- Max. dissimilarity: 0.241
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.153
- Image votes: 0.33
- 65805767 - Traxgeo
- WINNER - 66031493 - hoskinml
- 66056760 - Scifigirl12
- 66100892 - altheist
- 66102159 - Dabs1
- 66277864 - Preacher357

65805767 - Traxgeo
Clifford came too.You will be pleased to hear that I have finished, (and signed!) the garden picture, I am pleased with it and it is generally admired. I think it has an atmosphere of tranquil pleasure, and this is enhanced I think, by a pleasant impression of Yuiy reading in a red deck chair. I have just painted it in time for I fear by the time you come the sweet Williams will be over. The daisys are done now. There will still be roses and a sparce array of Michelmas daisies.The rainbleu roses are lovely this year. And brilliant in color - one evening I looked out of the window and in the twilight they seemed to burn with colour.
I love you, dearest one, and hope you are exhilarated with poetry by the Parisian at moonphase. I long for your poems - the Italian one has almost become part of my poetic vocabulary. I love you.
WINNER - 66031493 - hoskinml
Clifford came too. You will be pleased to hear that I have finished, (and signed!) the garden picture, I am pleased with it, and it is generally admired I think It has an atmosphere of tranquil pleasure, and this is enhanced, I think, by a pleasent impression of Yiny reading in a red deck chair. I have just painted it in time for I fear by the time you come the Sweet Williams will be over the Daisys are done now. There will still be roses - and a sparce array of Michelmas daises. The rainbler roses are lovely this year. And brilliant in colour - one evening I looked out of the window and in the Twilight they seemed to burn with colour. I love you, dearest one, and hope you are exhilarated into poetry by the Parisian atmosphere. I long for your poems - The Italian one has almost become part of my poetic vocab-ulary. I love you Sylvia66056760 - Scifigirl12
Clifford came too.You will be pleased to hear that I have finished, (and signed!) the garden picture. I am pleased with it, and it is generally admired I think it has an atmosphere of tranquil pleasure, and this is enhanced I think, by a pleasant impression of Tiny reading in a red deck chair. I have just painted it in time for I fear by the time you come the Sweet Williams will be over, the Daisy's are due now. There will still be roses - and a sparse array of Michaelmas daisies. The rambler roses are lovely this year. And brilliant in colour - one evening i looked out of the window, and in the twilight they seemed to burn with colour.
I love you, dearest one, and hope you are exhilarated in its poetry by the Parisian atmosphere. I long for your poems - the Italian one has almost become part of my poetic vocabulary. I love you
66100892 - altheist
Clifford came too.You will be please to hear that I have finished, (and signed!) the garden picture I am pleased with it, and it is generally admired I think it has an atmosphere of tranquil pleasure, and this if enhanced I think, by a pleasant impression of Tiny reading in a red deck chair. I have just painted it in time for I know by the time you come the sweet Williams will be over the Daisy are done now. There will still be roses - and a sparse array of michel was daisies. The rainblen roses are lovely this year. And brilliant in colors - one evening I look out of the window and in the Twilight they seemed to burn with color.
I love you, dearest one, and hope you are exhilarated in poetry by the Parisian atmosphere. I love for your poems - The Italian one has almost become part of my poetic vocabulary. I love you
66102159 - Dabs1
Clifford came too.You will be pleased to hear that I have finished, (and signed!) the garden picture, I am pleased with it , and it is generally admired I think it has an atmosphere of tranquil pleasure, and this is enhanced I think by a pleasant impreoao of Yiniy reading in a red deck chair. I have just painted it [unclear ] intime for I fear by the time you come the sweet williams will be over the daisys are done now. There will still be roses - and a sparce array of Michelmas daises. The rambler roses are lovely this year. And brilliant in colour - one evening I looked out of the window, and in the twilight they seemed to burn with colour.
I love you, dearest one, and hope you are exhilarated into poetry by the Parisian atmosphere. I long for your poems - the Italian one has almost become part of my poetic Volaedo ulary. I love you
66277864 - Preacher357
Clifford came too.You will be pleased to hear that I
have finished, (and signed!) the garden
picture, I am pleased with it, and
it is generally admired I think it has
at atmosphere of tranquil pleasure,
and this is enhanced I think, by a
pleasent of Tiny reading in a
red deck chair. I have just painted
it in time for I fear by the time you
come the sweet Williams will be over
the Daisys are done now. There will
still be roses - and a sparce array
of Michel was daisies. The
roses are lovely this year. And brilliant
in colour - one evening I looked out of
the window, and in the Twilight they seemed
to burn with colour.
I love you, dearest one, and hope
you are exhilarated in the poetry by
the Parisian at . I long for
your poems - The Itailian one has
almost become part of my poetic vocab-
ulary. I love you