- Max. dissimilarity: 0.209
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.117
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 66025404 - Pushdos
- 66259245 - not-logged-in-3f6caf5eb4c984442736
- 66380524 - Alexxie
- 66405942 - SREM
- 66475127 - tchurcher
- 66490456 - not-logged-in-c8ff11431f75ece5e02b

WINNER - 66025404 - Pushdos
3I have read 'Polydore' again carefully twice, and I think now I understand and appreciate the rhythm - There are lots of little points I should like to ask you - mainly out of curiosity. Do tell me the anagram of 'Welcome' though. - oh and I am not quite sure of the first line of verse 9. "One of the poets at one of the doors" seems a little clumsy? Perhaps I am wrong - I will read it again. I am perhaps hypercritical as all your other lines are so supple.
I find I have your nail file in my bag - I enclose it - please could you send mine as I expect M. will want one to take with him.
I think I shall post this now without waiting to see if you have sent me a letter this morning - so you may get it sooner and I expect I may not have time to write more today.
I love you, my darling, and thank
66259245 - not-logged-in-3f6caf5eb4c984442736
3 I have read 'Polydose' again carefully twice, and I think now I understand and appreciate the rhythm. There are lots of little points I should like to ask you - mainly one of curiosity. Do tell me the amagram of 'Welcome' though - oh and I am not quite sure of the first line of verse."One of the poets at one the the doors" seems a little clumsy? Perhaps I am wrong - I will read it again. I am perhaps hypercritical as all your other tunes are so supple.
I find I have your nail file in my bag - I enclose it - please could you send mine as I expect M. will want one to take with him.
I think I shall post this now without waiting to see if you have sent me a letter this morning - so you may get it sooner and I expect I may not have time to write more to-day.
I love you, my darling, and think
66380524 - Alexxie
3. I have read 'Polydore' again carefullytwice, and I think now I under-
stand and appreciate the rhythm -
there are lots of little points I should
like to ask for - mainly out of curiosity.
Do tell me the anagram of 'welcome'
though. - Oh and I am not quite
sure of the first line of verse 9
"One of the poets at one of the doors"
seems a little clumsy? Perhaps I
am wrong - I will read it again. I
am perhaps hypercritical as all your
other lines are so supple.
I find I have your nail file
in my bag - I enclose it - please
could you send mine as I expect
he will want one to take with
I think I shall post this now
without waiting to see if you have
sent me a letter this morning - so
you may get it sooner and I
expect I may not have time to write
more today.
I love you, my darling, and think
66405942 - SREM
3I have read 'Polydore' again carefully twice, and I think now I understand and appreciate the rhythm - there are lots of little points I should like to ask you - mainly out of curiosity. Do tell me the anagram of 'Welcome' though - oh and I am not quite sure of the first line of verse in "One of the poets at one of the doors." Sounds a little clumsy? Perhaps I am wrong - I will read it again. I am perhaps hypercritical as all of your other lines are so supple.
I find I have your nail file in my bag - I enclose it - please could you send mine as I expect M. will want one to take with him.
I think I shall post this now without waiting to see if you have sent me a letter this morning - so you may get it sooner and I expect I may not have time to write more to-day.
I love you, my darling, and thank
66475127 - tchurcher
3 I have read 'Polydose' again carefullytwice, and I think now I under
stand and appreciate the rhythm-
There are lots of little points I should
like to ask for - mainly out of curiosity.
Do tell me the anagram of 'welcome'
though. - oh and I am not quite
sure of the first line of Verse 9.
"One of the poets at one of the doors"
seems a little clumsy? Perhaps I
am wrong- I will read it again. I
am perhaps hypocritical as all your
other lines are so supple.
I find I have your nail file
in my bag- I enclose it- please
could you send mine as I expect
M. will want one to take with
I think I shall post this now
without waiting to see if you have
sent me a letter this morning-so
you may get it sooner and I
expect I may not have time to write
more to-day.
I love you, my darling, and think
66490456 - not-logged-in-c8ff11431f75ece5e02b
3 I have n "Polydoce' again carefully twice, and I think now I understand and appreciate the rhythm-there are lots of little points I should like to ask you - mainly out of curiosity. Do tell me the anagaui of 'welcome' through - and I am not quite sure of the first live of verse I "one of the poets at one of the doors" seems a little clumsily? Perhaps of a wrong - I will read it again. I am perhaps hypercritical as all your often times are so supple.I find I have your nail file my bag- I enclose it - please could you send mine as I expect Will want one to take with him
I think I shall post this now without waiting to see if you have sent me a letter this morning - so you may get it sooner and I expect I may not have time to write more to-day:
Ilove you, my darling and think