- Max. dissimilarity: 0.253
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.135
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65781329 - WiltedLotus
- 65971422 - Scifigirl12
- WINNER - 66010457 - mar15ted
- 66041615 - dguent
- 66167079 - not-logged-in-939538ab60c3411bfee1
- 66177369 - Cusanus

65781329 - WiltedLotus
In the bus.Dearest Lawrence -
have just managed every-thing nicely with one and six to spare. The Giorgione was interesting - the landscape with Paris are possible - the Goddesses are, I imagine repainted - they are very bright and the features not very typical - but I am interested - have made colour notes and ordered a photograph. The one of the Duke of Ferrara is not at all interesting - rather like a Victorian copy! (of a copy) The two Wrights are very interesting - and I am in-clined to think genuine. - I have ordered photographs of them - to encourage us! One is very like "Doredale"- not do good but similar in colour and technique - the other
65971422 - Scifigirl12
In the busDearest Lawrence -
I have just managed everything nicely, with one and six to spare. The Georgiore was interesting - the landscape with Paris are possible - the Goddesses are, I imagine repainted - they are very bright and the features not very typical - but I am interested, have made colour notes and ordered a photograph. The one of the Duke of Ferrara is, not at all interesting - rater like a Victorian copy! (of a copy) The Two Wrights are very interesting - and I am inclined to think genuine. I have ordered photographs of them - to encourage us! One is very like "Doredale -" not so good but very similar in colours and technique - the other
WINNER - 66010457 - mar15ted
In the bus. Dearest Lawrence - I have just managed everything nicely, with one and six to spare. The Giorgione was interesting - the landscape with Paris are possible - the Goddesses are, I imagine repainted - they are very bright and the features not very typical - but I am interested - have made colour notes and ordered a photograph. The one of the Duke of Ferrara is not at all interesting - rather like a Victorian copy! (of a copy) The two Wrights are very interesting and I am inclined to think genuine - I have ordered photographs of them to encourage us! One is very like "Doredale" - not so good but very similar in colour and technique - the other66041615 - dguent
In the bus.Dearest Lawrence -
I have just managed every
-thing nicely, with one and six
to spare. The Giorgione was
interesting - the landscape with
Paris are possible - the
Goddesses are, I imagine
repainted - there are very bright
and the features not very
typical - but I am interested -
have made colour notes and
ordered a photograph. The
one of the Duke of Ferrara
is not at all interesting - rather
like a Victorian copy! (of a
copy) The Two Wrights are
very interesting - and I am in-
clined to think genuine. - I have
ordered photographs of them -
to encourage us! One is very
like "Doredale-" not so good
but very similar in colour and
technique - the other
66167079 - not-logged-in-939538ab60c3411bfee1
On the busDearest Lawrence-
I have just managed every
-thing nicely, with one and six to spare. The Giorgione was interesting - the landscape with Paris are possible - the Goddesses are, I imagine repainted - they are very bright and the features not very typical - but I am interested - have made colors notes and ordered a photograph. The one of the Duke of Fessara is not at all interesting - nothing like a Victorian copy! (of a copy) The Two Wrights are very interesting - and I am in-
clined to think genuine. - I have ordered photographs of them - to encourage us! One is very like "Dovedale" - not so good but very smiliar in colors and technique - the other
66177369 - Cusanus
In the bus.Dearest Lawrence - I have just managed every thing nicely, with one and six to spare. The Giorgiore was interesting - the landscape with Paris are possible - the Goddesses are, I imagine, repainted - they are very bright and the features not very typical - but I am interested - have made color notes and ordered a photograph. The on of the Duble of Terrasa/unclear]of is not at all interesting - rather like a Victorian copy (of a copy). The Two Wrights are very interesting - and I am inclined to think genuine. - I have to encourage us! She is very like "Donedale -" not so good but very similar in color and technique - the other