- Max. dissimilarity: 0.203
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.098
- Image votes: 0.33
- WINNER - 65798147 - dguent
- 65813042 - not-logged-in-185f56421942a37309fa
- 65871515 - tinkapuppy
- 66239564 - SailorVal
- 66315600 - not-logged-in-4d77efce5a67034a7d35
- 66414471 - Preacher357

WINNER - 65798147 - dguent
The people at Luton sound pleasant. At Clacton you describe, what is in essence a sea-side resident - (excepting Brighton - but, not altogether)
I love the picture of "Dandy on the shore - I particularly admire the spaciousness of the composition - most masterly. Dandy seems to be in a very grand car at Luton.
No doubt Charles will have told you that his article has appeared in Art News with a rather bad "spiritualized" picture of him by Celia Bedford - I haven't brought myself to read the article yet though he always writes pleasantly
65813042 - not-logged-in-185f56421942a37309fa
The people at Luton sound pleas-
ant. At Claehon you describe,
what is in essence a sea-side
resident. (exception Brighton -
but, not altogether)
O love the picture of "Dandy on
the Shore. O particularity and
nine the spaciousness of the
composition - most masterly.
Dandy seems to be in a very
grand car at Luton.
No doubt Charles will have
told you that his article has
appeared in art News with
a rather bad "spiritualized"
picture of him by Celia
Bedford. I haven't brought
myself to read the article yet
though he always writes pleasantly.
65871515 - tinkapuppy
The people at Luton sound pleas-
ant, at Claeton you describe,
what is in essence a sea-side
resident - (excepting Brighton -
but, not altogether).
I love the picture of "Dandy on
the Shore - I particularly ad-
more the spaciousness of the
composition - most masterly.
Dandy seems to be in a very
grand car at Luton.
No doubt Charles will have
told you that his article has
appeared in Art News. With
a rather bad "spiritualized"
picture of him by Celia
Bedford. I haven't brought
myself to read the article yet
though he always writes pleasantly
66239564 - SailorVal
3The people at Luton sound pleas-
ant. At Clacton you describe,
what is in essence a sea-side
resident - (excepting Brighton -
but, not altogether)
I loce the picture of "Dandy on
the Shore - I particularly ad-
mire the spaciousness of the
composition - most masterly.
Dandy seems to be in a very
grand car at Luton.
No doubt Charles will have
told you that his article has
appreared in Art News. With
a rather bad "spritualized"
picture of him by Celia
Bedford. I haven't brought
myself to read the article yet
though he always writes pleasantly
66315600 - not-logged-in-4d77efce5a67034a7d35
Sylvia SleighThe people at Luton sound pleasant at Claeton you describe, what is in essence a sea-side resident (excepting Brighton - but, not altogether).
I love the picture of "Dandy on the Shore" - I particularly admire the spaciousness of the composition - most masterly. Dandy seems to be in a very grand car at Luton.
No doubt Charles will have told you that his article has appeared in Art News with a rather bad "spiritalized" picture of him by Celia Bedford - I haven't brought myself to read the article yet though he always writes pleasantly
66414471 - Preacher357
3The people at Luton sound pleas-
ant at Claeton you describe,
what is in essence a sea-side
resident - (excepting Brighton -
but, not altogether)
I love the picture of "Dandy on
the Shore - I particularly ad-
mire the spaciousness of the
composition - most masterly.
Dandy seems to be in a very
grand car at Luton.
No doubt Charles will have
told you that his article has
appeared in Art News, with
a rather bad "spiritualized"
picture of him by Celia
Bedford - I haven't brought
myself to read the article yet
though he always writes pleasently