- Max. dissimilarity: 0.212
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.147
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66007043 - j_l_alfred
- 66497343 - LindaK0412
- 66852976 - Berhel
- WINNER - 67413731 - ethomson
- 67496306 - Preacher357
- 67966130 - dixiechicken

66007043 - j_l_alfred
in the porch of the 12 ApostlesIn Oxford- it was rather a flying visit
there is so much to see and by 4 hours
we were very tires and had still 4
colleges to see. I fear I don't remember
as well as I should like what I saw
but I was very impress and remember
Kings Jones Gate ad some lovely statues
of my dear Charles!
Michael is thinking of starting a business
and is looking round here to see possibly
it is all very tentative. It is a town of
great charm.
I wonder how you and Robert got
on on Thursday - I have an old lands-
cape that I think I may bring for
you to hang up when visitors come -
I don't know anything about it - but
it might amuse you.
My dearest, Have arrives, Safely
Looks in very good form
I love you
66497343 - LindaK0412
in the porch, of the 12 Apostles.In Oxford - it was rather a flying visit.
There is so much to see and by 4 hours
we were very tired and had still 4
colleges to see. I fear I don't remember
as well as I should like what I saw
but I was very impressed and remember
I saw Jones Gate and some lovely statues
of my dear Charles!
Michael is thinking of starting a business
and is looking round here to see possibilities.
It is all very tentative. It is a town of
great charm.
I wonder how you and Robert got
on on Tuesday - I have an old
scape that I think I may bring to
you to hang up when Nortons come -
I don't know anything about it - but
it might amuse you.
My dearest, have arrived, safely.
Woods is very good form.
I love you
66852976 - Berhel
in the porch of the 12 apostles.In Oxford - it was rather a flying visit there is so much to see and by 4 hours we were very tired and had still 4 colleges to see. I fear I don't remember as well as I should like what I saw but I was very impressed and remember Jones Gate and some lovely statues of my dear Charles!
Michael is thinking of starting a business and is looking round here to see possibility it is all very tentative. It is town of great charm.
I wonder how you and Robert got on on Tuesday - I have an old landscape that I think I may bring for you to hang up when visitors come. I don't know anything about it - but it might amuse you.
My dearest, Howe arrived, safely in very Good form.
I love you
WINNER - 67413731 - ethomson
in the porch, of the 12 ApostlesIn Oxford - it was rather a flying visit
there is so much to see and by 4 hours
we were very tired and had still 4
Colleges to see. I fear I don't remember
as well as I should like what I saw
but I was very impress and remember
Inigo Jone's Gate and some lovely statues
of my dear Charles!
Michael is thinking of starting a business
and is looking round here to see possibilities
it is all very tentative. It is a town of
great charm.
I wonder how you and Robert got
on on Tuesday - I have an old lands-
cape that I think I may bring for
you to hang up when visitors come.
I don't know anything about it - but
it might amuse you.
My dearest, Have arrived, Safely
Woods in very Good form.
I love you
67496306 - Preacher357
in the porch, of the 12 Apostles.In Oxford - it was rather a flying
there is so much to see and by 4 hours
we were vert tired and had still 4
colleges to see. I fear I don't remember
as well as I should like what I saw
but I was very impressed and remember
Jones Gate had some lovely statues
of my dear Charles!
Michael is thinking of starting a business
and is looking round here to see possibilities
it is all very tentative. It is a town of
great charm.
I wonder how you and Robert got
on on Tuesday - I have an old lands-
cape that I think I may for
you to hang up when Norton come -
I don't know anything about it - but
it might amuse you.
My dearest, arrived, safely
in very good form
I love you
67966130 - dixiechicken
in the porch, of the 12 Apostles.In Oxford - it was rather a flying visit, there is so much to see, and by 4 hours we were very tired and still had 4 colleges to see. I fear I don't remember as well as I should what I saw but I was very impressed and remember Inigo Jones Gate and some lovely statues of my dear Charles!
Michael is thinking of starting a business and is looking round here to see possibilities - it is all very tentative. It is a town of great charm.
I wonder how you and Robert got on on Tuesday - I have an old landscape that I think I may bring for him to hang up when visitors come - I don't know anything about it - but it might amuse you.
My dearest Howe arrived safely woods in very good form
I love you