- Max. dissimilarity: 0.197
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.116
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65815885 - Zunie2010
- 65857824 - jojojlj
- 65858167 - evanstonsherry
- 65949316 - dguent
- 65995970 - altheist
- WINNER - 66218553 - gailkoelker

65815885 - Zunie2010
2 - it certainly is not apparent in his work - I don't know how I can find out Love - I don't remember any mention of it in the books about his early work that I read for my honors paper. I think it is a very fruitful suggestion.We had a telegram this afternoon today that one tenant is staying another month - which means, I suppose, until the 18th of November. I must say I am always glad when people stay on! I am not quite sure what I am going to do about S.lbA yet - M. Or I may bring the pictures by train- or may come by car. I came I should say a day and a night with you. I will let you know directly it is decided.
M cut down my stretcher and to my great relief - put the canvas upon it. I have now put in Joseph - but am having a little trouble with his head which will be somewhat mitigated now that the canvas is taught(?) I have almost finished
65857824 - jojojlj
2 _ it certainly is not apparent in this work _ I don't know how I can find out Love _ I don't remember any mention of it in the books about his early work that I read for my Lozones paper. I think it is a very fruitful suggestion.We had a telegram this afternoon to say their one tenant is staying another month _ which means, I suppose, until the 18th of November. I must say I am always glad when people stay on! I am not quite sure what I am going to do about S.EA yet _ M. or I may bring the pictures by train _ or may come by car. If I came I should say a day and a night with you. I will let you know directly it is decided.
M. cut down my sketches and to my great relief _ put the canvas upon it. I have now put in Joseph _ but am having a little trouble with his head which will be somewhat mitigated now that the canvas is taut. I have almost finished
65858167 - evanstonsherry
2 - it certainly is not apparent to thiswork - I don't know how I can find
out here - I don't remember any
mention of it in the books about
his early work that I read for my
honours paper. I think it is a very
fruitful suggestion.
We had a telegram this afternoon
to say that one tenant is staying another month - which means, I suppose,
until the 18th of November - I must
say I am always glad when people
stay on! I am not quite sure
what I am going to do about S. EA
yet - M. or I may bring the pictures
by train - or may come by car. If
I come I should stay a day and
a night with you. I will let you
know directly it is decided.
M. cut down my stretcher and
to my great relief - put the canvas
upon it. I have now put in Joseph -
but am having a little trouble with his head which will be somewhat
mitigated now that the canvas is
tought (?) I have almost finished
65949316 - dguent
2- it certainly is not apparent in this work - I don't know how I can find out here - I don't remember any mention of it in the books about his early work that I read for my honours paper. I think it is a very fruitful suggestion.We had a telegram this afternoon to say that one tenant is staying another month - which means, I suppose, until the 18th of November. I must say I am always glad when people stay on! I am not quite sure what I am going to do about S.EA yet - M. or I may bring the pictures by train - or may come by car. If I came I should say a day and a night with you. I will let you know directly it is decided.
M. cut down my stretcher and to my great relief - put the canvas upon it. I have now put in Joseph - but am having a little trouble with his head which will be somewhat mitigated now that the canvas is tought(?) I have almost finished
65995970 - altheist
2 -it certainly is not apparent in his work - I don't know how I can find out love - I don't remember any mention of it in the books about Lionel's paper. I think it is a very fruitful suggestion.
We had a telegram this afternoon to say that one tenant is staying another month - which means, I suppose, until the 18th of November. I must say I am always glad when people stay on! I am not quite sure what I am going to do about S.E.A. Yet - M. or I may bring the picture by train - or may come back car. If I came I should stay a day and a night with you. I will let you know discretely it is decided.
M. cut down my stretcher and to my great relief - put the canvas upon it. I have now put in Joseph but am having a little trouble with his head which will be somewhat migrated now than the canvas is taught? I have almost finished
WINNER - 66218553 - gailkoelker
2 it certainly is not apparent in this work. I don't know how I can find out here. I don't remember any mention of it in the books about his early work that I read for my honors paper. I think it is a very fruitful suggestion. We had a telegram this afternoon to say that one tenant is staying another month-which means, I suppose, until the 18th of November. I must say I am always glad when people stay on! I am not quite sure what I am going to do about S.E.A. yet. M. or I may bring the pictures by train-or may come by car. If I come I should stay a day and a night with you. I will let you know directly it is decided. M. cut down my stretcher and to my great relief-put the canvas upon it. I have now put in Joseph but am having a little trouble with his head which will be somewhat mitigated now that the canvas is taught (?). I have almost finished