- Max. dissimilarity: 0.274
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.196
- Image votes: 0.67
- 66129536 - ethomson
- 66501792 - WiltedLotus
- 66526993 - tmeconverse
- 66551696 - xuelee
- WINNER - 68280855 - clewarne
- 68373571 - _secunda

66129536 - ethomson
Pett 13 . 9 . 50Dearest Lawrence,
Thanks to Hetty's Kind encourage-
ment I ahve started what I hope
will be a good picture. It is at my
bedroom window. With the orchard and
very little sky.
pear and apple trees
tiny Florentine
window sill with bushes
Clifford's Eighteenth Cent.
Campagne glass.
pale pink
roses .'L glass.
I am working on it "full out" because the
roses will probably drop tomorrow.
I am using the canvas I prepared
for my beach-scene which is just
the right size. The Woods are
away for 2 days so I have nothing
to distract me.!!
66501792 - WiltedLotus
Pett 13-9-50Dearest Lawrence
Thanks to Hetty's kind encourage-ment I have started what I hope will be a good picture. It is at my bedroom window. With the orchard and very little sky.
bear and apple trees
window sill Tiny's Florentine jug.
with berries Clifford's Eighteenth
Cent. Champagne glass
pale pink roses glass (plastic!)
I am working on it "full out" because the roses will probably drop tomorrow. I am using the canvas I prepared for my beach-scene which is just the right size. The Woods are away for 2 days so I have nothing to distract me!!!
66526993 - tmeconverse
Pett 13. 9.50Dearest Lawrence,
thanks to 'Hetty's kind encouragement I have started what I hope will be a good picture. It is at my bedroom window. with the orchard and very little sky.
pear and apple trees
Tiny's Fovenshire jug
window sill with vases
Clifford's Eighteenth Cent. Champagne glass
pale pink roses in glass . (plastic!)
I am working on it "full out" because the roses will probably drop tomorrow. I am using the canvas I prepared for my beach-scene which is just the right size. The Woods are away for 2 days so I have nothing to distract me!!!
66551696 - xuelee
Pett 13.9.50Dearest Lawrence,
Thanks to Hetty's kind encourage-ment I have started what I hope will be a good picture. It is at my bedroom window. With the orchard and very little sky.
Pear and apple trees
Tiny Loverline jug.
sill with Clifford's eighteen Cent. Campagne glass.
Pale pink roses in glass (plastic!)
I am working on it "full " because the roses will probably drop tomorrow.
I am using the canvas I prepared for my beach-scene which is just the size. The woods are a way for 2 days, so I have nothing to distract me !!!
WINNER - 68280855 - clewarne
Pett 13-9-50Dearest Lawrence,
Thanks to Hetty's kind encourage
-ment I have started what I hope
will be a good picture. It is at my
bedroom window. With the orchard and
very little sky.
I am working on it "full out" because the
roses will probably drop tomorrow.
I am using the canvas I prepared
for my beach-scene which is just
the right size. The Woods are
away for 2 days so I have nothing
to distract me.!!
pear and apple trees
Tiny travertine jug
sill with bushes
Clifford's Eighteenth Cent.
Champagne glass
pale pink
roses in glass
68373571 - _secunda
Dearest Lawrence,
Thanks to 'Hetty's' kind encouragement I have started what I hope will be a good picture. It is at my bedroom window. With the orchard and very little sky.
with berries
pale pink roses
glass (plasne!)
Clifford's Campagne
pear and apple tree
Tury Slovenshire jur.
Eighteenth Cent. glass
I am working on it "full cut" because the roses will probably drop tomorrow.
I am using the canvas I prepared for my beach-scene which is just the right size. The woods are away for 2 days so I have nothing to distract me!!!