- Max. dissimilarity: 0.157
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.078
- Image votes: 1.0
- WINNER - 65895254 - Moggsy8
- 66025297 -
- 66135720 - j_l_alfred
- 66173727 - nhsia
- 66417826 - not-logged-in-939538ab60c3411bfee1
- 66457093 - tchurcher

WINNER - 65895254 - Moggsy8
2 all the same for her part she will be very glad to have some - most grateful! She and Clifford send their love. I have told them your news, in which they take great interest.I have not been able to paint much today - the weather was bad this afternoon - and this morning though clear, was much too windy. But I worked a little on Tiny's portrait which is still not right, but better I think. If it is not fine tomorrow I shall see if it is convenient to paint "Frankie" again. So far I have only done a "sketch-head" in an upright rectangle - I hope to put in a kitten, I have not drawn the arms yet so I'm not quite sure how they'll be.
- striped cushion
I admit I am sorry that the "German Primatives" are over - one gets so little
66025297 -
2. all the same for her part she will bevery glad to have some - most grateful!
She and Pifford send their love. I
have told them your news, in which
they take great interest.
I have not been able to paint much
to-day - the weather was bad this
afternoon - and this morning though
clear, was much too windy. But I
worked a little on Tiny's portrait which
is still not right, but better I think.
If it is not fine to-morrow I shall
see if it is convenient to paint "Frankie"
again. So far I have only done
a sketch-head" i am upsuple
rectangle - I hope to put in
a kitten , I have not drawn the arms
yet so I'm not quite sure how they'll be
I admit I am sorry that the "German
Primatives" are over - one gets so little
66135720 - j_l_alfred
2 all the same for her past she will bevery glad to have some - most grateful!
She and Clifford send their love. I
have told them your news, in which
they take great interest.
I have not been able to paint much
to-day - the weather was bad this
afternoon - and this morning though
clear, was much too windy. But I
worked a little on Jimmy's
portrait which
is still not right, but better I think.
If it is not fine tomorrow I shall
see if it is convenient to paint "Frankie"
again. So far I have only done
a "sketch-head" in an upright
rectangle - I hope to put in
a kitten, I have not drawn the arms
yet so I'm not quite sure
how they'll be
Striped cushion
I admit I am sorry that the "German
Primatives" are over - one gets so little
66173727 - nhsia
2 all the same for her part she will bevery glad to have some -- most grateful!
She and Clifford send their love. I
have told them your news, in which
they take great interest.
I have not been able to paint much
to-day -- the weather was bad this
afternoon -- and this morning though
clear, was much too windy. But I
worked a little on Tiny's portrait which
is still not right, but better I think.
If it is not fine to-morrow I shall
see if it is convenient to paint "Frankie"
again. So far I have only done
a "sketch-head" in an upright
rectangle -- I hope to put in
a kitten, I have not drawn the arms
yet so I'm not quite sure
how they'll be
I admit I am sorry that the "German
Primatives" are over -- one gets so little
66417826 - not-logged-in-939538ab60c3411bfee1
2 all the same for her part she will be very good to have some - most grateful! She and Clifford send their love. I have told them your news, in which they take great interest.I have not been able to paint much to-day - the weather was bad this afternoon - and this morning things clear, was much too windy. But I worked a little on Tiny's portrait which is still not right, but better I think. If it is not time to-morrow I shall see if it is convenient to paint "Frankie" again. So far I have only done a "sketch-head" in an upright rectangle - I hope to put in a kitten, I have not drawn the arms yet so I'm not quite sure how they'll be
-striped cushion
I admit I am sorry that the "German Primitives" are over - one gets so little
66457093 - tchurcher
2 all the same for her part she will bevery glad to have some - most grateful!
She and Clifford send their love. I
have told them your news, in which
they take great interest.
I have not been able to paint much
today - the weather was bad this
afternoon - and this morning though
clear, was much too windy. But I
worked a little on Snuj's portrait which
is still not right, but better I think.
If it is not fine to-morrow I shall
see if it is convenient to paint "Frankie"
again. So far I have only done
a "sketch - head" in an upright
rectangle - I hope to put in
a kitten, I have not drawn the arms
yet so I'm not quite sure
how they'll be
I admit I am sorry that the "German
Primatives" are over - one gets so little