- Max. dissimilarity: 0.225
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.137
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66101725 - altheist
- WINNER - 66164218 - Berhel
- 66233835 - ethomson
- 66411377 - Preacher357
- 66495721 - StarwatcherHB
- 66736899 - ricochetsmum

66101725 - altheist
3.I hope Clifford will be in shen good form when you come. The Woods are very much looking forward to seeing you. You will be back in no time now. If the weather isn't more clament I shall not have much to show you after all. The Child is away until Sunday so I can't do le. And Tiny and Clifford have gone to the manhoodr until Saturday night I have got some necessary cleaning done however and am rather tired so I shall be glad to stick today.
Thank you very much for your delightful sketches. "The Fugu" Books very interesting (where shall I get a donkey?!) Lion near the lounge is chasing! I love him dearly - sweet Lion. Lionet, Polion, Roly Lion. My Apollo. I adore you. There - see's poem!
I love you
WINNER - 66164218 - Berhel
3. I hope Clifford will be in such good form when you come. The Woods are very much looking forward to seeing you. You will be back in no time now. If the weather isn't more clement I shall not have much to show you after all! The child is away until Sunday so I can't do her. And Tiny and Clifford have gone to the until Saturday night. I have got some necessary cleaning done however and am rather tired so I shall be glad to slack today.Thank you very much for your delightful sketches. "The fig 4" looks very interesting (where shall I get a donkey?) Lion near the Louvre is charming! I love him dearly, sweet Lion. Lionet, Polion, Rolylion, my Apollo. I adore you. (These - see's poem!)
I love you
66233835 - ethomson
3. I hope Clifford will be in such goodform when you come. The Woods
are very much looking foward to
seeing you. You will be back in
no time now. If the weather isn't
more clement I shall not have much
to show you after all! The Child is
away until Sunday so I can't do
her. And Tiny and Clifford have gone
to the ManWoods until Saturday night
I have got some necessary cleaning
done however and am rather tired
so I shall be glad to slack today.
Thank you very much for your delight-
ful sketches. "The Flight" looks very interesting
(where shall I get a donkey?!) Lion
near the Louvre is charming! I love
him dearly - sweet Lion. Lionet,
Polion, Poly Lion. My Apollo.
I adore you. (There - See's poem!)
I love you
66411377 - Preacher357
3. I hope Clifford will be in goodform when you come. The Woods
are very much looking forward to
seeing you. You will be back in
no time now. If the weather isn't
more clement I shall not have much
to show you after all! The Child is
away until Sunday so I can't do
her. And TIny and Clifford have gone
to the until Saturday night
I have got some neccessary cleaning
done however and am rather Tired
so I shall be glad to slack today.
Thank you very much for your delight-
ful sketchs. "The Flight" books very intersting
(where shall I get a donkey?!) Lion
near the Louvse is charming! I love
him dearly - sweet Lion. Lionet,
Polion, RolyLion. My Apollo.
I adore you. (There - See's poem!)
I love you
66495721 - StarwatcherHB
3. I hope Clifford will be in such goodform when you come. The Woods
are very much looking forward to
seeing you. You will be back in
no time now. If the weather isn't
more clement I shall not have much
to show you after all! The Child is
away until Sunday so I can't do
her. And Tiny and Clifford have gone
to the Manhoods until Saturday night.
I have got some necessary cleaning
done however and am rather tired
so I shall be glad to stick today.
Thank you very much for your delight
-ful sketches."The Flight" looks very interesting
(where shall I get a donkey?!) Lion
near the Louvre is charming! I love
him dearly - sweet Lion. Lionet,
Polion, Polylion. My Apollo.
I adore you. (There - See's poem!)
I love you
66736899 - ricochetsmum
3. I hope Clifford will be in such good form when you come. The Woods are very much looking forward to seeing you. You will be back in no time now. If the weather isn't more clement i shall have not have much to show you after all! The Child is away until Sunday so i can't do her and Tiny and Clifford have gone to the ManWoods until Saturday night. I have got some necessary cleaning done however and am rather tired so I shall be glad to stack today.Thank you very much for your delightful sketches. "She flight" looks very interesting (where shall I get a donkey?!) Lion near thr Louvre is charming , I love him dearly- sweet lion. Lionet, Polion, Rolylion. My Apollo.
(These- sees Poem!)
I adore you.
I love you