- Max. dissimilarity: 0.201
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.151
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65829469 - SusanMorley53425
- 66297856 - Mel492
- 66314102 - SailorVal
- WINNER - 66380376 - ethomson
- 66419717 -
- 66496832 - jsprake

65829469 - SusanMorley53425
7 Hermitage Road Lansolomon Bath26.5.50
Dearest Lawrence,
Thank you for your letter - it was
so nice to have it before starting this morning.
We had a very pleasant drive - with
a fair amount of sunshine, but it
was far from warm. We stayed an
hour at Chicester and looked over
the cathedral. There are 3 Haxman
tombs - one very fine, the other pleasingly,
a wonderful 14th tomb of the Earl
and Countess of Arundul. - his crest
ovel helm being beautiful is interestly
in texture and shape - the lion supported
on his feet - she has a dog - she crosses
her legs, thus making an undulating
movemebt towards him, he holds on
gauntlet in a gauntleted hand
and clasps hers with the other. He has
a lion blagioned on his breast-plate -
she has a very beautiful gentle face.
The other thing that particularly caught
my imagination were two Saxon
base-reliefs which were incorporated
into the building from an older church.
66297856 - Mel492
7 Hermitage Road Lansdowne. Bath26.5.50
Dearest Lawrence,
Thank you for your letter - it was
so nice to have it before starting this morning
we had a very pleasant drive - with
a fair amount of sunshine, but it
was far from warm. We stayed an
hour at Chichester and looked over
the cathedral. There are 3 Flaxman
Tombs - one very fine, the others
pleasing, a wonderful 14th tomb of the Earl
and Countess of Arundul - his crest
and helm being beautiful in
texture and shape - the lion supported
at his feet - she has a dog - she crosses
her legs, thus making an undulating
movement towards him, he holds one
gauntlet in a gauntleted hand
and clasps her with the other. He has
a lion blazoned on his breast - plate.
She has a very beautiful gentle face.
The other thing that particularly caught
my imagination were two Saxon
base-reliefs which were incorporated
into the building from an older church.
66314102 - SailorVal
7 Hermitage Road Landsdown Bath26.5.50
Dearest Lawrence,
Thank you for your letter - it was
so nice to have it before starting this morning.
We had a very pleasant drive - with
a fair amount of sunshine, but it
was far from warm. We stayed an
hour at Chichester and looked over
the cathedral. There are 3 Flaxman
tombs - one very fine, the others pleasant,
a wonderful C14th tomb of the Earl
and Countess of Arundel.- his crest
and helm being beautiful in intensity
& texture and shape - the lion supportent
at his feet - she has a dog - she crosses
her legs, thus making an undulating
movement towards him, he holds one
gauntlet in a gauntleted hand
and clasps hers with the other. He has
a lion blazoned on his breast-plate. -
She has a very beautiful gentle face.
The other thing that particularly caught
my imagination were the Saxon
Base-releifs which were incorporated
into the building from an older church.
WINNER - 66380376 - ethomson
7 Hermitage Road Lansdown Bath26 . 5 . 50
Dearest Lawrence,
Thank you for your letter - it was
so nice to have it before starting this morining
We had a very pleasant drive - with
a fair amount of sunshine, but it
was far from warm. We stayed an
hour at Chicester and looked over
the cathedral. There are 3 Flaxman
tombs - one very fine, the others pleasing,
as wonder C14th tomb of the Earl
and Countess of Arundel. - his crest
and helm being beautiful in interesting
& texture and shape - the lion supported
at his feet - she has a dog - she crosses
her legs, thus making an undulating
movement towards him, he holds one
gauntlet in a gauntleted hand
and clasps hers with the other. He has
a lion blazoned on his breast-plate -
she has a very beautiful gentle face.
The other thing that particularly caught
my imagination were two Saxon
base-reliefs which were incorporated
into the building from an older church.
66419717 -
7 Hermitage Road Lansdown Bath 26-5-50Dearest Lawrence,
Thank you for your letter - it was
so nice to have it before starting this morning
we had a very pleasant drive - with
a fair amount of sunshine, but it
was far from warm. We stayed an
hour at Chicester and looked over
the cathedral. There are 3 Flaxman
tombs - one very fine, the other pleasing.
A wonderful 1490 tomb of the Earl
and Countess of Arundel - his crest
oval helm being beautiful is interesting.
of texture and shape - the lion supported
at his feet - she has a dog - she crosses
her legs, thus making an undulating
movement towards him, he holds one
gauntlet in a ? hand
and clasps hers - with the other - He has
a lion blazioned on his breast-plate -
she has a very beautiful gentle face.
The other thing that particularly caught
my imagination were two Saxon
base-reliefs which were incorporated
into the building from an older church.
66496832 - jsprake
7 Hermitage Road Lansdown Bath26.5.50
Dearest Lawrence,
Thank you for your letter - it was
so nice to have it before starting this
we had a very pleasant drive - with
a fair amount of sunshine, but it
was far from warm. We stayed an
hour at Cheester and looked over the cathedral. There are 3 Flaxman
tombs - one very fine, the others pleasant.
A wonderful 14th tomb of the Earl
and Countess of Arandul - his crest
over helm being beautiful in inte....
& texture and shape - the lion supportenth?
at his feet - she has a dog she crosses his legs, thus making an undulating
movement towards him, he holds one gauntlet in a gauntleted hand
and clasps hers with the other. He has
a lion blazi... on his breast-plate -
she has a very beautiful gentle face.
The other thing that particularly caught
my imagination were two saxon
base-reliefs which were incorporated
into the building from an olden church.