- Max. dissimilarity: 0.189
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.111
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65780074 - Lynst
- 65856837 - evanstonsherry
- 66057478 - jetta
- 66066052 - Vmargene
- 66119116 - lovelydestruction
- 66126041 - ethomson

WINNER - 65780074 - Lynst
Your 'Concert notes' show a preferencefor the Rational attitude of the
18th I think! how amusing!
By the way have you had time to
do any work on the new
18th painters for So Osbert? How
about the Fallacy of Height?
I am very pleased to hear that
Paul Southey liked my paintings
so much - it is very flattering.
I am working on the illustration
to 'Melpomene', which is I think
coming well - I hope to finish
it to-night. I am getting on wisely
with the painting of Michael - the
drawing is not yet as strong as
I should like but the colour and
paint quality are pleasing. I hope
I shall be able to improve the drawing
as I go along.
You seem to be working terribly
hard, my dearest - I hope you
are eating well. I shall look
forward to hearing about your
65856837 - evanstonsherry
Your 'concert notes' show a preferencefor the rational attitude of the
18th I think! how amusing!
By the way have you had time to
do any work on the new
18th painters for St Orbert? How
about the Lalacy of Height?
I am very please to hear that
Paul Southey liked my paintings
so much - it is very flattering.
I am working on the illustration
to 'Melpomene', which is I think
coming well - I hope to finish
it to-night. I am getting on wisely
with the painting of Michael - the
drawing is not yet as strong as
I should like but the colour and
paint quality are pleasing. I hope
I shall be able to improve the drawing
as I go along.
You seem to be working terribly
hard, my dearest - I hope you
are eating well. I shall look
forward to hearing about your
66057478 - jetta
Your ' Concert Notes' show a preference for the rational attitude of the 18th , I think! How amusing! By the way, have you had time to do any work on the new 18th painters for ? How about the [legacy][/galaxy] of Height?I am very pleased to hear that Paul liked my paintings so much. it is very flattering.
I am working on the illustrations to Melpomene, which is I think coming well. I hope to finish it tonight. I am getting on with the painting of Michael. The drawing is not yet as strong as I should like but the colour and paint quality are pleasing. I hope I shall be able to improve the as i go along.
You seem to be working terribly hard, my dearest. I hope you are eating well. I shall look forward to hearing about your
66066052 - Vmargene
Your ' concert notes' show a preferencefor the Rational attitude of the
18th century I think! How amusing!
By the way have you had time to
do any work on the new
18th century painters for Sr Orbert? How
about the Falacy of Height?
I am very pleased to hear that
Paul Southey liked my paintings
so much - it is very flattering.
I am working on the illustration to 'Melpomone', which is I think
coming well - I hope to finish
it tonight. I am getting on nicely
with the painting of Michael - the
drawing is not yet as strong as
I should like but the colors and
paint quality are pleasing. I hope
I shall be able to improve the drawing
as I go along.
You seem to be working terribly
hard, my dearest - I hope you
are eating well. I shall look
forward to hearing about your
66119116 - lovelydestruction
Your 'concert notes' show a preference for the Rational attitude of the 18th I think! how amusing!By the way have you had time to do any work on the new 18th painters for Sir Osbert? How about the Falacy of Height?
I am very pleased to hear that Paul Southey liked my paintings so much - it is very flattering.
I am working on the illustration to 'Melpomene', which is I think coming well - I hope to finish it to-night. I am getting on wisely with the painting of Michael - the drawing is not yet as strong as I should like but the colour and paint quality are pleasing. I hope I shall be able to improve the drawing as I go along.
You seem to be working terribly hard- my dearest - I hope you are eating well. I shall look foreward to hearing about your
66126041 - ethomson
your 'Concert notes' show a preferencefor the rational attitude of the
18thC I think! how amusing!
By the way have you had time to
do any work on the new
18thC painters for Sir Osbert? How
about the Fallacy of Height?
I am very pleased to hear that
Paul Southey like my paintings
so much - it is very flattering.
I am working on the illustration
to 'Melpomene', which is I think
coming well - I hope to finish
it to-night. I am getting on nicely
with the painting of Michael - the
drawing is not yet as strong as
I should like but the colour and
paint quality are pleasing. I hope
I shall be able to improve the drawing
as I go along.
You seem to be working terribly
hard, my dearest - I hope you
are eating well. I shall look
forward to hearing about your