- Max. dissimilarity: 0.189
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.136
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 66109881 - not-logged-in-a78e4303e946797e573a
- 66145139 - not-logged-in-edc1d4306ac07308ef76
- 66182274 - Preacher357
- 66257931 - elle67
- 66359741 - gailkoelker
- 66371305 - k8mielke

WINNER - 66109881 - not-logged-in-a78e4303e946797e573a
Sylvia Sleigh11.8.50
Dearest Lawrence,
Yesterday was the day of St. Lawrence the martyr, the year before last I was in Perugia Cathedral where there were great celebrations. Last year you were with me here I think.
We are all excited to hear of the forth-coming prospectus of your book - but don't call it "Hogarth's Progress" I don't like it and the woods thought it definately bad. Clifford suggested "Hogarth" - a reassessment." Marjorie said well, why not "A Re-assessment of Hogarth", of course the publishers may have their own ideas. I see what prompted
66145139 - not-logged-in-edc1d4306ac07308ef76
Dearest Lawrence,Yesterday was the day St. Lawrence the martyr the year before last I was in Perupra Cathedral where there were great celebrations. Last year you were with me here I think.
We are all excited to hear of the forthcoming prospects of your book- but don't call it "Hogarths's Progress" I don't like and the woods thought it definitely bad. Clifford suggested " Hogarth- a reassessment. Marjorie said well- why not " A Re-assessment of Hogarth", of course the publishers may have their own ideas. I see what prompted
66182274 - Preacher357
11-8-50 Dearest Lawrence,Yesterday was the day
St. Lawrence the martyr - the year
before last I was in Perugua
Cathredral where there were great
celebrations. Last year you were with
me here I think.
We are all excited to hear
of the forth-coming prospects of
your book - but don't call it
"Hogarth's Progress" I don't like
it and the woods thought it defin-
ately bad. Clifford suggested
"Hogarth" - a realsessment.
Marjorie said well - why
not "A Re-assessment of
Hogarth". Of course the publish-
ers may have thier own
ideas. I see what prompted
66257931 - elle67
Sylvia Sleigh11.8.50
Dearest Lawrence,
Yesterday was the of
St Lawrence the Martyr - the year
before last I was in Perugra
Cathedral where there were great
celebrations. Last year you were with
me here I think.
We are all excited to hear
of the forth-coming proposals of
your book - but don't call it
"Hogarth's Progress" I don't like
it, and the woods thought it definately
bad. Clifford suggested
"Hogarth" - a reassessment."
Marjorie said well - why
not "A Re-assessment of
Hogarth", of course the publishers
may have there own
ideas. I see what prompted
66359741 - gailkoelker
Sylvia Sleigh11.8.50
Dearest Lawrence , Yesterday was the day of St. Lawrence the Martyr-the year before last was in Perugia Cathedral where there were great celebrations. Last year you were with me here I think. We are all excited to hear of the forth-coming prospectus of your book-but don't call it "Hogarth's Progress". I don't like it, and the Woods thought if definitely bad. Clifford suggested "Hogarth-a Reassessment". Marjorie said well-why not "A Re-Assessment of Hogarth". Of course the publishers may have their own ideas. I see what prompted
66371305 - k8mielke
Sylvia Sleigh 11-8-50 Dearest Lawerence, Yesterday was the day of St. Lawrence the martyr - the year before last I was in Perugia Cathedral where there were great celebrations. Last year you were with me here I think. We are all excited to hear of the forth-coming proposals of your book - but don't call it "Hogarth's Progress" I don't like it and the woods though it definitely bad. Clifford suggested "Hogarth" - a reassessment." Marjorie said well - why not "A Re-assessment of Hogarth", of course the publishers may have their own ideas. I see what prompted