Times" one bad review of "the Cock-tail Party" with a fine quotation for the "Fallacy of height"; "grave and high beauty"! and from the same paper an amusing piece of information about Lewis Carrol.
I shall arrive on Tuesday by bus at the usual time and shall get my tickets tomorrow.
I have no news otherwise my darling, except that the Woods begin their holiday on the 22nd of May - a Monday - I hope we shall be able to arrange a meeting. They are going to the "Cocktail Part" and The Rnonthl?)
I love you my darling - My Apollo.
Love Sylvia
WINNER - 66073300 - Scifigirl12
Pett 7.5.50Dearest Lawrence
I enclose 2 cuttings from "the Times" one bad review of "the Cocktail Party" with a fine quotation for the "Fallacy of height"; "grave and high beauty"! and from the same paper an amusing piece of information about Lewis Carroll.
I shall arrive on Tuesday by 'bus at the usual time and shall get my tickets tomorrow.
I have no news otherwise my darling, except that the woods begin their holiday on the 22nd of May - a Monday - I hope we shall be able to arrange a meeting. They are going to the "Cocktail Party" and the Anoubhl?
I love you my darling - my Apollo.
I love you
66128545 - ethomson
Pett 7 . 5. 50Dearest Lawrence,
I enclose 2 cuttings from "the
Times" one bad review of "the Cock-
tail Party" with a fine quotation
for the "Fallacy of height"; "grave
and high beauty"! and from the
same paper an amusing piece of
information about Lewis Carrol.
I shall arrive on Tuesday by
'bus at the usual time and shall
get my tickets tomorrow.
I have no news otherwise
my darling, except that the Woods
begin their holiday on the 22nd
of May - a Monday - I hope we
shall be able to arrange a meeting.
They are going to the "Cocktail Party" and the Anouilh (?)
I love you my darling - My
I love you
66308327 - Chris5420
Pett 7.5.50Dearest Lawrence
I enclose 2 cuttings from "the
Times" one bad review of "the Cock-
tail Party" with a fine quotation
for the "Fallacy of height"; "grave
and high beauty"! and from the
same paper an amusing piece of
information about Lewis Carroll.
I shall arrive on Tuesday by
bus at the usual time and shall
get my tickets tomorrow.
I have no news otherwise
my darling, except that the Woods
begin their holiday on the 22nd
of May - a Monday - I hope we
shall be able to arrange a meeting.
They are going to the "cocktail Party"
and The Anonth(?)
I love you my darling - My
I love you
66404344 - vulpecula_k18
Pelt 7-5-50Dearest Lawrence
I enclose 2 cutting from "The Times" one bad review of "The Cocktail Party" with a fine quotation for the "Fallacy of Height", "Grove and High Beauty"! And from the same paper an amusing piece of information about Lewis Carrol.
I shall arrive on Tuesday by bus at the usual time and shall get my tickets tomorrow.
I have no news otherwise my daeliy, except that the Woods begin their holiday on the 22nd of May -a Monday- I hope we shall be able to assaupe a meeting. They are going to the "Cocktail Party" and The Rnonlhl?
I love you my daeliy- My Apollo. I love you wis
66476690 - JanetCormack
Pett 7.5.50Dearest Lawrence
I enclose 2 cuttings from "The Times" one bad review of "The Cocktail Party" with a fine quotation for the "fallacy of height"; "grave and high beauty"! and from the same paper an amusing piece of information about Lewis Carroll.
I have no news otherewise my darling, except that the Woods begin their holiday on the 22nd of May - a Monday - I hope we shall be able to arrange a meeting/ They are going to the "Cocktail Party" and The Ruonthl?)
I love you my darling - My Apollo. I love you