- Max. dissimilarity: 0.169
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.105
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66032912 - not-logged-in-a12bdfd582a70c5ab1f0
- 66054250 - Berhel
- 66180679 - Gillian1956
- WINNER - 66205245 - not-logged-in-b277235cf684e9bd9eb0
- 66211460 - Vmargene
- 66384981 - evanstonsherry

66032912 - not-logged-in-a12bdfd582a70c5ab1f0
Making further riches - you are doing the opposite to St. John of the Cross! Excellent idea! Oh my poet, you should be acclaimed - now only I can give you laurels -Isn't it dreadfully cold - it makes me feel quite ill. I hope Mrs. Harrison is there, and the house is warm - and they aren't "sheding the load" too often. Perhaps it won't last long - let's hope not.
I have nearly finished my portrain of M. the carpet (which is over the Chesterfield) looks very well - and I think I've corrected most of the errors & drawing now - and the others I percieve.
Clifford's next lecture is on Jung to-morrow - which we are going to, of course. I wish you could come too I think that you would enjoy it. You shall certainly see my (love) notes. Give my dearest love to Dandy, Hetty Lionel and Yawolla, I hope they are all well, and that Hetty is looking after Dandy nicely!
I love you,
66054250 - Berhel
making further riches - you are doing the opposite to St John of the Cross! Excellent idea! Oh my poet, you should be acclaimed - now only I can give you laurels.Isn't it dreadfully cold - it makes me feel quite ill. I hope Mrs Harrison is there, and the house is warm - and they aren't "shedding the load" too often. Perhaps it won't last long - let's hope not.
I have nearly finished my portrait of M. the carpet (which is over the Chesterfield) looks very well - and I think I've corrected most of the errors in drawings now - and the others I perceive.
Clifford's next lecture is on
July to-morrow which we are going to of course. I wish you could come too I think that you would enjoy it. You shall certainly see my (love). Give my dearest love to Dandy, Hetty, Lionel and Yawalla, I hope they are all well, and that Hetty is looking after Dandy nicely!
I love you
66180679 - Gillian1956
making further riches - you are doing the opposite to St John of the Cross! Excellent idea! Oh my poet, you should be acclaimed - now only I can give you laurels--Isn't it dreadfully cold - it makes me feel quite ill. I hope the Harrison is there, and the house is warm - and they aren't "sheding the load" too often. Perhaps it won't last long - let's hope not.
I have nearly finished my portrait of M. the carpet (which is over the chesterfield) looks very well - and I think I've corrected most of the errors in drawing now - and the others I perceive.
Cuforel's next lecture is on Jung to-morrow - which we are going to of course. I wish you could come too & think that you would enjoy it. You shall certainly see my (love) notes. Give my dearest love to Dandy, Hetty Lionel and Yawalla, I hope they are all well, and that Hetty is looking after Dandy nicely! I love you Sylvia.
WINNER - 66205245 - not-logged-in-b277235cf684e9bd9eb0
making further riches - you are doingthe opposite to St John of the Cross!
Excellent idea! Oh my poet, you should
be acclaimed - now only I can give
you laurels-
Isn't it dreadfully cold - it makes
me feel quite ill. I hope Mr Harrison
is there, and the house is warm -
and they aren't "sheding the load"
too often. Perhaps it won't last long -
let's hope not.
I have nearly finished my portrait
of M. the carpet (which is over the
Chesterfield) looks very well - and
I think I've corrected most of the
errors ? drawing now - and the others
I perceive.
Clifford's next lecture is on Jung
to-morrow - which we are going to
of course. I wish you could come
too I think that you would enjoy it.
You shall certainly see my (love) notes:
Give my dearest love to Dandy, Hetty
Lionel and Yawalla, I hope they
are all well, and that Hetty is
looking after Dandy nicely!
I love you
66211460 - Vmargene
making further riches - you are doingthe opposite to St. John of the Cross!
Excellent idea! Oh my poet, you should
be acclaimed - now only I can give
you laurels -
Isn't it dreadfully cold - it makes
me feel quite ill. I hope Mme Harrison
is there, and the house is warm -
and they aren't "shedding the load"
too often. Perhaps it won't last long -
let's hope not.
I have nearly finished my portrait
of M. The carpet (which is over the
Chesterfield) looks very well - and
I think I've corrected much of the
errors of drawing now - and the others
I perceive.
Clifford's next lecture is on Jung
tomorrow - which we are going to
of course. I wish you could come
too I think that you would enjoy it.
You shall certainly see my (love). notes.
Give my dearest love to Dandy, Hetty,
Lionel, and Yawalla. I hope they
are all well, and that Hetty is
looking after Dandy nicely!
I love you
66384981 - evanstonsherry
making further inches - yu are doingthe opposite to St John of the Cross!
Excellent idea! Oh my poet, you should
be acclaimed - now only I can give
you laurels -
Isn't it dreadfully cold - it makes me feel quite ill. I hope mme Harrison
is there, and he house is warm - and they are's "sheding the coal"
too often. Perhaps it won't last long - let's hope not.
I have nearly finished my portrait
of M. the carpet (which I over the
Chesterfield) looks very well - and
I think I've corrected most of the
errors in drawing now - and the others
I perceive.
Clifford's next lecture is on Jung
to-morrow - which we are going to
of course. I wish you could come
too I think that you would enjoy it.
You shall certain see my (love) notes.
Give my dearest love to Dandy, Hetty
Lionel and Yawolla. I hope they
are all wll, and that Hetty is
looking after Dandy nicely!
I love you